
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 67 Didn't See the Mountains and Rivers, Didn't See the Distance

After the beginning of summer, the Kongtong Secret Realm has gradually stabilized, and the dead are gone forever and cannot be traced.

There was an endless stream of new monks, and the city gradually returned to its former prosperity.

It's just that at dusk and dusk, some people occasionally sit on the top of the city and drink away their worries.

There will always be some people or things in life that are deeply imprinted in my heart and cannot be forgotten, so it becomes a regret.

A mountain range at the southernmost end of the city has become a mass grave, where the bodies of dead monks are buried. It is very close to a small lake. According to the Yin Yang family, this kind of terrain near mountains and rivers can suppress resentment, and also Do not know is not true.

The monks are afraid that when the time comes, corpses will crawl out of the soil, and then these dead monks will really have no bones left.

A thin old man came from Kongtong Secret Realm, his cultivation level was not high enough, he was carrying a small skin on his back, and he always had a flattering smile on his face.

Whenever he met anyone, he asked where Xue Xie was going. Most of the city were new monks like the old man, so he didn't know what Xue Xie was.

As for Jing Zhenghong of the Taibai Sword Sect, Li Yang of Wuyang Mountain, Liu Yi of the Han Han Sect, these ten newly promoted monks in the city, they have heard of them.

The little old man was a little disappointed, but he also smiled obsequiously, saying that he is sorry for the trouble.

The monks also thought it was strange to see the old man. He was already a second-level monk at a very old age. He didn't have a few years to live, and he didn't take care of him outside.

Or is it that this old man still has a heart to climb higher, and he still wants to be among the three realms when he is dying?

It's really funny.

Now the number of monks of the four veins in the city has decreased significantly, so the mixture of fish and dragons has become more serious, and the little skin of the little old man was cast in a few days.

In fact, there is no money in the bag, just a few secular silver taels, and three slightly yellowed rat money, and the rats engraved on them seem to be not so vivid.

The monk who stole the skin saw it, and cursed secretly, how could he steal such a poor thing.

The old man lost his money, which is actually not a big deal. He has no money in this city. He is thirsty and hungry. There are food outside the mountains, and they are all on the periphery. Resting on a terrain that does not affect people can also sleep peacefully overnight.

It's just that those three Zimo coins were given to him by his apprentice before he left, and he hasn't been willing to use them for ten years. The old man always feels sad when he thinks about it.

He groped in the city for half a month, and finally found the tombstone with the word Xue Xie engraved with the guidance of others.

At this moment, the little old man burst into tears, but there was no sound. He first bowed to thank the monk who led the way, then walked tremblingly to the tombstone, leaned gently on the tombstone, and buried his head in sobs.

"Disciple, master is here to accompany you...he is here to accompany you."

The monk leading the way was silent for a moment, his vacant sleeve fluttering in the wind, then he turned around and walked away quietly.

Since then, the little old man has built a small hut next to Xue Xie's tombstone, and has never been to the city again.

He also dug another hole next to Xue Xie's grave, and tried it out by lying down in it, and it was just right, so the old man happily got up, sat in front of Xue Xie's grave, and said with a smile.

"Teacher, I remember that when you first came to the ruined temple, you liked to sleep next to me every day. Later, when you grew up, you couldn't fit in the small bed, so you slept on the floor as a teacher. You are lucky, you just want to sleep on the floor with me." , It turned out to be a good bed, no one slept."

The old man smiled brighter and brighter.

"It's all right now, the bed is big enough, we, master and apprentice, can sleep together again."

He laughed and cried.


Since the death of the city lord, the capital city of Nanshao has become less and less prosperous day by day, and the life of the people in the city has become more and more difficult. Some people even think that it would be good if the city lord did not die, but it is nothing more than a few refugees who died.

As a result, the people in the city resented the tall monk and the golden figure who had eaten the city lord.

I think these two really deserve to die.

Ordinary people dare to resent the fairy on the mountain even if they think about it.

Sometimes people's resentment is so unreasonable and bold.

In midsummer, there were three red foxes in the city who planned to take the ferry they bought and travel together to Qingqiu Mountain, the holy land of the fox clan in Zhongsheng Shenzhou.

The two little red foxes carried their own small parcels on their backs, chattering along the way, full of the joy of traveling in mountains and rivers.

The old man walking in front looked at the two little red foxes with doting eyes.

When they were about to get on the ferry, there was already a swordsman standing on it.

The old red fox was stunned for a moment, then with a sad face, he knelt silently and kowtowed loudly, begging the swordsman to kill him to vent his anger and spare the two little red foxes.

The swordsman looked cold.

When this old fox killed his whole family, did he ever think about who to entangle? !

So today, beside the ferry, there were three more red fox corpses.


The big river in the capital city of Nanshao leads eastward to the Huai River.

The Huai River is a real cross-state river. Its origin is in the middle of Baizhou in the north, and it flows directly into the sea at the end.

Chen Jiu and the red-faced old man sat in a small boat, which was extremely stable in the big river, and would follow the waves if there was a storm. Anyway, the boat would not capsize, and the speed was extremely fast.

Some monks sitting on the ferry of the fairy family were also surprised when they saw it.

However, there are all kinds of wonders in the world, as long as the two of them are hermits and masters, no one will not open their eyes and come to bother them.

The red-faced Taoist often sat on the bow of the boat to fish. There was no bait, but for some reason, he caught a shrimp, so the shrimp caught small fish, and the small fish caught big fish.

On the contrary, Chen Jiu was taken aback for a while, and felt that this Taoist had done a really worthless business.

The Huai River is so large that it is not always safe, and some waters are dangerous.

For example, there is a dragon lying in the water, which only eats the ferry. If there is no big monk to protect it, all the people in the boat will be full for the dragon.

