

What if you found out that you are gay? What would you do if you found out that you fell deeply in love with your best friend? What would you be able to do to defend your relationship with your best friend? Would you be able to shout from the rooftops that you are gay and that you cannot live without him? These are some of many conflicts that Adrián and Agustín must overcome, if they really want to be immensely happy and must put an end to an evil that can threaten to end their love. A love, a destiny and many problems are the ingredients of this love story.

VULCANO · Realistic
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36 Chs


"Adrián, what are you afraid of?" Renato Cardigan asked as he ate some Malabari Fish and Prawn Curry.

"I am afraid to hear your voice and beg you to come to visit me. I am afraid that I have forgotten; above all, I am afraid to hear his voice "said Adrián, while he drank some of his wine called" Le Dos de Reynon "

"That only means one thing," said Gabriel Calvo, as he tasted some Nawaki Paneer.

"What thing?" Adrian asked as he tasted some Indian Summer Salad.

"You are in love with Agustín, and if you think about it, all your doubts will lead you to the same answer," said Gonzalo Delaveaux, while trying some Chicken Tikka Masala.

"What? In love with a man? It can't be "said Adrián, while he drank some of his wine called" Le Dos de Reynon "

"Not just any man, you're in love with Agustín," said Arturo Saldarriaga, while he tasted some Duck Madras.

"No, it can't be," Adrián said and said to himself while taking several glasses of wine.

"The best thing will be to leave this conversation in the air; until you discover yourself what you feel for Agustín and if he feels the same for you, "said Fiorella Martel, while tasting some Ranma.

They left the conversation pending and quickly changed the subject, so as not to put the atmosphere tense.

What no one knew is that Samantha Puyol is bisexual, but she likes women better because they are her weakness.

At first, Samantha did not want to accept that she is bisexual, because she has always thought that she has a problem and for this reason, Samantha has made an appointment with a specialist, so that they remove that part of her, which she has told herself to itself which is a disease and an aberration.

Every time Samantha went to a specialist, she asked him to electrocute her, to get rid of that "disease" that she suffers and suffers from.

After several sections, in which she was electrocuted, Samantha thought that she had been cured of that disease, and was grateful for that.

What Samantha did not know is that everything she had done to "recover from that disease" had been in vain, because she would end up succumbing to a passion, which she had never felt, and that would be her undoing.

At one of the parties, which was being organized by one of her friends, Samantha decided to go, thinking that she had been cured of her illness.

At that party, Samantha met Esperanza Jaume, and they immediately hit it off, talking all night.

The next day, Samantha wakes up disoriented, and the moment she turns her head, she sees Esperanza sleeping with her, and you could tell she was completely naked.

When Samantha lifts the covers, she could see that they were both completely naked.

Samantha was scared and surprised, she didn't know how to act, and the first thing she thought of doing was getting dressed, and she did.

While she was getting dressed, Samantha was trying to figure out what had happened, so that the two of them ended up sharing the same bed and completely naked.

No matter what efforts she had to make to find an answer to this mess, she just couldn't find it, and it frustrated her.

After seeing that and waking up in bed naked with Esperanza Jaume in the hotel room, she was really scared and began to cry when she realized that all her efforts to get rid of that "disease" were in vain.

After several months, Samantha and Esperanza decide to live their lesbian love that would last twelve years, and they end due to Esperanza's addictions, but neither of them has been able to recover from that breakup.

Over the years, Samantha meets Adrián, and they decide to have a relationship, and Samantha has decided not to tell Adrián anything that she is bisexual.