
8th Class: My Heart Skipped a Beat

Vincent: Well Kim, I want to know about you. Could you introduce yourself and tell me something interesting about you..

Kim: "Hmm, introduction? Does he mean introduce? And my hobbies?? I think that's it."

Hmmm Im an artist but not the common one. I have a different style. I paint technology and some things.....

" 😭 why is it so hard to express my thoughts? Can I use my phone? I think teacher will get angry.. oh my, Im so nervous. He looks so serious too! Hmm what should I do??"

Vincent: You can bring out your best friend if you want..

Kim: huh!? Best friend???

Vincent: Your phone I mean.. you could use your dictionary to describe your ideas.. if you don't know the words, just use your best friend...

Kim: Oh! Please wait....

" even though I'm using my dictionary, I still couldn't find the right words to express my thoughts! .... oh I know!"

Here,, here are my works. Some paintings and drawings..

Vincent: oh, let me see.... ohhh, art works indeed. How did you do these stuff??

"What in the bloody hell are these? Is this how expressive artists are??"

Is this a robot? Eaten by an alien, merged and gave birth to an unidentified spaceship?..

Kim: "what in the hell is he talking about?? I don't understand 😭 oh my god.. I think I should have just stayed with granny"

Ahmm, It's just technology and art..

Vincent: well, they look unique and it's my first time to see these kinds of masterpiece...

Kim: " he looks happy now, so I think he likes them.."

hmmm yes.

Vincent's class has continued. Kim has started to smile, laugh and she feels really happy by just listening with her teacher. Vincent is really something when it comes to teaching and that's the reason why a lot of students want to be with his class. They could see his passion and love on what he's doing. Kim is lucky enough to be with his class. When their class has ended, she then has felt something.... something familiar....

Kim: "Oh... my, my heart... ❤️ im sure im nervous but, his smile, laughter and passion really makes me smile 🤗"

Hahahaha teacher, you are so cool and funny! You always make me smile 🤗 thank you very much. I think you will be my teacher in my entire stay here.

Vincent: Well thank you! Okay it's already time, prepare tomorrow for we shall start our lessons. Bring your water, notes, pen and anything that would help you stay awake in class. See you around Kim 🤗

Kim: Thank you teacher.. ☺️ See you!

Vincent: Now what was that?? I think I have seen something from my dream.. Deja vu might be?

Daryl: Brother! You have a student?? How come??

Vincent: Well, hahaha lucky me 😂 she chose me as her new teacher. I can't argue with that..

Daryl: I'm having the time of my life! A lot of female students in my class so, Im so happy!

Peter: I think this is the best batch so far..

Vincent: well not in my case. For the both of you, yes! Get out of here. What the hell are you even doing in my small room??

Peter: We are just passing by you know.

Daryl: Smoke?

Vincent: No, I don't smoke. I eat! Hahaha I'm hungry mates.. Get oouutt!!


Dana: Guys, Have you heard of Teacher Vincent? Some students say that his accent is like American. Compared to other teachers, I think he has the best one here.

Jimin: Yeah I heard him. I also requested for him but my rank is too low and i wanted to have my study time for the first period that's why I couldn't have his class.

Dana: You are in his class right Ryan? Is he really that good?

Ryan: Yes! He's excellent! His experience is superb that helped him to have that outstanding accent...

Dana: I think I will choose him as my next teacher. I really want to change my current teacher. She's really not good. I think she's a beginner. Her accent is not that really good either.

Jimin: He is really popular you know. You might want to study hard and avoid penalties to get his class. Your competitors are everyone Dana, even the old batches.

Dana: It must be a tough competition, but I won't give up.., he's going to be mine!

Ryan, Jimin: What!??

Dana: Yes guys, you heard me, Mine! He looks handsome too as a Filipino. Look at his nose, that would be perfect for our babies. ☺️

Jimin: Oh my god Dana! You're being flirt.... again!

Dana: uhhuh!! Hahaha no! Im just joking! But.. possible, right? 😊 why not???

Grace: He will be my teacher later....