It's a pity that Jiaolong met the red-faced Taoist and was beheaded with one finger.

It is said in "Strange Tales of Mountains and Seas" that this kind of ancient remnant has a natural luck to perceive disasters and blessings, but now it seems that it is not easy to use.

A Jiaolong who was equivalent to the Great Cultivator of Nascent Soul Bottleneck fell, and even his body was crushed into flying ash by the red-faced Taoist, and drifted away with the wind.

Around the Huai River, there are not all ferries, there are also Jianxiu traveling far away, and above the Yujian, like wisps of streamer, disappearing very quickly.

The red-faced Taoist was too high-spirited, and he couldn't see anyone with a flying sword higher than him, so when a sword cultivator flew by, he snorted coldly and made the flying sword tremble, and fell into the Huai River with the sword cultivator on it among.

During the period, there was a great monk, who could be called a sword fairy, who probably had an explosive temper. After being snorted coldly by the red-faced Taoist, instead of being afraid, he cursed angrily.

"Grandma has a leg, what kind of cub, stabs people in the back, dare to come out and make gestures with your grandpa?"

He shouted in all directions, but his eyes were fixed on the small boat in the middle of the Huai River.

A very handsome young man got out of the cabin.

Well, the level is not high, it should be because of the background, the magic weapon bestowed by the ancestors of the family.

The big-tempered sword fairy took the flying sword and said angrily: "Good boy, you dare to plot against me with a magic weapon. For the sake of your ancestor, I will let you make three moves first, and only use one sword. Let me teach you a lesson on behalf of your family ancestor."

The young man shook his head.

The Sword Immortal became anxious, "What's the matter? Look down on me, you go to Guangzhou to inquire about it, Lao Tzu Lu Buwei's name is very famous!"

The young man shook his head again and pointed to the cabin.

A red-faced Taoist emerged from inside, looked at Lu Buwei, cursed and said, "What kind of impotence is not impotent, I'm so annoying, I'm here today, let you make three moves, only one sword."

When Lu Buwei saw the red-faced Taoist, his face was ashen, and he opened his mouth, wanting to justify a few words.

The red-faced Taoist thought he was noisy, so he made a sword move first, and then asked him to move three more times, then he put his two fingers together and slashed straight away.

Named this natal flying sword "Aloe Vera", the sword fairy Lu Buwei who slashed people to save them directly cut 30,000 li.

Lu Buwei fell down in a forest without any movement, just pretending to be dead.

The bear demon passed by all the time, and sneered, "What age is it, and people still pretend to be dead when they see me?"

It shook its head, "Who still eats human flesh? I eat honey."

Suddenly a tree fell in the distance.

The bear demon's expression changed, "No, someone is cutting down trees again!"

The bear demon, who claimed to be the guardian of the forest, rushed straight to the place where the trees fell.

Lu Buwei lay down for three days before slowly getting up, touched his body, but he didn't suffer any injuries, it is estimated that the old sword god withdrew his sword energy, and slashed towards the heaven and earth, but did not slash himself.

Otherwise, I guess I will die and get up.

Lu Buwei was in high spirits immediately, holding the flying sword and barely dancing.

Grandma has a leg, and she can't die with a sword against the Taoist old sword god. If you say it, Lao Tzu Lu Buwei's reputation will not go up?

In the future, when he meets a monk boasting about this Taoist old sword god, he can go up and say something.

"Oh, Taoist old sword god, it's actually not a big deal. I haven't killed me with one sword, so that's it."

Lu Buwei wanted to come, but he was in a good mood, he just said that this luck has come, and he can't stop it.

The small boat drove for half a day, and the speed was extremely fast in the last three days. I don't know if it is because of the fast flowing water, but the small boat must be fast.

Instead, it reminded Chen Jiu of the phrase "Go to Baidi in the morning, and go to Jiangling in the evening."

The boat was traveling fast, and it was also fast when it stopped, without any warning, it stopped almost instantly, threw Chen Jiu out of breath, and landed in the Huai River, just like taking a bath.

The young man looked at the red-faced Taoist sitting on the boat in the water, grinned, raised his right hand, and took the emerald green bead out of the water.

The two went ashore, the red-faced Taoist took the boat, and took Chen Jiu into a peach and plum garden.

There is a bluestone road between the peach and plum forests. The two walked along it. They didn't see the Taoist temple, but they saw the school first.

The school is really grand, with a huge stone ladder leading to the door, with a huge front, two xiezhi outside, guarding the door, with big eyes rolling around, sometimes shaking their heads, yawning, and taking a nap for a while.

This Xiezhi is also recorded in "Strange Landscapes", one of the rare auspicious beasts, the natal supernatural power "judgment", has the effect of determining right from wrong based on cause and effect, and some big sect leaders like to use this Xiechi Decide what is right or wrong.

The style of the school is a style, but don't care about the two of them, and continue to move forward.

Some scholars holding books saw the two Taoist priests, and they were a little surprised, but not too surprised. After all, they heard that there was a Taoist temple on the far mountain, but they never saw any Taoist priests going up and down the mountain, so they were a little surprised A little bit.

The scholars talked about etiquette, and some saluted the red-faced Taoist.

The red-faced Taoist grimaced, just walked and didn't speak.

Chen Jiu smiled enthusiastically at the saluting scholar: "Get up, get up, alas, there is no need to make such a big salute. When I see you later, just kowtow casually."

The scholar saluting was speechless, and the red-faced Taoist was even more speechless.

After the little girl died, the young man was actually silent for a period of time, but later he talked more and more, and returned to this heartless look.

At dusk and night, young people like to sit on the bow and look into the distance.

In fact, I didn't look at the mountains and rivers, I didn't look at the bright moon, and I didn't look at the distance.

It's just that the young man's eyes are full of sadness.