
My Time Powers

Shadow_Syther404 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Memories..(8)

Jake woke up with a jolt because he was still thinking about the events from last night. When he went down stairs Oliver was already up, had eaten breakfast and walked out the door.

He saw him out the window gripping his head and walking to Mai's house. Jake saw this and got washed, dressed and breakfast before he ran after him.

After he saw Mai's house he was shocked to find Mai's door was smashed open and he ran inside up to Mai's room. He was about to open the door but saw liquid trailing from under the door passed him down the stairs. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" Jake said as the door burst open.

The blood was coming from Oliver's head. Mai had a worried face.

Oliver had his eyes closed and was on the ground lying there and Mai cradling him in her arms. Jake looked into the wound.

There was one of his dad's gold hunting bullets in his head but this one bullet is used for mind wipe.

Mai said something in Oliver's ear and Oliver woke up. A white light lit up the room. Jake fell through a wall. Jake opened his eyes and saw himself standing there and Oliver's hair turning glowing and turning golden. "I am not a Brando." Oliver declared." I am a.."