
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 49 Why Don’t Men Wear Wu Hooks?

Li Xian looked at the green-shirted man in front of him, a smile appeared on his serious face, and even the girl behind him was quite happy.

The young son's body trembled slightly, terrified to the extreme.

Chen Jiu let go, patted his head, and said with a smile: "Let's go, don't be so ignorant in the future."

If the young son was granted an amnesty, he didn't dare to turn his head and ran away in a hurry.

The three of them looked at each other, and then they all chuckled. Chen Jiu squatted in front of the boy's shop, and asked curiously, "Can you really make money by setting up a stall here?"

The young man held his head high, "That's not true, I can earn a lot by myself."

He glanced at the girl at the side again, and explained: "It has nothing to do with her, I earned it myself."

The girl pursed her lips and said unfairly: "I killed that monster."

Li Xian frowned, and when he settled the score, he had no choice but to say: "That's your share."

In fact, most of the customers who came to Li Xian's shop to buy things came towards the girl. Some of them knew the girl's identity and came to show their hospitality, but they didn't have the idea of being so tall, they just wanted to get acquainted.

Some of them are like this young man, they are completely out of ulterior motives, seeing the pretty girl, they come to hook up, and at the same time show off their own family background, wanting the girl to throw themselves into their arms.

It's just that this kind of person is often chased away by Li Xian, and he is too embarrassed to tear off his gentle face in front of the girl, so he can only smile stiffly and say "Come again sometime", and walk away quickly.

Chen Jiu guessed this, shook his head slightly, and asked Li Xian, "How much did you earn?"

Li Xian scratched his head and thought carefully, a lot of rat money came into the account every day, it was really difficult to calculate.

Behind him, Yu Miao has already answered: "Eight hundred and sixty-six pieces."

The girl smiled, very proud.

As soon as Chen Jiu's eyes lit up, he beckoned directly, "Let's go, it's hot pot tonight!"

Naturally, Li Xian had no objection, and originally wanted to invite Chen Jiu to eat the most expensive hot pot in the city, so he set up this shop.

After tidying up, the three of them went straight to the top of the city and sat down at a rather famous hot pot shop.

All three of them could eat spicy food, so they didn't order the mandarin duck pot. Instead, they put red oil on top and some ingredients. When the red oil boiled and the ingredients inside floated on the surface, they started to move their chopsticks.

Of course there is still wine, but the girl doesn't drink it, so Chen Jiu and Li Xian drink it together.

The two drank halfway, Chen Jiu seemed to think of something, took out the glazed cup from the purple gold gourd, squinted his eyes and smiled, planning to use this to hold wine, which is magnificent.

Chen Jiu shook it twice, and there was movement inside the glazed cup. He opened it and saw that it was a crystal jade pendant, hung by a red string, engraved with a small dragon around the pendant.

Chen Jiu took it to him and looked at it. There were small characters engraved on it, not many, just four characters. It was "Be kind to others".

Chen Jiu fell in love with these four words, hung them on his waist first, then picked up the glass cup to fill some wine, and continued with the business.

Li Xian looked enviously at the side, then looked at his wine glass, feeling that something was really wrong, so he drank a glass of stuffy wine.

Yu Miao propped her head, looked at the two of them continuously, and suddenly smiled, just living like this is pretty good, much better than practicing day after day on the mountain.

Chen Jiu fell back on the reclining chair, with his feet resting slightly on the table. The coir hat that changed from the mirror to the water and the moon had long been put aside, and now he held up the glass cup, raised it to the sky, and drank against the moon.

Tonight is moonlight intoxicating.


This spring came a little unconsciously. When the mountains and flowers in the distance were romantic, Chen Jiucai suddenly realized that it had been so long, and his hair had changed from the original duck egg to the current elegant green shirt.

As the hair grows, it becomes more difficult to manage, and I feel a little sad.

Chen Jiu found a black rope, raised the back of his hair, and wore a straw hat when he went out on weekdays, but no one recognized him.

In addition, Chen Jiu also went to a magic weapon shop and spent a few bucks to buy a matching sword. I don't know if it's practical or not, but the style is good anyway, so just put it on your waist and pretend to be a romantic swordsman .

