
Poem to God

My heart is full of iniquities

Though I wish it weren't so.

I long for God daily,

And seek his presence every chance I get.

I desire to be with Jesus,

To serve him for all of my days.

I wish to be pleasing in his sight.

But know that is not the case.

My mind is a battle field.

A war of desires

I can not serve two masters

For i will hate one and love the other

I wish to love God and Jesus and to hate my sins

As well as the desires of this world

But my flesh does not agree with me, it hates being put under control.

I will fight my flesh to the very last day. For I will be a Servant of the Lord.

Oh how I long to be free of the temptations of the flesh and the world so I may worship the Lord my God.

Without my mind thinking Hateful things to my God or others that he has created.

I do not know the reason why these thoughts appear or how to get them to stop.

Every time they appear I loathe myself and question my salvation.

I wish these horrendous thoughts would depart from me and never return. So that my mind may always be focused on my creator.

My redeemer.

So that I may Glorify him in everything I do, say and think.

Oh God please help me, I can not overcome my sins and these horrible thoughts without you.

Please show this wretched sinner mercy and grace.

Please do not turn away from me, please lead me into true repentance and everlasting life.

So that I may be with you forever and ever.

I long for the day that I get to hear " You have done well, my good and faithful servant."

In Jesus's name I Pray.


I highly doubt anyone on this app will read this but in the very tiny chance it does, I hope it in someway helps bring you closer to God.

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