
Six-Faced Concretion Beast

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Bai Ye glanced at the small cut on his index finger. A drop of blood was leaking from it. He quickly sucked it. It seemed that even the Super Dimension was not invincible at this stage.

Due to the jabbing, a pinhole-sized hole had appeared on the space film in front of him. Nevertheless, the hole healed on its own after only two breaths of time.

Bai Ye took two steps in the Super Dimension Space, walking behind Fang Luolin. After controlling his thoughts, he jumped to reality from the Super Dimension Mirror.

Sensing something strange behind her, Fang Luolin turned around, only to discover Bai Ye had appeared inconspicuously.

"Your ability is spatial?" Fang Luolin was stunned.

"Yes." Bai Ye nodded.

Fang Luolin glanced at the Super Dimension Mirror, which was on Bai Ye's shoulders.

She said in a thoughtful tone, "A spatial beast. It's no wonder you feel that confident. It won't do even if it's a spatial beast, though. You are gambling with your life. It'll be fine if you evade every attack successfully, but what if you are a tad slower? Can your reaction speed be compared to that of a silver-level or gold-level monster?"

"I won't go too far from the city. I'll just wander near it," Bai Ye said.

"What is your beast's level?" Fang Luolin asked.

"Iron three-star… Oh, it's already an iron four-star now," Bai Ye said.

"I'll allow you to do that, but you can't leave the city alone. I'll accompany you after the middle school entrance examination this week." Fang Luolin tapped Bai Ye's head.

Bai Ye touched his head but did not refuse. It would certainly be safer if his sister accompanied him. He asked casually, "Sister, what is your beast's level?"

"It's still a gold nine-star. It's getting harder and harder to break through at the later stages," Fang Luolin said helplessly.

There was a huge bottleneck between gold nine-star and platinum one-star.

Bai Ye remembered that most of the teachers at his school were only at the silver high-star or gold low-star level.

His school was in fact the best and most expensive school in the 36th Base City. Its resources and teaching staff were the best in the city. He had heard that teachers in other public schools were generally only at the silver level.

In today's society, as long as one was hardworking, wealthy, and fairly talented, it was not difficult to become a bronze Beast Tamer with a little effort.

Above the bronze was the silver level.

The minimum prerequisite for becoming an adventure-level Beast Tamer was the silver level.

This was because only the silver-level individuals possessed the basic ability to truly explore and complete various tasks, and this would be the foundation for ensuring their safety in the wilderness.

Adventure-level Beast Tamers were also eligible for various kinds of subsidies. As long as they completed the minimum number of adventure trips within a month, they would be eligible for various levels of subsidies according to the difficulty and duration of the adventure.

There were subsidies such as risk subsidy, fatigue subsidy, food subsidy, medical subsidy… and more than a dozen other kinds.

Plus, as long as the adventure-level Beast Tamer was willing to register their gains from the exploration trip, they could get free publicity and would be charged a low 0.5% middleman fee at the auctions of the Adventure Association.

A student like Fang Luolin, who had become a gold-level Beast Tamer during the college entrance examination, was considered heaven's pride.

After all, the gold level was the basic requisite for entering the elite social class. As long as a gold Beast Tamer was diligent enough, they could change class and enter the middle class.

Dong, dong, dong.

There was a knock on the door.

A voice could be heard outside the door. "Hello, we are the staff of the Express Home Repair Company. The service order number is A013456787."

Fang Luolin took out the electronic communication device, checked the confirmation slip number, and then got up to open the door.

Three staff members wearing blue hats entered the place. There were two yellow characters on their tops—Speed ​​Gang.

They smiled at Luo Lin apologetically. "Sorry, there was a few minutes' delay due to some traffic congestion on the road."

"It's okay," Fang Luolin said. "How long will you need to repair this?"

"Let us take some measurements," a staff member said. "Which areas need to be repaired?"

"The bathroom and the living room."

One of the staff members went in and measured the size of the gap on the wall with a ruler.

"It'll take us about two hours to complete the repair. You can take photos of the damaged area first. Our repair process is transparent and open. The fee is based on standard rates. Our company has a detailed price list. I recommend that you order a two-hour express repair package. Our company's best-selling package only costs 2,999 stars… " The staff member who measured the gap in the wall spoke clearly and slowly in the standard dialogue fashion prescribed by the Obsidian Federal Government in the past few years.

Fang Luolin took out the electronic communication device and tapped it quickly. She then used her fingerprints and pupils to unlock the payment channel. A beep was heard.

The staff member in front of her received the order.

"Okay, thank you for your order. We will complete the repair within two hours. 10% of the repair fee will be refunded for every minute we are late," the staff member said politely.

"Old Liu, Old Li, let's get to work right away," the staff member who had introduced the package earlier said with a smile.

After he spoke, a beam of light appeared on his left arm. Then, a grayish-brown, squarish-looking beast that resembled both a wall and a brick jumped from his shoulder.

The beast was wearing a small blue hat on its head. This hat was identical to the ones worn by the staff, except that it looked a little funny on the beast's squarish head.

It had no arms, so only three short, stout grayish-brown legs were supporting its body.

Bang, bang.

After the beast jumped down, it moved its three legs and scurried quickly to the edge of the bedroom wall.

Roar, roar.

Two grayish-brown beams of light were released from its eyes. When they landed on the edge of the gap on the wall, they automatically formed a soil filling.

Under its control, the formation rate of the new wall was a slow process. Nevertheless, the gap in the wall was filling up smoothly.

This required a strong control ability.

Bai Ye had some knowledge of this beast. It was classified as an elemental beast and was actually one of the most common elemental beasts.

[Six-Faced Concretion Beast: elemental beast, earth science, geology, miniature species.]

In addition to the Obsidian Planet, it was said that micro-elemental monsters were also born from ore veins on other planets.

They were gentle, patient, and full of energy and made the best construction workers and quarrying machines.

According to certain sources, the Six-Faced Concretion Beast's favorite pastime was releasing the endless earth element powers in its body to form new stones.

Therefore, the ore veins where a large number of Six-Faced Concretion Beasts congregated would only become bigger and bigger. As the ore veins grew, the elemental monsters born from the veins would also continue to multiply.

However, due to a large number of captures in the past few years, the Six-Faced Concretion Beast in the ore veins in the vicinity of the Base City were all gone.

The wall-repairing speed was fast, and the earth-colored walls were reinstated very quickly.

The walls gradually looked complete. The opening that had just broken had been repaired and soon looked intact.

The next step was painting it. While the Six-Faced Concretion Beast was repairing the walls, the old staff had already mixed and prepared the milky-white paint.

"There's a sculpture here. Shall we move it first?"

Leaning against the wall was a brass sculpture as tall as a human. It was wearing a hat and it had long eyebrows as slender as poles and a kind gaze. It resembled an old man who was fishing.

The two workers couldn't move it. In the end, they moved it with the help of the Six-Faced Concretion Beast.

"It's so heavy… I wonder what material it's made of. It's definitely not copper. Copper can't be that heavy." Old Liu wiped his sweat.

"I almost fractured my waist," Old Li said.

"Alright, don't forget the rules. Don't talk nonsense," the team leader warned them.

Everything was in order, and the walls had been repaired completely in about an hour. All the construction waste had also been cleaned up.