
My True Name

Saint_Goodness · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Intimidation is not your Comrade

An order from an Academy General was absolute and a strict punishment awaited those who disobeyed them.

If you broke the rules enough times, then you would be put in the academy underground chamber. The Master Academy don't practice suspension or expulsion. Those who went in the underground chamber almost never came back out, and the ones who did come back, came as different people and the masters that got into General Del radar suffer an even terrible fate as they get sent into one of the dungeons of the Null_realm... A dungeon is a portal in a Null_realm leading to a zone.. The zone contain creatures like gargoyles, mutant plants and animals they guard the resources of the zone. The gargoyles, mutant plant and animals possess no soul shard though they are as formidable as dark seals but unlike dark seals killing them give no points, most of the resources found in the zone are only useful to alchemist so most saints and higher rank prefer to hunt creatures that will give them soul shard and points to help them level up....Masters interested in the dungeons join the Guild after leaving the Masters academy to explore the dungeon.

Jack stared at the towering 75ft building, The bulding rose majestically into the sky, its sleek and slender form reaching towards the heavens. Its entire facade was crafted from refined glass, meticulously designed to reflect and refract light in a way that created an otherworldly glow. The glass panels were flawlessly transparent, allowing a glimpse into the inner workings of the building and giving it an aura of transparency and purity.

As sunlight bathed the tower, it transformed into a shimmering spectacle, casting prismatic hues across the surrounding landscape. The building was sculpted as an angel holding a broken sword with both hands, embedded within the glass facade were delicate traces of silver, intricately woven into intricate patterns that resembled celestial wings. These silver accents added a touch of elegance and grace to the building's already enchanting appearance.

" An angel with a broken sword huh!... Well that explains a lot about General Del.

Jack had finally arrived at the third angel building which was stationed on the east side of the Academy. There were Sergeants equipped with full body armour standing just outside, and they didn't have a good reason cause that's the academy guards work.

Still, Jack managed to walk straight past the four Sergeants, as they had been expecting him and were told to let him in.

Jack entered the building and walked into General Del's office.

The office is made of refined glass with minimal physical barriers such as walls or cubicles. Instead, the space is divided into different zones or areas using transparent glass partitions or movable screens. High grade technology is seamlessly integrated throughout the office, allowing for automation and control of various systems.

"Please, come and sit down, Jack," Del said as he closed the door behind him before sitting back in his seat.

Jack stared at the name on the digital plate hovering on his desk and on the plate were four words. " General Del Rio Grande".

It seems the two of us haven't been able to talk since well you been busy with your girlfriend." Duke smiled then went under his desk and pulled out several cards and placed them on the table. There were four skill cards ranging from copper, up to silver.

Well these skill cards, upon tearing a skill card it gives you a compatible skill with your talent and talent rank level, copper, bronze, silver, Gold, blue and white, copper skill cards the lowest grade while white skill cards the highest grade, They are such rare sight, the church use to make them years ago, any master will be on his knees by now begging for one.

' You know what they are right?. I can give them to you for just some information.'

Jack stared at General Del. He is obviously forcing him to take the skill cards and give him some information.

Jack stared at General Del fake smile, he really wanted to know what information General Del could want that will make him act this way.

" What information do you want"

" Oh. nothing much Jack, I just want to know how your girlfriend got up to level 2... I'm certain you won't hide such information from an Academy General."

' Well you can just ask her I doubt you scared of a B_level talent level 2 Master '.

Jack sudden burst of confidence came as a suprise even academy masters with higher rank than him don't have such rogue balls.

Del made his chair move closer to Jack, his voice dripping with venom. "You think you can stand up to me, boy? You have no idea who you're dealing with."

Jack squared his shoulders, refusing to back down. "I may be young, but I won't let anyone intimidate me. Not even you."

A sinister smile crept across Del's face as he leaned in closer. "You're playing with fire, kid. I've seen things you couldn't even imagine and I can do much worse to you. You don't want to cross me."

Jack's eyes narrowed as he matched Del's intensity. "I'm not afraid of you or your empty threats. I've faced challenges far greater than anything you can throw at me."

Jack remained calm, his voice steady and resolute. "You may have power over others, but not over me. I won't let you control or use me."

Del's face turned red with rage as he clenched his fists tightly. "You're making a grave mistake, boy. Are you sure you you want to go down that lane because of some girl.

We have a visitor next week I'm going to make sure she takes you and your girlfriend with her that should be a much better Purnishment than sending you to a dungeon.You are dismissed."

" What's the name of this visitor? "

Del eyebrows twitched. he wanted to hit Jack so bad due to how rude he had become but he applied a little self control.

" Mazuki, I doubt you've heard of such a Lady"

Jack then bowed down to the general before leaving the room.

Unable to contain his frustration any longer, Del stood up abruptly, knocking over his chair in the process, a surge of energy courses through Del's veins, his hands start to tingle, intense heat emanating from his palms. His skin slowly transforming into a dark, obsidian-like substance.

In one swift motion, Del thrusts his stone-clad fists forward into a refined glass barrier with incredible force. The impact reverberates throughout the chamber as cracks spiderweb across the surface of the office. Dust and debris fill the air as fragments of glass scatter in all directions.


As the lady with short black hair that framed her delicate face, accentuating her high cheekbones and perfectly symmetrical features. It fell just above her shoulders in a sleek and stylish bob, giving her an air of sophistication. She was a striking figure, with her short black hair and big blue eyes that seemed to captivate everyone who crossed her path. Her appearance was both alluring and mysterious.

With a gentle turn of the doorknob, the door swung open, revealing a dimly lit hallway. The soft glow of the hallway lights cast a warm and inviting ambiance, contrasting with the darkness outside. As she stepped inside, she could smell a human in the distance, the scent growing denser with each passing step.

Curiosity piqued, she followed the scent of the human, her footsteps echoing through the corridor. As she approached the source of the scent , her heart skipped a beat.

There he stood, her darling, bathed in the vibrant lights of the Intersected moons. His eyes met hers, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The room was filled with an electric energy as their gazes locked. She tried to say something, but her voice caught in her throat.

Without uttering a word, he closed the distance between them in swift strides. His presence enveloped her like a warm embrace as he reached out to cup her face gently. In that moment, all doubts and worries melted away.

And then it happened - he kissed her. It was a kiss filled with longing and desire, a kiss that spoke volumes without uttering a single word. Their lips met in perfect harmony, igniting a fire within her that had been smoldering for far too long.

As they kissed, time seemed to lose all meaning. The world around them faded into insignificance as they surrendered themselves to this moment of pure bliss. It was as if they were the only two people in existence.

As they finally pulled away, their eyes met once again, he averted his gaze and stared at the little pond and the little stream of water trickling down her dress.

" You already wet Celine but I can't indulge you anymore, I need an armor and a mask... I'm going to teach a bitch puppeteering an Academy General some manners".