
My Tender-Hearted Knight

ON TEMPORARY HIATUS (due to health issues). After a brutal six-year war, the Kingdom of Gyeowon finally secures peace with their former adversary, the Kingdom of Yonsai. The triumphant return of the Knights of Suneo, though victorious, bears the indelible marks of the conflict. Amidst this aftermath, Lady Serin, the meek and sensitive daughter of the Duke of Suneo, sees her tranquil life disrupted by the arrival of Joon, a knight shrouded in mystery. As Serin endeavors to overcome her innate shyness, the subtle and contemplative presence of Joon introduces an unexpected romance into her world. But as the looming shadows of the past encroach, the duo discovers a thread of secrets that could unravel the fragile peace the people of Gyeowon have worked so hard to create.

kingsfoiled · History
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12 Chs

2 - Return to Suneo (2)

"Make way! Make way for the Knights of Suneo!"

The gates flooded open as fanfare resounded through the air. Flags and banners billowed in the air, greeting the sight of the new arrivals. The sound of cheer filled the courtyard as all the inhabitants of Suneo Castle greeted their returning heroes, welcoming them home from war and glory. The Duke led the procession, being the Captain of the Knights of Suneo. He sat tall on his horse, the sun gleaming as it reflected off the metal of his armor. The residents of Suneo bowed their heads as they passed, and many of the men raised their swords at his approach. The women followed suit, clasping their hands together in respect. There was such a commotion that it was hard to focus on any one person or thing.

It wasn't so for Serin. She saw one man in that crowd of hundreds. One man whose eyes twinkled the same shade as hers, a man whose smile crinkled the corners of his mouth as it always had.

"Papa!" she whispered, picking up her skirts and running through the crowd. They parted like water before a tidal wave. His hand jotted out, stopping the procession behind him as she stopped before his steed. The glossy-haired Marilane bristled and shifted at the sudden halt, but he reached a gloved hand down to grab her rein and steady her. "You're home," she said in a quiet voice, grinning. 

"I'm home, little lamb," he answered kindly, sliding off Marilane's back. He kissed the top of her head and held her in a tight hug. "Did you miss me?"

It took all her self-control not to wrap her arms around his neck and hug him so tightly he could never escape. She could nearly feel the warmth of his body through his armor, the still-beating heart in his chest. Papa was safe. He was alive. Thank God, he was alive.

She buried her face in his shoulder and squeezed him harder than she ever had in her life. Her own heart threatened to give out with emotion; she hadn't realized just how scared she'd been that he would die on that battlefield. "Yes. Yes, I did."

He squeezed her tighter, as though to reassure himself as much as her that she was there. "Well," he said, with a pat on her shoulder, turning to face the crowd that had gathered to greet the procession. "Let us begin our feast. It seems like everyone has returned." He paused, smiling at the audience. "How are you all?" Everyone replied in chorus and cheered loudly. She couldn't help but laugh. "Excellent. Then shall we enter the banquet hall and make ready for dinner?" Another round of cheers. Her smile stretched wide. It felt good to know that Papa, even after all these years, was still the same as he used to be—the kindest man she had ever known. He was home. He was safe.

She let her father take the lead, watching him lead the Knights as they strolled through the inner gates. She tarried a bit, enjoying the liveliness of the castle grounds. Life was bleak and serious during the war, but it seemed as if it were just a brief, passing memory. As they passed through the gatehouse, she heard someone calling out to her. She turned around and saw a young girl running towards her, a little boy a few paces behind, waving excitedly. 

"Lady Serin! Lady Serin! Look what I got!" she cried, reaching for her eagerly. Serin froze and trembled, flinching away from the impact. Before she knew it, a pair of hands grabbed the child before she hit her, pulling her to the side.

"Hyejin, what did I tell you about running into her ladyship?" The voice was stern, yet amused. An older woman held the little girl, her hands grabbing her shoulders.

