
My Time Control System

Thaleus Cramo is an orphan with no abilities living in a world where the weak are discriminated against and the strong fight to get stronger. the human race almost brought to extinction by an alien race known as the Ragnor. The only thing ending a 100 year turmoil was ability users forcing the Ragnor to retreat and grow stronger. will Thaleus survive or will he be lost to the war to come.

Sully_Munster · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Tournament Continues Pt. 2

"I believe it is time for our kind to make an appearance into the world again." The old man pondered. "Alas it has been too long, we have let things get out of hand. The world has forgotten who gave them the power to survive. It seems 300 years has taken its toll." In a flash the old man disappeared from Melanol.

Thaleus continued to watch the different fights taking notes and making small talk with Kip. He was waiting for the last match up to break away and check his full status and allocate his skill points. He hoped it would be lowkey enough for people not to notice too much of a change. His next fight would be in a few hours after the last fight. An intermission would take place allowing the viewers to take a break and get food along with the contestants.

"By the looks of things there's four people I need to look out for and that's only if they win their fights tomorrow." Thaleus thought out loud.

"Who might those four be?" Kip asked.

"Well the first is the man who beat you. I mean the dude used extreme weathers to hit you with. An earthquake and practically a small hurricane. The other three are Melting Point, The Limiter, and Dark Sceptor. The one who seems the most dangerous is the last one."

"I agree with you his power is unique and hard to deal with and we don't even know if he used his strongest moves in that fight. Not that it lasted very long anyways. The dude was a damn demon."

"Alright Kip well I'll catch back up with you when the tournament continues. I have some business to take care of real fast." Without further notice Thaleus had disappeared.

"Did he follow me Dom?" Thaleus asked

"Umm... Do you remember that I can only speak to you I have no eyes, or ears, or mouth for that matter. I am just an extra voice that is here to guide you."

"Shit I forgot" Thaleus turned around to check if the coast was clear. Seeing that he was alone he took a look at his surroundings. It seemed that he was in the Military bases park. Most of it held sparring rings with some rows for practice dummies along with a track allowing people to test their limits or to practice.

"Damn" Thaleus whistled.

"I didn't know their park was so.... unique. Anyways let's check out my status now that I'm alone." Thaleus sat down on one of the benches students used to rest after training. "Bring it up Dom."

*Thaleus Cramo

Level 10 exp: 500/1000

Title: Novice Epoch

Health 500/500

Ability: Time Control


Strength: 120





Time Skills:

Time Lapse: slows time by 30% for 4 seconds

radius: 7.5m

cost:12 mana

(can be used consecutively)

Level 2: 31/100

Time Warp: user can warp time around him moving instantaneously in any direction chosen.

distance 3.5m

cost: 5 stamina

(can be used consecutively)

Level 1: 42/50

Ripple Touch: speed ups or slows down touched object or body part by 50% for 5 seconds 5% chance to completely stop object or body part.

cost: 20 mana

Level 1: 0/100

Combat skills:

Warp slash: 1.5x damage (daggers)


cost:7 stamina each consecutive hit costs 3 stamina

cost: 3 mana each consecutive hit cost 1 mana

added effect: +5 consecutive hits 10% bonus damage for 5 seconds

Level 1: 42/100

blink punch: Instaneous movement of fist to designated target 2.5x damage

cost:10 stamina

cost:5 mana

Level 1: 46/100

Unique skills

Fractured Twist Kick:

Lvl 1

Creates a small fracture in time causing a follow up kick immediately after the first. Damage 3.0 x2

Cost: Stamina 15

Active trait: secondary hit ignores all defenses.

Passive skills:

Time Heal: while sleeping or unconcious healing is sped up massively.

Inspect: can inspect items up to intermediate tier and characters up to tier 4

Lvl 1


Time Pocket: storage of any item in your possession. No limit on amount.

points available:100

Instant skill level up available*

"Hooolyyyy.... WHAT?! Is that why I felt so much stronger after the pain subsided?"

"That's correct every 10 levels your body experiences a break through and with this break through you will become significantly stronger. Not to mention you'll be closer to unlocking the full potential of your true power. Also you now have access to the store and your Time Pocket." Dom added.

"Dom how am I going to explain this growth though. At this rate I'll be as strong as a teacher by the end of the year!" Thaleus was in shock.

"Actually your teacher hit a higher mark than you strongest classmate by opening a door. In reality his strength speed and stamina are probably in the thousands so you have nothing to worry about. However your growth is much faster than everyone in your class."

"I guess I'll have to worry about that when we get to the improvement test. Anyways I'll check out the store when this tournament is over." Thaleus remarked. "For now I'll put 60 points in endurance and 10 in the rest."

This total would help Thaleus a lot more in the competition so that he could take more hits instead of being one shot by the powerhouses.

Thaleus Cramo

Level 10 exp: 500/1000

Title: Novice Epoch

Health 500/500

Ability: Time Control


Strength: 130





These were Thaleus's new stats and he felt he was much stronger and faster than just the doubling of his stats. It felt more like he had tripled or quadrupled his strength. He didn't know that there was a huge difference in strength boost with every 50 stat points hit in each area.

Thaleus smiled. "I think I'm ready to win this tournament."

Thanks again guys for sticking with. I still need ideas for a cover photo and I don't know how to draw so still working on it.

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