
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 5 What is this, is it fun?

Chen Jiu fell to the ground weakly, blood continued to overflow.

The phantom figure pulled out the wooden sword, and there was a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth, and he continued to speak: "Who is to blame for walking towards death?"

This mansion is not strong to keep people, but you have to run inside.

It's just that before the fantasy was finished laughing, Chen Jiu got up cursing and got up, looking at the phantom of the figure like a normal person, and cursed: "You laugh with a hammer!"

The pupils of the human shadow phantom widened slightly, as if feeling incredible, and said in surprise: "Where are you, why did you enter my field!"

After the phantom finished speaking, without waiting for Chen Jiu to reply, it began to twist violently, and the figure collapsed like bubbles.

The ground trembled suddenly, collapsing like the phantom. Chen Jiu stabilized his figure, and before he could think, the ground suddenly collapsed and sank beneath it.

Many gravels were knocked together in the air, and Chen Jiu's body was like tattered cotton wool. Only he, the person involved, could understand the feeling of being knocked by many gravels, and the bones were constantly broken.

Eventually he slammed into the ground and buried himself in a pile of stones.

After a while, Chen Jiu scratched open the gravel covered in blood, spit out two mouthfuls of bloody saliva, got up like a normal person, and looked around.

He was in a huge cave, and the cave was covered with gnarled tree roots, showing his teeth and claws, which looked a little scary.

There is shining light in the depths of the cave, and the light blue is deep and deep. In the center is a huge tree root, and the roots of the surrounding trees spread from here.

There was a figure hanging under the root of the tree, emitting a fierce blue light.

The three Taoist priests raised their swords and stood in front of them. Seeing Chen Jiu crawling out covered in blood, the elderly Taoist priest frowned, not caring about him, and focused all his attention on what was in front of him.

Holding a sharp knife, Chen Jiu saw the three of them and felt that this time it was not an illusion, so he ran over in small steps and asked curiously, "What are you looking at here?"

The old Taoist said solemnly: "Liuyinggui, a ghost who likes to take people's souls in strange landscapes, with an old tree as its root, mainly uses illusion to kill people. Although the killing power is not great, it still has a full five-level cultivation base."

The old Taoist priest was silent for a while, raised the wooden sword, and said again: "Today, I will descend the demon, and I don't know whether I will live or die, so my little friend will take the opportunity to leave. Don't be involved in this. If you are destined to come to Liuyun Taoist Temple in the future, tell our master about your disciples." It's fine if you're unworthy or not good at learning."

Chen Jiu was surprised: "Do you really have to die?"

The old Taoist replied: "Most likely one will die!"

Chen Jiu nodded, and now that he understood, he walked back and waved his hand, "Then we will see you in Jianghu!"

Before he had gone far, the roots of the tree in the distance suddenly lifted up, and the figure hanging underneath became brighter and brighter, and the faint blue light gradually turned to scarlet.

Surrounded by many tree roots and branches, it circles around.

Chen Jiu was taken aback for a moment, then he held the sharp knife and hurried to the side of the three of them, and asked anxiously, "Master Dao, you can't escape!"

The old Taoist didn't reply, holding the talisman wooden sword, his figure suddenly flew towards the glowing figure.

The old Taoist stabbed with a sword, and a lot of blood gushed out from the figure.

The Firefly Ghost let out a roar, surrounded by several tree roots, and slammed towards the old Taoist.

The Taoist moved to one side of his body to avoid it, and took out a few more talismans, pierced them with a wooden sword, and inserted them on top of the wooden sword.

The other two hurriedly followed, and the three of them formed an formation, and headed towards the surrounding tree roots.

Chen Jiu hid aside, still thinking about whether to help, when a tree root suddenly slapped him on the head, but fortunately he reacted in time and blocked it with a sharp knife.

It's just that the sharp knife was also suddenly bounced away under this huge force.

Chen Jiu was empty-handed, thinking about keeping the green hills, not afraid of lack of firewood, he rolled to avoid another swing from the roots, and ran around without looking back.