"Sorry," Little Hyejin mumbled, ducking her head. She hugged the woman, a fond expression on her face. The woman, wearing a dress of green and brown, her silver hair pulled into a loose bun, kissed her on the forehead. "But Lady Serin," she continued, "look what my brother brought me!" The child held up a doll with a big, blue scarf tied around her head. The doll wore a red dress with a white collar, and a tiny wooden sword was attached to its belt. The girl beamed. "What do you think? Isn't she beautiful?" 

"Me too, me too!" the young boy agreed, bouncing enthusiastically, holding the small, whittled sword— a dagger, really— in his hand. 

Serin slightly bent down, carefully holding her skirts. As intimidating as adults were, children were refreshing in their innocent ways. she gently took the doll from Hyejin's hand and ran her fingers over the soft, plump cheeks.

"She is a very cute doll, Hyejin," she said softly in a sweet tone. She gave her a friendly smile and handed her doll back to her. 

She squealed with delight as she clutched the toy in her arms. "Thank you, Lady Serin." Her smile grew brighter.

Serin patted the little boy on his head as he ran off, chasing a group of boys who were laughing and playing tag. "Be careful," she called out to them, watching them run off without a care. 

The little boy waved the sword in the air, shouting with laughter as the other children chased him. A man carrying a barrel nearly jumped back, holding back a swear as it hit his foot and nearly spilled all its contents across the grass, making it impossible to catch the little boy. His laughter echoed through the courtyard, and she found herself smiling with them as they weaved between the legs of disgruntled adults. Then—


Serin jumped at the noise. Groans filled the air. The boy held a hand to his head, a bump forming on his cheek. The kids' laughter faded and they rushed to aid him. The tall, armored man he ran into bent down, staring him in his eyes. The boy looked at him fearfully for a second before he began to sob, tears streaming down his face. The man frowned, strands of his dark hair brushing his nose and obscuring his eyes. He hesitated before reaching out to rub the boy's back reassuringly. She watched, curious, as the child leaned against the man's chest shakily and wrapped his arms around the man's waist. The man sighed and shook his head. He lifted a finger to his lips and held it there, as if he was trying to hush him. The boy sniffed wetly, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his shirt. With a final pat, she watched as the man straightened and looked around. His eyes wandered the inner courtyard until they met with hers. 

Serin flinched and turned away, startled by the deep purple in his eyes. His figure was burned into her memory. He was tall and intimidating, yet his gaze was gentle and calming. She couldn't help but notice how attractive he was. She blushed, hoping she wasn't being obvious. She swallowed hard and forced her gaze back down at the ground. She couldn't keep looking, but she couldn't help it. People began to crowd around the two of them, helping the little boy up, and watching him run off with his friends again, albeit with a few scratches on his knees.

When she was sure he had left, Serin turned her gaze back, unknowingly moving toward the place where the boy had crashed into him. She'd never seen him around the castle before. Who was that man? she wondered to herself, playing with her sleeve. How can someone look so powerful and handsome, yet have such sad eyes? Those eyes... she had never seen anything like them. 

A shiny ring glinted on the floor. She picked it up, examining it. It was beautiful and made of gold, adorned with jewels that shone and caught the light. This must belong to the man, she thought, closing her hand around it gently. She would have to give it to him. Oh, but, that would mean she would have to—

"My lady," Eunji exclaimed, suddenly appearing behind her and linking her arm with hers. "We must hurry! The banquet will start soon, and we must get you dressed!" She turned conspiratorially, a secretive smile on her face. "We must have you looking your best tonight. There will be many important people and fine gentlemen present tonight."

Serin began to protest, only to be silenced by her firm grip on her arm.

"Please, my lady," she begged. "Just this once? I've set aside such a beautiful gown for you." She gave her one last pleading glance.

She relented with a sigh of defeat. As she stared at her shoes, Serin wondered just what Eunji had in mind for tonight. And if she'd have the chance to see those captivating purple eyes once more.

Joon and Serin meet.

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QOTD: What makes you cry in a story?

Meaningful character deaths always get to me.

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