
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 64 Moonlight as a comb

The dark girl twitched her dirty nose, pushed Chen Jiu away, glared at him, walked into the dark alley, and sat with her arms crossed.

Chen Jiu followed slowly, stood aside, and suddenly asked, "Where's that puppy?"

The little girl's complexion was shrouded in darkness, and she said angrily: "Dead, how long can this little beast live? It's fine to die, so you don't have to suffer."

Chen Jiu lowered his head to look at the little girl, and said softly, "They can live for a long time and live well."

The swarthy girl snorted coldly and said nothing.

One big and one small stayed quietly under the eaves, and when the sun set over the city, at dusk, Chen Jiu suddenly took out a few silver taels, handed them to the little girl, and said with a smile: "Take it to buy some food, I'll give it to you." Hungry too."

The little girl looked up at him, didn't say a word, took two taels of money, ran to buy some steamed buns, and returned the rest of the money to Chen Jiu.

Chen Jiu handed the money to the dark girl, and said with a smile, "I've given it to you, how about using it as travel expenses?"

The swarthy girl just lowered her head and gnawed at the steamed bun, silent.

Waiting for the moonlight to hang high to say goodbye, Chen Jiu took out some coins, not many, and handed them to the little girl again, and said softly, "How about helping me buy some breakfast tomorrow morning?"

The little girl knocked out the coin in Chen Jiu's hand and stared at him, "Who do you think you are?!"

She bit the corner of her mouth and said in a deep voice, "I can make money myself!"

The little girl sloping her feet and ran away quickly.

The young man was silent for a long time, bent down and slowly picked up the coins that had fallen in the alley, put them in his arms, and returned to the restaurant under the dim moonlight.


In the past few days in the city, many refugees have entered the city, and they were resettled by the soldiers in the city. It is a good thing that they don't have to worry about food and drink.

It's just that it's been so long, it won't work after all, not to mention whether there is so much spare money in the city, even the people in the city can't stand it, why can the refugees use their tax money to eat and drink for nothing?

Once it is too long, the people will definitely make trouble.

So the city arranged for these refugees to enter the city lord's mansion to do things, but they didn't force it. If you come to do things, you will have a salary, if you don't come, you won't.

So most of these refugees would go there, only a few were lazy, their brains were not working well, and they really didn't want to move, and then they didn't know where to go. According to the city soldiers, they were driven out of the city.

No one cares about the specifics, and it has little to do with them anyway.

A group of Taoist priests in the city left, and another group came. Chen Jiu even saw the same person. As soon as he left, he changed into a Taoist robe and stepped in with his back foot. He walked to his usual favorite position and ate a lot.

The soldiers guarding around the restaurant seemed to be familiar with this situation, they didn't take much care and just let him in.

Chen Jiu was quite puzzled, wondering if the city lord admired the Taoist priest too much.

Can this be tolerated?

It's just that Chen Jiu suddenly never saw this person again after a certain day.

There are still as many Taoist priests in restaurants, and generally the Taoist priests who have just arrived have city officials to come to ask them for help. They are usually small evil spirits, the kind that are extremely easy to deal with.

If the Taoist priest agrees, he will gradually treat each other with courtesy, and if he does not agree, he will not drive people away. It's just that the fake Taoist priest has lived for a long time, and he probably feels embarrassed, so he will disappear for a while, and then change his body Taoist robe again.

It's just that there are always so many Taoist priests in the restaurant, including those who have come back and come back.

True Taoists will not stay long, and false Taoists are nowhere to be found.

Chen Jiu was sitting by the window, when the door of the restaurant suddenly slammed, he turned his head to look.

Another priest came in.


The dark girl was begging on the street again, but she was alone without a puppy beside her. If someone lost money, she would kowtow to the ground and make a loud clatter.

After a day, I didn't have much money, just enough to buy two buns. Sometimes when I met a soldier in the city clearing people along the street, the little girl would limp and run away quickly, otherwise she would be caught by the soldier. Mostly just a kick.

I don't go begging often, I'm so hungry that I can't find anything to eat, so I just kneel on the street, there's nothing to be ashamed about, what else can I do to survive.

The clothes on the little girl's body are extremely torn, and the clothes are not covering her body, showing bruises and bruises, some were beaten by others, and some were dropped by herself.

She scratched her messy hair, thought of the young Taoist priest for no reason, snorted, and said disdainfully: "Fake a good person."

A few coins just to make her feel grateful to Dade?


She wouldn't starve to death if she wanted these coins!

The dark girl bit her lip, curled up and hugged each other.

The weather in late spring turned extremely fast, and soon there was a light rain, which continued to grow stronger as the strong wind blew.

The eaves in the alley are not wide enough to block the slanting rain.

The swarthy girl sat quietly, letting the wind blow and the rain hit, anyway, it was bad luck for the rain to fall on her dirty body.

The cold raindrops stopped suddenly, and there was still the sound of rain outside.

The dark girl raised her head in doubt, and saw a young Taoist standing quietly beside her holding an umbrella. The umbrella was slightly tilted, so it just blocked the slanting rain, and also blocked the thin figure of the dark girl.

The young Taoist lowered the umbrella again, and smiled softly at the little girl.

The dark girl didn't make a sound, and buried her head between her curled legs again, without any movement.

One big and one small are very quiet, waiting for the rain to stop.

The whispers continued, and the period gradually became shorter, but it never stopped. When the rain stopped, it was dusk.

Chen Jiu put away the umbrella and ran quickly towards the outside of the alley.

The swarthy girl suddenly raised her head, staring blankly at the back of the young Taoist.

Chen Jiu quickly ran back with a few buns, squatted beside the girl, and hurriedly said, "Hurry up, it's still hot, hurry up and eat."

The dark girl just looked at him without saying a word.

Chen Jiu was stunned for a while, then sat down on the ground, just like a little girl, and said with a smile: "You eat first, then treat it as a loan from me, wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, if it doesn't work, it will be the day after tomorrow. How about giving it back to me?"

The dark girl was silent.

The young Taoist handed over two buns and said with a smile, "My name is Chen Jiu."

The little girl took the bun slowly, glared at him, and said angrily, "I will pay you back."

Chen Jiu leaned against the wall of the alley, smiled slightly and said, "I know."

Waiting for the little girl to finish eating the two buns, Chen Jiu got up slowly, said goodbye to the little girl, and left slowly.

The swarthy girl looked at the back under the bright moon, and was a little dazed. She quickly shook her head twice, and sat in the alley again.

The moonlight from outside came in slightly and printed on the little girl's face.

She crawled out suddenly, propped her hands up, and stared down at a small puddle reflecting the moonlight.

In the water was an unattractive girl with sparse eyebrows. Her face was already stiff with mud, which was strangely ugly.

The dark girl sniffed, scooped up water with her hands, covered her face, washed off the dirt, and wiped her dirty sleeves, not sure whether it was clean or dirty.

Then the dark girl, sitting under the moonlight, braided her own hair.