
To Behai We Go!

Kong Rong, one of the Han Dynasty's most well learned scholars at the end of the Han Empire, one of the many Ministers of the previous emperor before being gifted the Behai providence for his service to the emperor prior to his death and in the three years also taken over the Jihan(Or Lean as it's called in TTW3K) providence as well north of Behai along with Donglai providence to the east of Behai and all three together make up the region that is better known as Qing Region of China proper.

He was a master in trade as well known for making loads of money in gems and gold via trade routes to which he had what I would call a trade monopoly on all the northern trade routes making several thousands in gold coins through his trade on a monthly basis.

And the third thing, while he is generally nice to people in general, he tendency to be a Smart Ass with people who tend to view themselves better than him or are generally assholes themselves, it's also the reason he died by basically pissing CaoCao off so much that he ordered his death on the grounds of 'plotting a rebellion(he wasn't)' 'slandering imperial court(he did)' and 'disrespecting court protocol(he also did)' which lead to his execution along with the execution of his entire family as well.

'Man I'm not going to enjoy working for CaoCao' as while he was one of the main hero's of the Three Kingdoms, out of CaoCao, Liu Bei, Sun Jian/Sun Ce/Sun Quan, he was my least favorite of them all, even if his son would become the one to unify China after his death.

But anyway after a few days of travel we finally reached Behai, by now Kong Rong had finally turned the small village that was Behai into a actual proper city with real stone walls over 10 meters(roughly 30ft) tall and two meter thick walls these were the defenses around most of Chinas city's baring the major larger cities that are capitals of the major factions then the walls are even taller and thicker with a second layer formed around the city as it would have an inner and outer city where the leaders would reside in the inner section when not off to war with the troops.

But that's for when I got to a major city, Behai was only a minor city, but with walls and gates to defend it attackers would have a hard time getting through.

The gates were open letting people go to and fro, since Kong Rong was a benevolent lord only those of high positions or are other merchants needed to pay a fee to enter the city, though even those fee's were rather small being around 10 silver.

Kind of like rpg games the coinage system of China is similar with bronze, silver and gold coins, but for any major land developments always cost a major amount of money to change, but Kong Rong would be considered a multimillionaire by modern day's standards standing as the business tycoon of Han Dynasty China in the north with Shi Xie, a southern noble from the far southern part of China, being his real and only rival when it comes to the business of trade.

"Alright come on through." Me and Cai Yan were next up and while we didn't have to pay, they still searched travelers that come through the gates in case of possible infiltrators and spy's from enemy factions.

"Hmm? A warrior? And a woman? Wait, your Young Lady Cai Yan!" The guard said surprised at the sight of Cai Yan, not too surprised he didn't know who I am, I haven't made that much of a name outside of Bandit circles since I've only killed Bandits along with people north of the Yangtze knowing my face, Behai being a bit south and not knowing me is a matter of course.

"Are you the man who saved her? Lord Kong Rong had just received the notice of her capture just yesterday from your father, unfortunately the Courier has already returned to Langye, you both should head to the Lords residence, if you would like we can prepare a cart to get you there quickly, unfortunately we don't have any noble carriages nearby to use." The leading gate guard, or I assumed as the leader, said to us and was willing to get a cart to bring us to Kong Rong.

I look at Cai Yan who nodded, "Well if your offering, we will take you up on the offer then." I said looking back before he told us to follow him and not long after we were on a cart heading for Kong Rong's residence.



A short while later and we were finally brought to the central part of the city where the central palace, more like a large mansion, was located as we both stepped off while the guard explained the situation to which one rushed in to go tell Kong Rong personally.

"Well, looks like you will be able to be back with your father soon enough." I said while we waited for Kong Rong.

"…. Yeah…." She said sounding a bit sad, to which I noticed and raised an eyebrow

"Hmm? Don't you want to be back with your father?" I ask as I turn towards her to which she raised her hands and rapidly shook them back and forth.

"No it's not that! It's just…. We won't be around each other anymore after this…." She said a bit sadly as she fidgeted around a bit as I raised my eyebrows before putting on a smug look.

"What's this? Could it be? That young miss Cai Yan has grown attached to little ol'me?" I say while hiding my smug smile behind my hand.

Hearing that and seeing how I was acting she puffed up her cheeks seeming mad before she crossed her arms while looking away, "Hmph!"

I just laughed a bit at seeing her like that while I scratched the back of my head, "Well, I will miss spending time with you too." I said to her while not noticing the blush on her face increasing even more.

"Cai Yan! Oh thank goodness that you are safe!" A middle aged man, somewhere in his mid to late thirties, said as he came out of the Manor at the sight of Cai Yan.

"Uncle Kong Rong!" She said excitedly when seeing the man as she waved towards him as he came over to us with a smile on his face as they both hugged each other before pulling away.

"Oh Yan'er I'm just glad you are okay, your father was so worried about you that he sent out letters all around the region to save you from danger." He said as he pulled back while he patted her shoulder with a smile on his face, happy that the girl he considered his niece, even though not blood related, was safe and sound.

He then turned to look at me with a smile on his face, "I can't thank you enough for what you did to save her, who knows what those monstrous bandits would have done to her if nobody could come up with the money to buy her freedom, could you believe that they demanded 4000 gold coins for her freedom? That's enough money to develop several of my cities various infrastructure, or even keep a well developed army paid for half a year with that amount, oh and where are my manners! I am Kong Rong, the Han Empires Chancellor of Behai along with being the Ruler of the Qing Region, now my young friend may I know your name?" He said as he bowed his head to me before lifting his head and introducing himself to me.

(Kong Rong)

"I am Gongsun Xuanyuan sir, my older cousin has talked highly of you to me before, its pleasure to meet you in person." I said clasping my fist in my hand as I bowed my head towards him to show my respect.

"Ahh, the young prodigy of the Gongsun family, it's good that I got to meet you in person, now please come in! Come in!" He motioned us to follow inside.

'Well at least Kong Rong is rather accommodating to guests.' I thought to myself as we both entered the Kong residence.