
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 99 Karma

Several monks from Hualong Lake looked at the green-clothed man in front of them with great interest, especially when they heard the phrase "beating someone", they were even more amused.

hit who?

Could it be that he beat them, the monk Hualonghu?

It was a very funny joke.

Not to mention how many miles around, in this city alone, there is absolutely no sect that dares to challenge Hualong Lake!

They were used to being domineering, and they had seen quite a few such brash monks. In the end, they had to kneel obediently and admit their mistakes.

From their point of view, this guy in blue shirt ended up with this kind of fate.

Anyone can speak up and talk big, but it's not easy to be kind after talking big.

Just as the monks were about to make a move, they first taught the green-clothed man a lesson.

The green-clothed man disappeared for a moment, he slapped one person flying with his slap, and then punched one person down, causing his martial arts to shake, and they flew upside down again.

In an instant, only the leader was left among the standing monks.

The leading monk looked horrified, turned pale for a moment, but was strong and calm, and shouted at Chen Jiuda: "I am one of the chief disciples of Hualong Lake!"

Chen Jiu smiled, "What the hell, I don't know."

He punched the monk and landed in front of the monk's forehead. His face was distorted by the blow of the fist, and then he flicked his fingers and hit the center of the eyebrow. His martial arts collapsed, and the leading monk couldn't fly upside down.

These few times, Chen Jiu had to restrain his strength, otherwise these few monks who were no higher than the five realms would have died long ago.

He looked at several monks and thought for a long time whether to kill them or not.

In the end, Chen Jiuyi waved his hand and told them to go away.

Several monks staggered to their feet, supported the leading monk who fell to the ground, and ran away in panic.

Cao Xie hugged Xiao Cao Tang, and came out with an extremely worried expression.

Chen Jiu said directly: "I will send you back to the sect first."

Cao Xie shook his head and lamented: "It's useless, my sect will never offend Hualonghu for me."

He looked up at Chen Jiu, and sighed, "Chen Daoyou, take Xiao Caotang and leave. I'll stay here. At worst, I'll kowtow to them a few times. It's okay."

It's easy for Cao Xie to say it, but after that, it's definitely not a few blows.

Chen Jiu pondered for a moment, then decided to take Cao Xie to his Taoist temple. When he arrived at the Taoist temple, there was nothing to be afraid of with his senior brother and master.

It's just that this time, the time span is too large, and it may not be able to catch up with the birth of this monster.

He thought for a while, then looked at Cao Xie, "Go south first, go to the nearest ferry and hide, wait for me for three days, after three days I will come and take you to my sect."

After three days, if the monster hadn't been born yet, he would ignore it and leave directly. Moreover, there are so many monks in the city, so it should be safe... right?

Without further ado, Cao Xie went directly back to the inn to pick up the package, disguised himself, and under the vague escort of Chen Jiu, he went to a ferry in the south where Dazong had sheltered, paid a few ugly cow coins, and hid.

Chen Jiuze sat quietly on a high place in the city, feeling the martial arts of heaven and earth, and looked around from time to time.

He is only a little away from breaking the boundary, but neither martial arts nor fist will be able to overcome it.

This is the gap between the demon subduing masters, the opportunity to break through the realm, faintly lies in the monster that was born this time.

The visions in the city are becoming more and more intense. The sky with the sun hanging high often changes color suddenly, and the clouds are dense, which only makes people feel gloomy.

The residents in the city had some discussions, but they didn't panic. After all, there were so many master immortals in the city, and they all felt that nothing would happen.

Time flies in the city, and the sky has always been so gloomy.

Chen Jiu sat until noon on the third day, looking at the big river beside the city, his whole body's blood gradually trembled.

He already understood that that monster was going to be born from this big river.

what's in the river

Chen Jiu suddenly had to think of an answer that he couldn't accept at all, his pupils were dilated for a moment, and his face was blank.

The cultivators in the city come and go more and more frequently, they are all waiting for the monster to be born, and grab the magic weapon that was born with the monster.

After midnight, the sky was very dark, Chen Jiu got up and decided to leave.

Three days have passed, it's time for him to send Cao Xie off, no matter what happens in the city, he doesn't have time to stay long.

