
Chapter 274 Miss Qianjin_1

Qin Hai was trying to be kind, only to hear the girl snort contemptuously, "Don't try to get cozy with me. I've seen too many like you, always looking for the next best thing, a fickle-hearted radish. You might as well just say you want to pick me up with that biker gang scare tactic!"

Qin Hai was speechless, thinking, Brother, I wouldn't pick someone like you with no chest or butt; I couldn't even get it up in bed.

"Then you can just stay here by yourself!"

Qin Hai turned and got into his Land Rover, not bothering with the prickly little girl anymore.

Just as he started the car, the girl suddenly ran over and blocked the front of the vehicle, forcing Qin Hai to stick his head out and ask, "What do you want now?"

"Lend me your phone, mine's out of battery."

She said it was a borrow, but her tone, her demeanor, and her gestures were more like a command.