
My talkative designer

DaoistodtjIT · Realistic
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Dashiel's Pov

"How do you know I was the one that spoiled her dress?" I asked still not looking.

"The fact that you are asking instead of straight forward denying is another proof and you certainly would have not hired if I was an elementary school child." He said and from the periphery I saw him tapping his head with two fingers. I shook my head, he and his confidence sometimes bordering on overconfidence.

"I apologized to you because I told you that I would bring your coffee and I didn't." I said and looked up at him.

"Yeah that's okay. I thought you might have forgotten it. No need to apologise for such a silly thing." He said blowing raspberries in the air.

"But still I felt bad so I apologised and good to know that my apology is accepted. Now go and work." I said dismissing him.

"If you are feeling so bad you can do me a favour." He said and that sort of got my attention but not enough to move my eyes away from the computer screen but I was internally curious.

"What favour? If it's an increase in pay check don't bother I already pay you enough if you don't believe me you can ask the competitior's staff." I said. Though I knew it was not this if it was the pay check he would have asked me directly not term it as a favour. I am thinking this because I have known him for a few years but ofcourse I could be wrong, people can surprise and he might just ask that.

"No it's not that." He sat down. "I want a paid leave for a week."

"Granted." I said writing the figures on my notepad.

"Sorry to interrupt you sir I know you are busy with work but what I am talking about is also important I am serious about my one week paid leave." He said.

I looked at him from my notepad. "I know. I heard you and I said granted." He said.

"Really? Like you are not going to ask me why I am taking such a long leave." He asked.

"Yes, and if you don't know the meaning of granted fell free to look up at the dictionary." I said looking at him with a mischief smile and he groaned "sir!!!"

"It must be something important if you want you can share it after office hours. Now I am getting back to my work and you are getting out of my cabin this minute or I am firing your ass." I said though I didn't mean it or maybe I partly meant it. Well I certainly don't pay him to talk to me.

He went away.

I was feeling tired so I went to make a cup of coffee for myself. As I was walking towards the kitchen I heard

"Yeah, I understand don't worry. I have asked for a week off and I am getting it as well. We will quickly get married and be back, once we are married your father won't be able to do anything." Anderson explained. I continued walking and took a peak at the girl on hearing my footsteps. He kept the phone down.

"Hey boss, you want something?" He asked.

"Yeah coffee. You want some?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure." He said and logged out of his computer.

"You heard something. Just wanted to know how much did you hear it." He asked.

"Just the part where you were making runaway plans with your girlfriend. I don't want to comment on it but I would like to offer some advice if you allow me." I said. He nodded his head for me to continue.

"Don't run away. Cowards run away. You will not only be snatching the opportunity from your loved ones of being present at your wedding but also you will be killing your girlfriend's dreams." I said taking a sip from the coffee.

"Sandra. Her name is Sandra. I am not a coward. You don't even know why we have to run." He said and kept the coffee and walked away.

I took his cup and walked behind him "then explain it to me. I am your boss and though I have not been so madly in love that I would elope but I can try to understand your reasons." I said with a half smile.

"Let's get some facts straight." He said clearing his throat and taking his cup. I gave a proud smile.

"Spoken like a boss my presence is rubbing off on you." I said.

"First, I am not mad because I am in love with her." He said and I nodded.

"Okay." I said raising my hands one hand still holding my coffee cup. "What's the next?"

"She is the daughter of Miltano industries." He said and gave me a look and I tried piecing the pieces together.

"Sandra Miltano and her father would be George Miltano and he is our biggest competitior." I said and he nodded his head. I took a sip of my coffee digesting this knowledge along with the coffee "so I am assuming that he wasn't too pleased on knowing that you work with me. So he is not ready to give her hand in marriage." I said and he nodded his head.

"Apart from that he said that he wants to marry his daughter off to an owner and not a worker. He has fixed her wedding with some business mogul in Dubai. So we have to get married before her wedding." He said.

"Okay, so let's do one thing. I will go take with your proposal to her house and as far as you being a businessman is concerned I will tell him that I will be opening a company which solely you can operate but we will leave out the fact that it would be a subsidiary of Carlington enterprises and if after wedding it comes out it would be too late for it." I suggested.