If you stay for a long time, Cao Xie may die, but if you leave now, everyone in the city may die.

Risking the cost of sacrificing one person to save everyone in the city?


Leaving aside the fact that Chen Jiu and Cao Xie have a good relationship, why has there ever been a reason in the world that one life must be exchanged for the lives of all? !

Everyone wants to live and has the right to live.

One person is alive, and everyone is alive.

As long as that person is not at fault, then he has a reason to live.

Chen Jiu guarded the people in the city for the first three days, and then it was time to escort Cao Xie and Xiao Caotang.

He walked slowly towards the outside of the city.

The monks in the city rushed towards the city.

Chen Jiu was the first monk to leave the city today. He walked slowly and was anxious, but his steps were not in a hurry.

The sky suddenly began to rain heavily, and the roof tiles rattled under the night.

The big river in the distance suddenly had waves, with great momentum, and hit the bank with a plop, killing a large area of weeds.

The sky is still dark, but there is a faint yellow light, which allows people to see clearly, but after seeing clearly, they feel that this world is extremely oppressive.

Standing at the gate of the city, Chen Jiu turned his head to look at the big river, his golden eyes shining brightly.

All the cultivators in the city gathered by the river, in groups of three or four, whispering to each other, discussing what magic weapon the monster born this time would carry.

As for the vision of heaven and earth, they didn't pay attention to it. Many monsters will have visions of heaven and earth when they are born. This does not mean how strong the monster born is. It's just that the luck of heaven and earth is entangled, and the vision will be strong.

Some monks have even seen more intense visions of heaven and earth, and it turned out that the monster that was born was just a dodo bird. Although it was rare, it was useless and could only be used for viewing.

The birth of a monster is like a lottery. If you are lucky enough to meet a monster with rare talents and supernatural powers, you will win a big prize. How you belong after the event depends on each person's ability.

Judging by the movement in the world, this monster should be coming out soon.

Some residents in the city heard the movement, and they went out at night with umbrellas and lights, and watched curiously from a distance.

Naturally, they didn't dare to bother these master immortal masters, but it shouldn't be a problem just to take a look from a distance.

The big waves in the river suddenly rose violently, and the entire river seemed to overflow suddenly, washing away towards the surrounding banks.

There was a big black hand on the bank of the river, clung to the bank, exerted a sudden force, broke the river bank, and stood up suddenly.

It was a pitch-black figure as high as a hill, all twisted up and down, and babies were crying from time to time.

All the monks on the river bank looked cautious and terrified for a moment, and some monks even walked away without looking back.

The expression on the monk's face was also hesitant. I didn't expect to meet the big monster today!

The only one among them, the seven-level monk, didn't want to fight this ghost, and wanted to go back to the sect to ask the Jindan to enshrine him.

Everyone is still hesitating.

The ghost had already set foot on the river bank, and its momentum was extremely loud, smashing the trees on the bank, and heading straight for the city.

It's for revenge.

It is the condensation of karma and strong resentment in the world.

In the city, monks kept fleeing.

They were reluctant to fight this monster for the sake of the people in the city.

Pedestrians in the city holding umbrellas and holding lamps were even more terrified, with weak legs and feet.

There were still high-level monks by the river bank watching and staring, wanting to observe for a while before deciding whether to make a move.

In this night of heavy rain.

A man in a blue shirt went straight to the river bank.

The surrounding monks are leaving the city one after another.

The green-clothed guest walked in the rain, rolled up his sleeves as he walked, and when he left it far away, he knew what this ghost was.

He met him once in the secret place of Kongtong, and it was the curse condensed by the monk's resentment.

And this time it was also the grudge, the drowned baby girls in the river.

This is karma.

But now he is going to stop this karma. Maybe some people in the city deserve to die, but not all of them should die.

The monk on the bank of the river looked at the man in the green shirt with a surprised expression on his face.

The man in green shirt walked in front of the huge figure, his sleeves were already rolled up, and he looked up at the figure as tall as a hill.

At this moment, his figure was as small as a mustard seed.

The cry of the baby kept ringing in his ears.

Chen Jiu sighed, then raised his fist.

The martial arts of heaven and earth are like a galloping river, coming from the sky and winding around the green shirt.