
Chapter 10: The uninvited guest


Ryoko opened loudly Axel's dooroom and entered in with a blank face.

" What do you think you were doing??! You never learn from your mistakes should I be present everywere so you won't cause any trouble? You are really unbelievable" said Ryoko with a angry tone of voice.

Axel's big green eyes suddey became wide and were looking at her shocked.

" Wow you're really worried please calm down I'm okay" said Axel with a calm tone of voice.

Ryoko gave him a suspicious look and raised her eyebrow.

" It's impossible for him to be okay after a fight something is off... " though Ryoko.

Suddenly she noticed Axel was having a blanket in his legs and funny part is that he couldn't stand blankets.

" So your okay? Why don't you let me give you a little check" asked Ryoko Axel.

" No it's no need nurse and doctor came to visit me, I'm fine" said Axel and laughed nervously.

" Okay if your okay why are you keeping a blanket you hate them!" said Ryoko.

Axel made a nervous face and bited his lips. He didn't know what to say know, Ryoko already understand his lie.

" Well it's cold this is why I'm keeping it" said Axel trying to cover up everything.

" Are you sure" said Ryoko.

She came closer to Axel's bed and took his blanket off

" Ryoko no!" said Axel but it was to late.

Ryoko had already took of the blanket and what she saw was shocking.

Axel's left leg was all damaged and almost all his skin was strraped in that area.

He had been in different kind of fight before but he never had this kind of injure.

" AXEL WHAT IS THIS!!" said Ryoko furious..

He gave her a gilty look and was looking at her with his sad cat eyes.

" Look it's complicated.." tried Axel to explain.

" Tell me now who did this to you. I know you're a Alpha but that doesn't mean you can act strong with everybody" said Ryoko angry.

" Ryoko I didn't want it to end up like this but if I tell you you'll think I'm crazy" said Axel worried.

" What is he talking about" though Ryoko curious.

She took a chair and placed it near Axel's bed.

She set and came closer to him.

" Whoever did this thing to you is more dangerous than you think and he or she may be doing this to another person to. I'm your best friend of course I'll belive you" said Ryoko.

Axel saw her and wanted to speak but something inside him was still scared.

This was the first time Ryoko was seeing Axel in this state because he usually is really brave and recless.

He breathed deeply and gave her a deep look.

" Okay I'll teel you" said Axel


" Wait so your telling me no one remembers him" said Ryoko

" Yeah but I swear Ryoko I'm not lying it's real! That bastard was trying to enter throne's room but when I saw it and went to call the others he came near me and...

In just a split of second he gave me the strongest punch I've had in my life.

Then I remember I fainted and when I woke up I saw my leg like this.." said Axel

" No one remebers him but Axel remembers him so that means..." though Ryoko.

Her eyes wided and her jaw droped.

So it was him the hypnotic!

" But what wanted he there" though Ryoko.

She looked at Axel and smiled.

" Lex I belive you don't worry about nothing. The only thing you should do now is to rest I'll take care for the others. Now let me see your leg"

Ryoko opened carefully his bandages and saw his injury.

It was worse that she thought.

His leg skin was almost all ripped of and it seemed as a mad dog had bitten his leg crazily.

It wasn't only ripped but it was damaged really bad to.

Ryoko took her nurse office box and took some new bangages from it.

She took of the old ones cleaned the injury and then gave him new bangages.

" So I'm done. Now your leg is way better isn't it?" said Ryoko

Axel saw his leg and his eyes widened.

Ryoko had taken care if it as if she was a professionist.

" Wow thank you very much now it is way better" said Axel happy.

" Happy that it is better now. Well you must rest now" said Ryoko and was ready to leave his room but Axel took her hand.

Ryoko turned her head and saw Axel.

" Is he going to say me something" though Ryoko.

" Ryoko look... who was that boy you dissapeared with..." asked Axel.

" H-how do you know? I just told father, Amaris and Beatrix!" said Ryoko shocked.

" Well some maids saw that you dissapeared with a guy from the ball and that you fainted. I guess he was one of the participants right? By the way are you better now" said Axel worried.

" Well it's a little complicated but I'll explain it later ok? Now it's important to rest no buts" said Ryoko and covered him with a blanket.

" Ryoko you know you shouldn't mess with strangers what if something happened you know your family has lots of enemies... " said Axel.

" I know I have lots of enemies but as long as I have the ones I trust everything will be fine.." said Ryoko

" Lex look what I cooked for you!!"

Ryoko turned her head and she saw Desdemona coming with a big plate of soup in her hands.

She looked so happy and proud for herself but her smile dropped when she saw Ryoko.

" So you came back again? You should have stayed with your prince charming but you came back to mess everything right?" said Desdemona with a tragic tone and made a disgusted face.

Ryoko's face turned red as if she was a volcano to blow up.

" Seriously how many times I've told people that Yuto isn't and will never be my prince charming. It " saud Ryoko and walked out of the room angry.

" What does she have usually she's chill" said Desdemona with a surprised face

" Maybe she's just tired, anyways why did you came" said Axel nervous

" To give you food dummy. Here it is try it" saud Desdemona and started to feed soup to Axel

" How it is" said Desdemona

" Fine" said Axel while eating it.

Soup was delicious but for some strange reasons he wasn't in the mood to eat..


" Ugh these people they are so annoying! Your prince charming, so handsome, stay away bla bla bla!

Damn little do they know I don't need those romantic bullshit" said Ryoko furious in her room.

She was walking into her room talking with herself ( a habit that she does when she's pissed or mad)

" They will all see who needs a prince charming when competition will start"

" Why so mad miss anti-romantic"


Ryoko jumped from her bad and saw with a terrified face Yuto.

He was sitting in the floor eating some cookies but she didn't see him this whole time.

" How did you?? I was here alone!" said Ryoko shocked.

" Nope you weren't. You know countdowners are some kind of spirits so we show up whenever we want" said Yuto while he was eating his cookie calmly.

Ryoko gave him a suspicious look and after a while said:

" Did you hear me this whole time?" said Ryoko with a low voice

" Not everything just that you don't need prince charming, you're anti-romantic and that you'll show everybody you can be perfect solo in the competition" said Yuto while eating his biscuit

" YOU HEARD EVERYTHING! YOU DISTRUBED MY PRIVACY!" said Ryoko mad and embarrassed at the same time.

Her face turned red as a domato while Yuto was laughing his ass off because of her expression.

" Anyways Yuto I think I know who did that thing to Axel" saud Ryoko

" Don't tell me" said Yuto

" Yes it's him the hypnotic. No one remembers him but Axel does and he said that he was going to the throne room" said Ryoko

" If it is really him I'm scared about something Ryoko" said Yuto worried

" What" asked Ryoko

Yuto came closer to Ryoko and whispered sone things in her ear.

Ryoko's eyes widened and her face went pale.

" So you, you think..." said Ryoko with a trembled voice

" Yes so we must check him to be sure" said Yuto

" How we'll be sure" said Ryoko

" I'll show you don't worry for now you must get ready" said Yuto

" For what" said Ryoko

" Your father told me to tell you that we'll eat a familar dinner something like this and he invited my mother to" said Yuto

" Damn these familiar dinner thing is so disgusting. Anyways go out" said Ryoko

" Why let me finish my biscuits" protested Yuto as a spoiled child

" You stupid boy I'll change my clothes so get out! " said Ryoko

" Okay, okay see you later" said Yuto

" That boy is crazy" though Ryoko and laughed while she was chosing her clothes for the dinner.

" So the battle has started earlier that we thought.." though Ryoko while dhe was checking her wardrobe for a nice outfit.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

aleksandra_pano10creators' thoughts