"And for this I have to leave working for you." He said taking my cup from my hand and taking it to the kitchen.

"If you want to..." I said sitting on the counter "or you can come back with me and we can shut off the company. Depends if you want to do this honestly you have to make the company work and if you want to betray her father you can shut off the company after marriage. Though I suggest you don't betray him although he is not your wife but after marriage he will be a family member and relations don't flourish with betrayal. I will talk to his secretary to set up a meeting with him." I said and his mouth opened in shock.

"I thought we were going to his house. It's a personal matter so I guess it shouldn't be discussed in the office." He said and I turned back around to look at him.

"If I go to his house it would make things personal for me and I hate to make things personal and do you really think that he will invite his biggest competitior to have tea with him? I think no." I said and walked towards smy cabin he followed behind me.

"You always have a backup plan. What's your backup plan for this?" He asked.

"We run." I said and his jaw dropped "how is your backup plan any different from my current plan?"

"It's different the name is only different yours is current mine is backup which means I have exhausted all avenues." I said.

"Which also means that by talking to him about me you would be putting him on high alert and he will guard his daughter more your talking to him idea will ruin my running away idea. How about I carry on with my plan and you pretend that you didn't know about any of this?" He said panicked.

"I want to help you out and I don't want to miss out on being in your wedding although I hate attending parties I will make an exception for you." I said and started logging in my computer.

"Boss, you and I both know he will not accept my relationship with her. If you want to help me just make sure we are on the middle of nowhere where he can't get his hands on us." He said.

"If our plan doesn't work I will do exactly that." I said pointing at him. I was cool as compared to him because maybe my love of the life was not hanging in the middle of this bargain.

After 24 hours

"I told you this plan wouldn't work." He whisper hissed while we waited for Sandra to come out on the balcony. We had thrown some stones. You know the old fashioned way because she wasn't picking up her phone. Her phone was switched off. My guess was that after our unpleasant conversation most of which was ofcourse her father's fault he took his daughter's phone away what he failed to realise was my determination to get my closed one married to the love of his life so here we are standing and waiting with ofcourse him having or more like chewing my ear for not listening to him.

"Okay but atleast now we have the satisfaction we tried the polite, soft, gentle and whatever the other adjectives way." I hissed back.

"Not we, you I already had the satisfaction when I spoke to her father and got the disapproving glance." He said.

"Expressions can betray."

"They don't most of the time and especially not in this case." He said and I rolled my eyes come out Sandra fast before your boyfriend draws literal blood out of my ears. I prayed.

She came and she signed No. We both frowned. For a moment I wondered if they did want to get married.

I went closer to the building and looked at the height. "Anderson. I want you to bend down on all fours." I said walking upto him and then walking back closer to the building.

"Excuse me? What? Here she is saying no and you want to make me do some stupid stunt." He said and he pissed me off here I was trying to help him and he wasn't understanding it.

I grabbed his collar and his eyes turned fearful for a fraction of a second "dumbass. She won't be able to explain why she is saying no on her balcony she needs to be closer to you so I need you to bend down so I can climb the building and ask her or if you can climb the building I will bend and you ask her. Take your pick quickly before the guards come from having their dinner." I said.

"I don't know how to climb a wall let alone a building you only do it." He said sitting on all fours.

In the middle of my climbing I missed a step and I thought I was going to fall down but thankfully my grip on the pipe was strong and I managed to find my footing. I reached her balcony "hey, no time for introductions just tell me why are you saying no to my friend down there?" I asked.

"I can't come with him. There are too many guards down here." She said. Her eyes were puffy and cheeks were tear stained she was a complete message just like Anderson. Only hers could be seen and his couldn't.

"You can come with him. There is a way you just have to decide yes or no." I said and she took a moment to ponder. I can understand that for any girl to make this decision must no be easy so I tried to make her choice and decision easy.

"Do you love Anderson? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with him?" I asked.

"Yes but how are we going to get out?" She asked.

"Through the balcony." I said entering her balcony fully now earlier I was just sitting on the railings now I was standing in her balcony.

"I am scared of heights I am not going through the balcony find some other way." She said.

