
chapter seven

a/n guys I'm sry for not updating, I've been having some trouble with the app lmao.

Leo's pov:

I don't know. if I'm attracted to Morgan or not it's confusing like he's hot but I don't know if he's dating material that is it's hard to tell with jokes like him they can be nice one at one point and I complete asshole at another,

I don't think he's like that but I dunno, I'm hard right now but not painfully hard, I shifted uncomfortably watching as Morgan jogged down the stairs with small thuds, he glanced at me before he want to talk to Matt, I didn't really pay much attention trying to hide a boner really killed your care for conversation.

Morgan's pov:

I just got off the phone with my mum, she just found out dad's been cheating and he's been fucking blaming it on me and "I caused him stress so I caused him to drink and when he's drunk he does stupid shit" long story short I'm staying the night with Matt at his house, shitty day but whatever I love my parents either way. I sat down next to Leo after talking with Matt, he sat in an odd position with his leg crossed over the other sitting at an angle- Holy shit he's hard the fuck caused him to get hard??