
Chapter 1025: A Reunion in Paradise. 2

Chapter 1025: A Reunion in Paradise. 2

[You didn't erase the memories of that event from the girl... Won't that be bad for her?]

[The past cannot be forgotten. It is through our experiences that we learn about our weaknesses and our mistakes. I firmly believe in those words, but in situations like this, I agree with you.]

[So why didn't you do it?]

[Unfortunately, it's not up to me to decide that. It's up to Vanessa, or my Disciple as her guardian, to decide. I've done my part; I brought her back. From here on, it's the work of the two of them.]

[Free will, huh... Sometimes you're so inconsistent, Darling. You believe in free will, but you do nothing when your faithful are clearly brainwashing others.] Roxanne smiled as she pointed.

[My dear, I am a hypocrite; I've never denied that.] Victor chuckled internally. [Free will is a good thing, but it needs control, or things can get out of hand, as the former Humanity was proof of.]