I sighed and looked heavenwards daughters with rich daddies "well the thing is princess you don't exactly have a choice here. You want the love of your life you have to give some sacrifices for him and the first one is getting our of your comfort zone. Tell me honestly have you had rope climbing experience in your school days?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Go into your room and get me 3 bed sheets we have to tie them tightly so they go straight to the ground. Fast." I said and she scurried away.

I showed a thumbs-up to Anderson and he signed back I hoped that this thumbs-up eased some of his tensions.

We tied the bedsheets to the railing and thre them down.

"I really can't look down. I will... Fall." She said her voice cracking in the lady and tears spilling out.

"Okay so here's what we are going to do you are going to hold be like a monkey and I am going to take us down and let's hope your boyfriend doesn't kill me on seeing our positions." I said and bent down. She held my neck tentatively and I adjust her legs around my stomach. Her grip was a little loose and I didn't know want to make her uncomfortable but as soon as I crossed the railing. Her grip became so tight that it was almost choking me. I didn't say anything because I didn't want her to loosen her hold and fall just because I was uncomfortable.

I took the rope in my hand and climbed down slowly. My feet was not even touching the ground when Anderson came up and raised his hands. He asked Sandra to let me go and he safely took her off my back and I made it to the ground.

"Why is she crying? Did you tell her something rude? Baby, don't worry about him if his mood is bad he says nonsense. Don't take it to your heart." He said in a soft voice and this time it was my turn to drop me jaw. "I didn't even say anything except give her suggestions to come down. It was her height frar that's the cause of her tears. I didn't say anything. You can ask her. Sandra, are you crying because of me." I said and shook her head.

Anderson hugged her and I had to clear my throat.

"Romeo Juliet hate to break your moment but we have to keep going if you want to elope safely." No sooner did I say this than the torch was flashed on us.

"Crap!" I said and ran towards the car Anderson and Sandra following closely behind.

I started the car and took off in speed.

"Duck down." I said.

And they ducked, there were sounds of bullets being shot. I didn't carry a gun but now I was seriously considering having one.

I drove my way through the traffic.

"Are they still following us?" I asked my eyes constantly shifting from the rearview mirror to the road. My heart pounding fast. They got up and looked behind.

"I think no." Anderson said looking behind at the car.

"Good. Now we are heading to the airport the location is surprise. Sandra don't worry about the clothes there are dozens of places over there to shop from." I said.

They both shared a look I guess they both felt as if they succeeded in their mission of running away.

"Are you coming with us?" He asked.

"Upto you." I said.

"It's upto you really." He said.

"Now he is just playing safe Sandra which is a good quality. Since he is avoiding to answer you only tell me should I come or should I stay." I said glancing at her through the mirror. She was happy.

"I want you to come you have helped us so much it would only be fair for you to come and be a part of our happiness." She said and I smiled.

"See learn something from her she answered in one shot not like you avoiding answers." I taunted him and his mouth opened.

"Excuse me you just said it was a good habit to have. What changed in a minute?" He asked.

"See it's a good quality for you to have in the office but here we are on our own time so when I ask you something you answer without hesitation or consideration that I am your boss. Whatever we say outside the office building and after office ours will not impact our working relationship." I assured him and he nodded his head.

"Doesn't mean you can curse me." I said and he chuckled "wouldn't even dream of it." He said.

"You have got a great boss." Sandra said.

"Finally someone has realised my worth." I said holding out my one hand upawards and driving with the other hand. She chuckled.

"Yeah work with him for a week especially the mornings and you will realise how great he is." He said shaking his head.

"Don't listen to him. Hey, don't apoli my image I have built it with such great effort I had to climb a building for godsake give me some credit." I said. Sandra's expression turned sombre.

"What happened? Is it because of something I said?" I asked concerned.

"Thank you so much for doing this for us. What you are doing, I doubt any of our relatives would have done that for us." She said and Anderson passed a handkerchief to her and I blew air raspberries.

"That's why God created friends so that the work which our relatives can't do and the thoughts which we can't share with the relatives we can share with our friends. This is the last time you are going to thank me and this is the last time I am going to accept it. You are most welcome. After this there are only happy times for you too. Now don't cry because we still have a plane to catch and a crying lady with two handsome men wouldn't suit our reputation." I said wiggling my eyebrows and Anderson shook his head.