As for the girl's flying sword, Chen Jiu returned it to the girl after eating the hot pot that night, saying that she borrowed it for two days and told the girl not to mind.

Yu Miao's eyes narrowed and she was very happy. She hugged Feijian and looked left and right. It was still the same, she was even happier.

Li Xian pursed his lips, and said something nice about a woman, "Actually, she's quite a nice person."

Chen Jiu nodded, "I knew it a long time ago."

In the past few days, a big event has been reported in the city, that Chen Xiaoren and Chen Ruanfan, who were despised by many people, turned out to be a powerful four-level physique cultivator.

As soon as the news came out, many people couldn't believe it, and exclaimed, how is this possible? !

But these words come from the mouths of the monks in the four realms of the city, those big shots. Could it be possible that they still dare to doubt these big shots?

At present, some people in the city feel uncomfortable, very sad, thinking that they laughed at the green-shirted man like that back then, they will not meet one day, the green-shirted man will punch him directly.

How can such a small body of my own bear it?

Chen Jiu didn't think about it. Taking advantage of the spring, he carried his fishing rod and went fishing in a small stream near the mountains every day. For two days in a row, he didn't get much.

Chen Jiu was so angry that he punched into the water, shaking out a large piece of fish and shrimp.

Fishing changed its meaning and became fried fish.

Li Xian didn't set up shop anymore, and went to the mountains to hunt monsters. Now he is able to solo kill second-level monsters, which is a big improvement.

Chen Jiu often likes to sit on the top of the city at night when he has nothing to do, raise his glass to invite the bright moon, and then drink in one sip.

It's just that one night the bright moon seemed to be really entertaining, and it fell a little, which frightened Chen Jiu so much that he almost spilled the wine in the glass cup.

Tonight, the monks who had entered the Kongtong Secret Realm for more than three years felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They all went up to the tower, looking at the falling moon with serious eyes, and sighed, "It's another siege battle!"

When the bright moon is very close to the ground, there will be a tragic scene of monsters and blood moons attacking the city, and monks defending the city with all their strength.

In the days to come, the top of the city was banned a lot, and the shops were all driven to the bottom of the city. The monks in the four branches of the city, who were usually superior, were all wearing precious armor and holding magic treasure talismans, standing at the front line of the city.

The elixir, talisman and talisman shops in the city are the busiest business, and there are endless appointments every day. All major forces require them to build a large number of soldiers and refine countless elixir and talismans.

As for the monks in the city who have not joined the Quartet's forces, they are not forced to stay or stay. Those who can defend the city will record their military exploits, and those who escaped from the city will not be recorded.

That's why some monks fled overnight to a clean place in the mountains, unwilling to get involved.

It's just that once the city is broken, how can there be a clean place in the secret place of Kongtong?

Some monks leave, and some monks return.

A young Taoist priest wearing a dark Taoist robe, holding a very long whisk, went back to the city, went directly to the gate guarded by Daomai, sat straight at the front, closed his eyes and meditated, no one dared to disturb him.

There was a Confucian student with a handsome face and a person like warm jade, with a flying sword on his waist, engraved with the word "gentleman", and went to the gate guarded by the school palace.

There was Li Yang, the eleventh in the city, a female martial artist, carrying a jug of spirits, drinking while going up the tower, when she arrived, she leaned against the wall and muttered that she had to surpass Xue Xie to kill demons.

There are Confucian literary talents.

There is Shanshuilang.

There was a heroic physique man wearing a treasure armor and carrying a banner on his shoulders, standing on the top of the city, looking at the moon that was getting lower and lower every day, with piercing eyes, facing the mountains, he yelled outrageously.

"Kill you bastards!"

When the moonlight was about to fall, a monk from the north of the city came to Chen Jiu with a sincere and friendly tone.

So Chen Jiu sat on a very high tower in the north of the city, as the leader of the battle.

In the early spring of this year, it is the time of Waking of Insects.

There is a blood moon falling, very close to the ground.

Chen Jiu sat on the tower of the city wall, raised his coir hat, and looked up.

The sky trembled, and the Kuroshio was on the line.