
My time In Multiverse

A guy gets a second chance on life living in multiverse. I don't own any copy rights on any character I use other than the ones I make. Please take time to comment on my novel and write a review.

Sanchit_8078 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

The Dimension - ZECNAR

After I exiting the portal, I saw endless darkness in particular void with nothing in it. I could feel the boundaries of this dimension and could also start creating whenever i want.

First thing was to make a source of light i.e sun, it approximately one-third the size of the size of sun I knew but with much pure form of energy as its source which was Yang energy. After this a home to live on.

I did so and made a planet similar to earth in size and shape but without any kind of pollution or living beings. I made trees, rivers, mountains, valleys etc. Seeing everything being created from nothing was really a unusual but a great experience.

Just by staying here you will feel relaxed in mind and body.

I sat on a side of river checking out my status


Name - Sanchit Aggarwal

Age - 21

Title - God of -----

Bloodline - Devouring

Laws - none

Skills - none

Battle power - not calculable in dimension

There wasn't much for now,

Sanchit - system can you talk

System - Yes, host. Any commands

Sanchit - are you a simple A.I or a one with feelings

System - A simple one host. You don't have to worry about me doing anything without your orders. I will be giving you the best advice i can give according to the situation. Only in case of emergency can i do something without your consent.

Sanchit - Well that's a relief to know. So what do you think I should do now.

System - Host i will tell first about your bloodline which is Devour. Just as its name suggests you can devour any kind of bloodline no matter how strong it is and only get its strong points. As for what you should do now is to create a cultivation technique most suitable for you in the LOHP.

Sanchit - cool lets start with that and just call me master from now on.

System - yes master.

I sat cross legged near the river bank, entering a meditative state. It was pretty easy to calm myself and enter the LOHP, the gate was golden in color with a very beautiful design on it, it gave a majestic feeling.I entered the gate, the library was filled with millions of books.

Sanchit - how many books are in here ?

System - 17,444,999 books out of which

9,663,352 are on physical body cultivation and 7,781,647 are on spiritual cultivation.

Sanchit - compile the physical body cultivation techniques and make a one best suited for me and same for spiritual cultivation.

System - Yes, master. It will take nearly a minute.

Sanchit - quite fast huh.

System - Master this library is the strongest library you could ever find because it was made by the strongest God present in the multiverse. The compiling of books is done.

All the books in library shone with golden light, after the light was gone all books disappeared and only two books were floating in front of me. I named them "Heavenly Physical Body cultivation technique" and "Heavenly Spiritual cultivation technique".

I absorbed this two techniques and started training in them.

According to the books body and soul can be divided into following realms:

The planet I am talking about have same size and density of SUN.

1) Bronze

a peak bronze realm expert could destroy a planet with all his strength in one punch if he has full control over it.

2) Iron

a peak bronze realm expert could destroy a group of planets with all his strength if he has full control over it.

3) Silver

a peak silver realm expert could destroy a galaxy with all his strength if he has full control over it.

4) Gold

a peak gold realm expert could destroy a group of galaxy with all his strength if he has full control over it.

5) Platinum

a peak platinum realm expert could destroy a universe with all his strength if he has full control over it.

6) Adamantine

a peak Adamantine realm expert could destroy a group of universes with all his strength if he has full control over it.

7) The realm above this are just some entities who have more energy than others i.e the more you train in this exercise the stronger you become.

As for soul they are also similar







7)The realm above this are just some entities who have more energy than others i.e the more you train in this exercise the stronger you become.

These were the realm description according to the books. I started training in it, with the unlimited supply of energy present in my dimension I became stronger and stronger.

Time skip 400 years.

I reached peak of Bronze realm in both body and mind. After thinking, I assumed this much strength is enough for now.

I felt that I had full control over my powers. I was sure no one would be killed by me because of loss of control in power. I only needed to work on applications of thus newfound powers.

I bought all the hand to hand combat techniques in shop and through system compiled them into one resulting in "Strongest hand to hand combat technique" and I also bought the Shadow clone jutsu and Transformation technique.

My Shadow clone jutsu was also a bit special as i don't get any headaches when the memory from the clone enters my body and also instead of chakra it used the energy present inside my body which of purest kind because of which my shadow clones had 100% of my power and i could also adjust it as i wish as i had a whole dimension as a backup source .

Another time skip of 200 years

In this time I had completely mastered "Strongest hand to hand combat technique" and the transformation technique was also completely mastered. I could take anyone or anythings form and beings who were lower in strength couldn't find it out but a if being needed to 100 times stronger than my current realm to see through my transformation.

Also mastered many applications of my spiritual powers such as i can easily make a whole planet float with my spiritual powers and even read someone memories without them knowing even if they have a mental barrier comparable to Charles Xavier tested on dummies bought from the system and out of this dimension my spiritual powers could cover at least 10 earth's i.e for which Charles needed Cerebro for one earth, I could do it without it. It is very easy to make someone fully loyal tome or erase someones memories and many other applications of spiritual powers.

Now that I have basic control over my powers. I believe its time to start my new adventure in the multiverse.

I Sanchit Aggarwal name this dimension as ZECNAR. I could literally feel the dimension rejoicing in getting named


Name - Sanchit Aggarwal

Age - 621

Title - God of ZECNAR

Bloodline - Devour

Laws - none

Skills -

1) Strongest hand to hand combat technique


2) Transformation technique


3) Shadow clone jutsu


Realm -

1) Heavenly Physical Body cultivation technique -


2) Heavenly Spiritual cultivation technique -


Battle power - 500,000,000

After checking my current status, I opened a portal to Harry Potter universe.