"Don't listen to him. We don't have a reputation but yeah I also want you to stop crying it's just for a few days. You will see your father will forgive us." He said and I continue to drive the car.

A day later

"Are you nervous?" I asked Anderson.

"No." He said but he was fidgeting with his bowtie. I took his shoulder and turned him towards me. He frowned.

"Chin up." I said and corrected his bowtie. "now don't touch it. If you are nervous you can tell me. I won't tell anyone."

"I am afraid that she won't be happy with me well not as happy as she was in her father's house." He said, our eyes locked in the mirror.

"I think you are making the choice of her. Till the time she doesn't come to you and say those exact words I think you are doing a pretty good job." I said to him.

"Remind me who is getting married here?" He asked and his tone had shifted to being light.

This time I stood infront of the mirror overshadowing him and correcting my tie. "Just because I am not married. Doesn't mean I can't think logically and don't forget I grew up with a mum who is hopelessly romantic so I watched all kind of movies and dramas and some of them are not far from reality."

"It's good to have you outside of the office." He said.

"Thank you. Should I go check on your bride or you would do it?" I asked because I genuinely didn't know what was the protocol for runaway weddings.

"Isn't seeing her before the wedding a bad omen?" He asked.

"I guess but it's upto you which traditions you might follow." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Just try asking her from the doorway don't go inside I don't want you falling for her." He said.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." I replied sarcastically going out

"Outside!" He shouted and I showed him thumbs-up.

"Hey Sandra, are you there?" I asked.

"Yes?" She said and was about to open the door when I turned away.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking the otherside!" She asked.

"Your boyfriend or should I say fiance's orders. He is afraid that I might fall for you so... Just wanted to ask if you are ready we will be waiting outside is there something missing? If anything is missing just let me know I will arrange for it." I said.

"Everything is there and tell him to stop being possessive of me I am not magical that whoever would look at me would fall for me." She said. Her voice was I don't know I felt odd on hearing her voice.

"For him you might as well be an angel. Anyways I think you are unwell, are you unwell your voice doesn't sound good." I said frowning.

"It's just.... Nevermind. Go outside and I will be there in 5." She said.

"Just tell me if there is anything I can do I will be happy to do it. If you want we can call Anderson here but I think he is following the no seeing you part of the tradition so..."

"Can you bring my father?" She asked.

"Trust me despite Anderson I did try my best but he just wouldn't accept you being the competitior's wife." I sighed.

"I am missing him. So much." She said and I walked away.

"Hey I have to turn around to console her so can I?" I asked knocking on Anderson's door.

"Is she crying?" He asked immediately opening the door.

"Yes she is missing her father." I said.

"Okay fine you can go console her and if she doesn't calm down you call me. I can't see her upset, to hell with bad omen her being upset is bad omen enough." He said and I nodded my head went back to her and knocked.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Yes. You got the permission to look at me?" She asked with a small smile.

"Only because you are crying. You have got a possesive husband out there. Please don't cry. Its just a matter of little time he will come around trust me. There is no father in the world who won't be happy if their kids are happy. Especially daughter's father's. You just have to take this leap of faith and trust yourself and Anderson that you have got what it takes to make your marriage work time will take care of the rest of itself." I said.

"Thanks for the word of advice." She said and I nodded and was about to work outside.

"Um can I ask for a favour?" She asked.

"Yes anything." I said turning around.

"I don't really have anyone so...." Before she could say anything I interrupted.

"So you want me to fly them down. Okay, just give me their names and addresses it will take some days but they will get here and also are they close with your father if they are it would be difficult to fly them down because your father will know and the marriage will not happen then." I said.

"I wanted you to walk me down the aisle." She said raising her voice and I stopped talking and formulating the plans.

"Are you sure?" I asked her.

"Do you not want to, it's okay I completely understand if you don't want to " she said and I interrupted her.

"No, I would like to. I don't have any problems. If you don't mind. Are you sure you don't want any of your relatives here, I know it's late to ask but I don't want to rob you of your dream wedding trust me Anderson also wants to give you the best wedding." I said.

"I am sure. I want to marry him as soon as possible." She said and I nodded my head. I called Anderson and told him to wait outside.

