
My Time Powers

Shadow_Syther404 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Emerging Into The Spotlight(4)

Oliver Brando

Age: 13

Power: 4th Door

Info: Oliver Brando is the adopted son of Jonathan Brando and is the brother of Jake Brando. He came from the mountains and was found weak and sleeping on the tallest part of the mountain he remembers nothing of anything else before he met Jonathan. He hasn't seem to show any emotions except condition or curiosity. (Type of kid witch is different from the others who doesn't get any jokes and follows orders with no questions.

/quite literally no questions\)

At drama class the class Jake meets up with his little brother Oliver and walked over to the side of the room. He spotted Olivia meeting her girl buddy's looking joyful and blushing Olivia quietly told the girls something and they started laughing and kept looking over at Jake.

"I think the females or one like you, big bro" Oliver said wile sipping a tea he made out of air. (Let me explain. 4th wall allows the user to read minds and powers, reserect the dead, create anything not alive they want with the same taste and property's but black and any weapons made turns the opponent hit with the weapon unable to use any powers and negate effects aimed at them for only them and able to turn any object into anything not alive but with the same atoms/thing as what it was, but it takes a lot of will or friend ship to make the user show emotion.) "I know Oliver just act normally ok?" Jake said. "Shall I hide your new power?" asked Oliver. "God that skill is annoying, yes hide it". "Ok bro." he said sighing and making the tea vanish.

"EVERYONE GATHER ROUND!!!" shouted miss lavender (The school's drama teacher with the power of shape shift) While everyone gathers round Miss asked Oliver to make a red circular rug and a bean bad for each student and herself but Oliver had put his finger to her lips before miss lavender said anything and had already created the rug under his feet, spreading like a flame and stopping 500cm around him and bean bags rose around him like flowers blooming and also a bigger beanbag under neath him.

As the students rush to pick bean bag spaces Oliver, Because no one wants to annoy him, and Jake choose two been bags close to eachother Infront of miss lavender. Miss lavender wanted to do a Shakespeare role play and asked Jake to be the Romeo in Romeo and Juliet. Jake and miss started to argue and Jake, what looked like to everyone -Oliver because time stop didn't effect him, disappeared but the door to the drama class door closed even though it was already closed. Everyone (Again, -Oliver) was in shock.