
Chapter 173: Victor and Scathach. 2  

After getting undressed and rinsing their bodies, Scathach and Victor exited the shower.

The two then made their way towards the bathtub, which was ridiculously large.

"What do you plan to do, Victor?" Scathach asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Victor asked as he stretched and closed his eyes. He supported both of his arms on the edge of the tub, sitting in a very sloppy way.

"..." Scathach, who was sitting properly in the tub, looked at Victor and then at Victor's arms that were behind him. Unconsciously, a little smile appeared on her face when she saw this scene.

She elaborated, "I'm talking about Sasha."

When Victor heard Sasha's name, he opened his eyes:

"What do you think I will do?"

"I will search for them, and I'll destroy everyone."

"..." Scathach's smile grew when she saw Victor's gaze, and it was quite obvious that she liked his answer.