"I am ready whenever you are." I said.

She came close to me and I offered her my arm and together we walked outside of the room.

He got teary eyed on seeing her and all I could do was smile. It was a happy moment for them and I was happy to share in their happiness. As we came near the stage.

"Hey you didn't decide to ditch me for him right the whole hand in the arm thing is giving me doubts." He said and I shook my head seriously any blind man also can feel that the lady beside me has eyes only for her man which is Anderson. I held her hand in mine.

"Are you mad? I swear you doubt me one more time and I will run away. Wedding be damned." She said furiously the tears forgotten.

"Seriously man you should compliment her. She wanted me to walk her down the aisle so I did. Don't doubt her, she is a keeper. And one more thing before I give her to you. You break her heart I break your bones." I said with a serious look and gave her hand to him.

"You do know that you are not her actual father right?" He asked.

"I know that but I can be her brother." You don't mind having a brother, do you?" I asked.

"No infact I would be glad to have you as my brother." She said beaming.

"She is just saying that for your happiness. She doesn't actually want you as her anything." He said softly and I looked at her and she shook her head.

"He is saying nonsense. He is a jealous freak don't listen to him. I would really be happy to have you as my brother." She said.

"If he troubles you, you call me. I will give you my number later store it on speed dial. He will be broke both financially and physically if he hurts you, I will make sure of it." I said and she laughed.

"I have confidence the situation won't get to it." She said.

"The confidence is all anyone needs." I said.

"Are you her friend or mine? Because you aren't doing anything as my friend." He said.

"Her friend ofcourse. I don't know you, who are you?" I asked and winked at Sandra she giggled.

"How dare you? See as soon as you looked at her you switched sides. End of the day you do have to work with me and she isn't coming so you really want to mess with me?" He asked.

"Not end of the day, end of the week and yes I will mess with you. It has nothing to do with her looks it has got something to do with my relation with her I am her new brother ofcourse I will be on her side. Now let's start the ceremony before your finance removes his shoe to throw at me." I said to Sandra. I motioned the priest to start. I took the camera from the photographer and started clicking their pictures.

I also told the photographer to take their romantic photoshoot after the wedding.

After 2 weeks

Anderson had returned. Her father was not happy and he had disowned her. The day that happened we went for an icecream treat to cheer her up.

Now I was working on some files when I hear a commotion going outside.

"What's happening here?" I asked and it was the designer. Seraphinia. I had read from her file and the name was signed below on every one of her sketches.

"You.... All these days I have been working for you?" She asked and I just stared at her trying to urge her to get to the point.

"So what, you don't like my company because you saw my face?" I asked and Anderson hid his smile behind his fist. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"All this time I tought I was dealing with you. I didn't know you worked for him. If I would have known I would have never stepped in this office." She said in a loud voice.

"Get to the point what's wrong?" I said.

"My designs are stolen. I had given them to your whoever he is and somebody copied and released them." She said.

"No that's not possible I still have those designs those designs were supposed to be released later this week." I said.

"They. Are. Stolen. Don't you understand this in one time!" She shouted.

"Hey watch your tone." I said growing angry.

"Watch your words." She said and we started at each other.

"What are you guys looking at? Get out... Out everybody. Go do your work we don't pay you to watch the show. Go!" He said dispersing everyone breaking our stare off.

"Let me check my safe." I said.

"Want to ask my opinion? I think you only stole it to get back at me." She said. I was already walking away from her towards my cabin where the safe is.

She walked behind me and Anderson stopped her. She didn't even wait for me to give my opinion just directly went on with her assumptions.

I stopped on the threshold of my cabin and looked at her "and why would I do that I already got back at you by throwing the coffee on you." I said.

"I don't know you must be some vengeful idiot who loves to take the same revenge again and again till the time he himself or the other person dies." I just looked at her baffled. From where does this woman get such bizarre ideas.

"I don't know which planet you come from lady but I am definitely not among those men. Once done is done in my book. I will go in and check you stay here." I ordered and she looked at me defiantly. Her look alone told me that she wasn't going to listen to me.

"I also want to come. Those are my designs." She whined.

"That is my cabin. So shut up." I said and closed the door on her face.

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