
Chapter 653: Who's Right? Who's Wrong?... In the end, it doesn't matter.

Chapter 653: Who's Right? Who's Wrong?... In the end, it doesn't matter.

Two lone knights stood atop the high walls of Warfall, the City ruled by the Clan Adrastella.


At the moment, Warfall was experiencing an unprecedented invasion. Something that hadn't happened since the City's founding.


Hundreds of thousands of monsters were swarming in waves. Adrastella Clan's defense systems worked in overdrive while its warriors fought like never before.


Wherever you looked outside the walls, all you would see were monsters of various sizes and species.


Behemoths, Onis, Predators, Wyvern, Minions, and even two damn Alphas were present.


A war was going on.


And casualties were cropping up on both sides.


Although it was obvious that the casualties were more severe for the monsters, what was the cause of these casualties?


Eight women.