
The Xianbei Confederation(5)

"Out of my way you savages!" Lu Bu cried out as his Sky Piercer began to cut through the terrified enemy army as he began the frontal charge with me, Zhang Liao and the rest just on our heels.

"Spear Calvary! Follow me and Lu Bu! Chen Gong! You and the archer Calvary cut off their retreat!" I shout out orders as Lu Bu was too into the moment to care about what can be done, but the forces here were double our own.

However their morale had been shaken at the sight of our armor and horses, not to mention the legendary Lu Bu was here on his Red Hare and the sight of my horse and how easily we were cutting through their men was beginning to terrify them severely.

The village wasn't that large, well the main village that is, taking up a space of only half of a square kilometer of land itself with the surrounding 2km all around the village were rice fields which made the area where horses could move difficult but not impossible with several branching roads that give ease of access for horses to go through that we used to our advantage.

Fear and the lack of any real leadership for their army led to chaos as many began to try a bad flee but the village was quickly surrounded giving no one the ability to escape.

Arrows rained down and men were cut down, the battle didn't take more than half an hour before the village was ours with only 3,000 of the original 10,000 Xianbei still alive before they ultimately surrendered.

"Hmph! Pathetic! I was hoping for an actual challenge in these battles, but all I see are scared savages who cower in fear of me and my might!" Lu Bu said clearly irritated that he wasn't able to enjoy these battles without any real challenge.

"What do you expect? Them to send their most amazing warriors to the small villages in all the provinces? If they have sent any we won't see hide nor hair of them until we reach Heyin on the boarder of the Xianbei lands." I rebuke him which pisses him off to hear that but he knows the words I said made sense.

"Master Lu Bu, you were the one who desired to end this war sooner rather than later and this army of elites we have managed to make is best suited to end this quickly, not only that but this battle we suffered no casualties and only minor injuries were sustained, after everyone has resupplied with the necessary rations along with patching themselves up we can make our next march towards the craftsmen village." Chen Gong said after letting a messenger bird return to the main camp to tell of the successful capture of the rice fields and to have some men come and take the prisoners and secure this area as the new main base of operations for this war.

"The faster this war ends then that means you have a better chance at finding more worthy opponents to fight, and if you are so bored then I don't mind sparring against 'The Warrior Without Equal' to help keep you entertained." I decided to say with me having my bident behind my back and across my shoulders.

"Hmph, I might have to take you up on that offer if all of this bores me any further, do these savages have anyone that will be a worthy challenge for me?" He decided to ask to which most of us didn't really know, though I did remember one name in particular thanks to the dealings my father and my older cousin Gongsun Zan had to deal with when fighting off the Wuhan Tribes.

"The Head Chief and might as well be considered the High King of the Cianbei Confederation, Baghatur Khan, he is the only person I have heard of that would be a difficult man to fight, he is their warrior king and the one who united the five largest Xianbei Tribes under his banner, if there anyone who we will have to deal with it would be him, he is said to be a mountain of a man who wields a giant great axe that can cleave through fully armored horses in one strike, but then again those are rumors and rumors tend to exaggerate one's strength." I said from what I knew with the knowledge of my childhood memories in this life of mine.

"Heh, a man with a great axe that has the strength and power behind his strikes to cleave through a fully armored Caraphact Horse? Even if these are exaggerations of his strength he clearly has the strength to back up those claims if he is the one to unite the tribes." Lu Bu grinned as he felt eager to face Baghatur Khan for himself.

"If he is in China then in all likelihood he will be guarding Heyin as it's their only real path into China without taking the long way and heading down the Silk Road to invade China through there." Zhang Liao went onto say but I shook my head.

"They couldn't do that unless they desired to go to war with the Xiongnu Confederation, though they might be close tribes, they have different cultures and beliefs, besides that they have constantly been attacking each other and have clear hatred between their tribes, thus they can only go through Heyin to enter China." I explained in more detail.

"Sirs! All the men have resupplyed and are ready to march on!" One of the Mercenaries, A Captain of course, said to us.

"Splendid! If the men are resupplied we can begin to travel to Canluan(Toolmaker Village), with one village down we will begin our next by tomorrow morning." Chen Gong said as the rest of us returned to our horses with some of the men placing our supplies for the remainder of the day on our horses

Within minutes everyone was back on horse back and with Lu Bu taking the lead, we began to follow the dirt road towards our next destination Canluan.

Though off in the distance a lone hawk was watching us before taking flight and heading northwards.



Standing on the wooden ramparts surrounding the village of Heyin stood a man of massive stature as he stared southward, this was none other than Baghatur Khan, father of Chaka Khan, and most importantly the leader of the Xianbei Confederation.


He squinted his eyes as he saw a hawk flying in the distance before he held out his arm and the hawk flew towards his arm before perching itself there as he reached into his pouch and gave it some dried meat.

"…. I see, so he is coming here…." He said as if he could hear the voice of the Hawk speaking to him before his lips began to form a wide snarling smile as he grabbed the massive Bear Skull GreatAxe with one hand and leaned it over his shoulder.


"This war has gotten so much more interesting, come then greatest warrior…." He said while looking into the distance.


Baghatur Khan

Title: Barbarian King (30pts Reslove, 30pts Instinct, 50pts Authority)

Class: Vanguard

Expertise: 70pts

Resolve: 130pts

Cunning: 30pts

Instinct: 150pts

Authority: 140pts


"Give me and entertaining fight!"