The fight was going well there, and Chen Jiu was also running happily here. Anyway, he didn't look back, but ran to the side of the complicated terrain.

With his physique at the first level of physical cultivation, it is not difficult to run for several hours in a row.

But before he could run for a while, a figure suddenly flew down and smashed into the gravel ground.

Chen Jiu took a closer look and saw that it was the young Taoist priest, and there was another tree root rushing towards him in the distance. Chen Jiu hurriedly picked up the young Taoist priest on the ground, rolled away to avoid it, and continued to run.

Blood was bleeding from the corner of the young Taoist's mouth, and his wooden sword was broken, he still said anxiously: "Let me help Senior Brother!"

Just now, Chen Jiu rolled and dodged a blow from a tree root, and said angrily, "Hold on and don't let it go, we can win!"

The tree root was chasing after him. Even though Chen Jiu was in a strong posture, it would be inconvenient for him to hug someone. Once he couldn't dodge, he was hit by the tree root, and he flew across ten meters with the Taoist priest in his arms. It was the Taoist priest who spit out blood all over his body.

The young Taoist priest looked extremely worried.

It's just that Chen Jiu immediately got up again, holding the Taoist priest in his arms and continuing to run like a normal person.

The two elderly Taoist priests who had been worrying about this place in the distance were a little surprised.

After being hit by this tree root, he can still run wildly with energy. This person's physique is definitely not simple, at least he has started from the third realm of physical cultivation!

They didn't know that Chen Jiu went to the gate of hell and came back again.

There were more and more tree roots around, and the Taoist priests gradually became overwhelmed and couldn't stand it anymore.

That old Taoist wielded a wooden sword in one hand, and made a formula with one hand, and a fire technique spewed out.

But the tree root didn't seem to be afraid of this fire technique, and slapped the Taoist head-on, knocking the Taoist into the air, and the wooden sword fell to the side.

Taoist Leng Lie suddenly panicked, hurried over, and used his wooden sword to block for his senior brother, but he himself missed the gap, suddenly got stressed, was suddenly hit by a tree root, and flew to the side.

How many people are in danger!

The old Taoist quickly rolled up from the ground, with a determined expression, took out a black talisman from his arms, erased the taboo, held it in his hand, and was about to fly towards the center of the Liuying ghost tree root.

This talisman is his trump card, which contains a fire method, which is extremely powerful, but it needs to be opened by someone personally, and it must absorb human blood to burst out its power.

This is the winner of a move that is life-or-death.

Taoist Leng Lie said sadly, "Brother!"

The elderly Taoist is about to fly away.

Chen Jiu suddenly ran to him with the young Taoist priest in his arms, looked at the pitch-black talisman in his hand, and asked curiously, "What are you playing with? Can this thing ward off evil spirits?"

The elderly Taoist who was flying in mid-air was a little distracted by this question, and was sent flying by the attacking tree roots.

The pitch-black talisman floated in the air.

The old Taoist vomited blood and had no time to take care of himself, so he hurriedly said, "Little friend, quickly grab that talisman!"

When Chen Jiu heard the words, he moved his body twice, avoiding the pursuit of tree roots, then jumped up, grabbed the talisman with one hand, and asked, "Then what?"

The old Taoist spat out a mouthful of blood, he had no energy left, so he could only hurriedly say: "Little friend, go to the root of the Liuying ghost tree quickly, this talisman has great killing power, it is the winning hand to kill this Liuying ghost!"

When Chen Jiu heard this, his expression became serious, and he threw the young Taoist towards the old Taoist, "Take care of me."

Then, without looking back, he quickly ran towards the middle of Liuying Ghost.

It's just that the more he ran, the more he felt that something was wrong, why his whole body strength was disappearing very quickly, and this talisman was becoming extremely hot at a very high speed, and it seemed that it was about to explode immediately.

In the distance, the Taoist surnamed Zhang, who was kneeling on the ground, hugged the young Taoist priest, looked at Chen Jiu's figure walking away, and sighed, "Little friend, I'm sorry."


A violent sea of flames exploded, rolled up the clouds, and a cry came from within.

"I hate your uncle!"