Dana: Why!?? 😠

Grace: My teacher is absent. One of his students is absent too. HT asked me to choose a teacher who's available this afternoon so I chose him..,

Dana: How could you!?..... no no no, not so dramatic.... How dare you!??

Grace: huh!? I'll taste him first before you land a finger on him..., If you can 😏

Ryan: Ohhhh, looks like a competition.... scary.

Han: hahaha ladies, study first so that you could get his class...

Jimin: huh, well I guess i want to join the war..,

Dana: No! He's only mine! Mine! Only MINE!!!!!! 🤯


Sophia: Look at those students looking at my Vincent and laugh! They are up to something and I don't like it!

Cathy: What do you think are they talking about??

Anna: maybe their teachers because my student Jimin keeps on asking the best teachers here..

Cathy: Well, look at the board! Most requested teacher of the month is none other than..... M. E. Me!

Sophia: Well, not for long. You will be dethroned by M. E. Me!

Anna: hahaha I don't care about that! As long as my handsome students are in my class, I'm happy about it.. Oh my Ben! So handsome Oppa Ben! 😍

HT: hey, Child abuse! Get a whole of yourselves ladies, you know that having relationship between students and teachers are prohibited. So stop those flirting and be professional.. You don't want to end up like one of our former teachers. She got into relationship with a student, had gone to a hotel, the student promised to bring her to his country but he didn't. He never contacted her ever again. She just became his comfort women and it broke her heart. What's worse than that was he was married and has two kids.

Ladies: what!???

Sophia: Didn't she know about that??

HT: Well, he was an expert in hiding his personal information. He even wrote that he was single, but then someone has discovered his true identity and boom! He has his own family.. So be careful ladies, good thing she didn't become pregnant that time..

Lyn: Well, HT,, she was...

Ladies and HT: What!??? 😱😱😱

HT: You've got to be kidding me!! But I didn't see any child she has...

Lyn: Well the truth is, she had gotten pregnant but, she had a miscarriage because of depression and stress.. that was only her third month and that was the reason why she left JMC...

HT: wow, I am surprised! Get back to your classrooms now! It's already time teachers!!

Ladies: We are sorry!!! We're going!!


"Thank You Teacher Vincent. Please enjoy this coffee. You told me that you like coffee too ❤️"

Vincent: Aaawwww, I think she likes me 😂 Hahahahaha

Han: Who teacher??

Vincent: oh nothing.. just my admirer hahaha


.... Seoul, South Korea .....

.... Baby! Finally, we could walk around, go to parks, date in public and watch movies together! I've been waiting for this to happen!! Now I feel free that we can do all these things!! 😊 Where do you want to sleep tonight baby?? My lair or yours?? Rawr! 🦁

Nick: Well Mini.... "Baby", since Kim is not here, let's sleep to mine. I will be as wild as you wanted me to be! Beast mode on!! Awwooo!! Hahaha

Mini: I like that! Oh by the way, how about her sister that called me bitch!? I hated here! How dare her... Lucky her that she's pregnant, if not..., she would have been bathing with her own blood!

Do you think she will be a hindrance in our relationship??

Nick: Don't worry about her. We are not even close! I think she really hates me for Kim., She doesnt even give a smirk everytime she sees me. Always an eyebrow on flick. 😑

Mini: I think that's good for us.., She won't care about you, Kim is not here... No one will interrupt us from being happy!

Nick: Exactly! Do you wanna go home now??

Mini: Why so early baby?? Excited? 😁 Let's have fun first here and let's try all the rides! Next one here is the Big Drop! Hahaha Let's go!

Nick: Ok then, after this..., we go home?

Mini: Ok fine... let's go! Fast!!!

Mini was the neighbor of Nick that the sister saw in his apartment. As Kim has said, her guts were real! All their speculations has become true and without a doubt, Nick is really cheating.

Kim is entering A long distance relationship again for the 2nd time and she's not even worried of the things that are going to happen. In fact, everything is going well where she could enjoy here stay.

Nick? What's the reason for cheating?

How did he meet Mini? Is it really the size??? Or something else??

Find out why he did such a bad thing...

MrBartendercreators' thoughts