
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 11 depression

Chen Jiu was most afraid of these strange events. He sat on the shore and calmed down for a while, thinking that he could not be afraid alone, so he went to call Lao Cao over, and even forced a smile on his face and said that he would give Lao Cao a surprise. .

Lao Cao didn't want to come, but was dragged by Chen Jiuqiang, so he walked over in a daze.

So the two stood by the Huai River together, staring at the female corpse by the river in a daze.

Chen Jiu rubbed his chin with one hand and asked the old man, "Old Cao, do you have any ideas?"

The old man didn't answer.

Chen Jiu continued on his own, "Sprinkle chili powder, spices, cumin, and simmer for three hours on low heat, and the children next door will cry."

The old man didn't seem to hear it, shook his head slightly, and looked at Chen Jiu very seriously, "You are still young, there are some strange things in the Goulan, don't talk too much, ask more, and take care."

He sighed again, "If you're not too short of money, go find another job next month. This Goulan is not a good place. If you stay for a long time, you won't be able to leave."

Chen Jiu kicked the woman's floating corpse back into the river, and said with a smile, "I will leave sooner or later."

The old man was dumbfounded, and walked back to the pavilion with a hunched body.

He couldn't get away.

In the days to come, Lao Cao seemed to be getting older and older, and he no longer went out except to buy wine.

Chen Jiu was restless again. After running along the Huaihe River and strolling in the city, he turned his head and started running towards the Goulan.

Lao Cao told him a few times, just tell him to walk outside the Goulan, don't go too deep, it's no good.

Chen Jiu nodded at the time, but he forgot when he turned his head. After that, he should run around or just run around.

However, some places in the Goulan were guarded by young men, so it was difficult for Chen Jiu to get in.

During these days, Chen Jiu met three "old friends" that he never wanted to see.

The three Taoist priests in the barren mountain mansion.

Chen Jiu met three people in a small teahouse in the city. At that time, he was shopping for sugar shops outside. When he turned his head and looked around, he saw the three people in jackets.

He hurriedly lowered his head, said to himself a reminder of bad luck, then took the sugar figurine and ran away quickly.

He didn't want to make friends with these three Taoist priests.

This is the second time for the three of Liuyun Daoist to come to Qingfeng City. They came once in late autumn and left in a hurry. They came again in late winter, but it was their master who told them to come here to find a chance.

As for what the chance was, the master just looked at the little junior sister with a smile and didn't say a word.

The youngest of the three, Yu Fold, had her hair braided today, and she didn't wear a Taoist robe, but a white jacket with a little lace. From this point of view, she looked like a pretty woman.

She took a sip of hot tea, propped her head on her small hands, and looked towards the south of the city.

There were barren hills, and a mansion a few months ago, and a young man who seemed heartless.

The girl was a little sad, but she didn't miss it much. After all, she was just passing by in a hurry, and she would never see her again.

The middle-aged Taoist named Zhang Huan was the first to speak, and sighed: "When I travel to Qingfeng City, I miss that little friend."

Leng Lie Taoist Yang Zhiyu also nodded his head rarely, "It's a life-saving grace, but it's hard to repay it, and I feel ashamed."

In their lineage, what they pay attention to is that they only ask the heart, good is good, bad is bad, and they will never deny others at will because of rumors or prejudices.

Although the young man's words and deeds are frivolous, he can bear the word chivalrous in his actions!

This is enough for him, Yang Zhiyu, to take a look.

The three of them didn't know that Chen Jiu had sugar in his mouth at this time, and he was still hurriedly muttering not to meet the three of them, not to meet the three of them.

He trotted all the way back to Goulan.

There was a lot of voices at the gate of Goulan.

Lao Cao was dragged out of the pavilion, knelt down on the road, and kowtowed to the visitors from all directions in Goulan!

Standing next to him was a young man in brocade clothes and a jade crown. He was smiling lightly. He stomped Cao's head on the ground and let it go. He waited for Cao to raise his head slowly. Feet, it seems so fun.

Many onlookers stood nearby, some applauded the man, some looked indifferent, and some shook their heads in pity for the old man.

It just didn't stop it.

Chen Jiu was furious, threw away the sugar figurine, clenched his fist, and walked towards the man in the Chinese suit.

An old man flew out beside the man in Chinese clothes, fist to fist.

It suddenly exploded.

Chen Jiu flew upside down for tens of meters, wiped a pale white mark on the ground, barely stopped, vomited blood, and sunken chest.

The onlookers hurriedly backed away.

Xu Wu, the eldest son of the Xu family, tilted his head and said with a smile, "Another dead dog?"

Chen Jiu was lying on the ground, gasping for breath, dying.

The old man retracted his fists and turned back, standing quietly behind Xu Wu.

Xu Wu smiled and walked slowly in front of Chen Jiu, raised his foot gently, stepped on his head, and said lightly, "You dare to punch me?"

He raised his foot and kicked Chen Jiu's head suddenly.

Under the fierce blow, Chen Jiu protruded with a mouthful of blood.

In the distance, Lao Cao knelt and kowtowed to Xu Wu, with tears in his eyes and blood on his forehead.

Xu Wu was surprised, "You old dog, you can kowtow so hard, why did you die before?"

Lao Cao never spoke, just kowtowed.

Xu Wu smiled, "Like a dog barking twice."

Lao Cao's forehead hit the bluestone floor as if unconscious, and he hummed, "Wow, woof..."

The bluestone floor was mixed with blood and tears.

Xu Wu stepped on Chen Jiu's head and clapped his hands suddenly, "Okay, what an old dog!"

"But..." He changed the subject, pointed to Chen Jiu under his feet, and said with a smile, "I told him to bark like a dog twice."

Some pedestrians who couldn't bear to look any longer walked away slowly.

Chen Jiu's whole body was in severe pain, as if being stabbed by needles, but he didn't make a sound.

Xu Wu smiled and slowly moved the foot that was on his head until it reached the sunken chest, exerting a little force.

Chen Jiu's body shook violently, he clenched his hands tightly, and his forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat.

A woman's voice came from the side.

"Master Xu, let's forget it, we will pay you for it."

It's Mrs. Gui.

Xu Wu turned his head slowly, looked at Mrs. Gui, and said with a smile, "Forget it? If Uncle Xu hadn't helped me today, I might be the one who is lying on the ground now..."

He raised his voice, "This, can it be forgotten?!"

The old man named Xu Xing just stood behind Xu Wu without saying a word.

Mrs. Gui bent down and bowed, "This is absolutely wrong of our Goulan. You will be satisfied with the compensation afterwards. It's just the life of a talented second-level body trainer. We still want it."

Xu Wu stepped on the hollow of Chen Jiu's chest again, causing Chen Jiu to spurt out a mouthful of blood, then spread his hands, and said helplessly, "Then let's sell Madam."

Several people dispersed.

A pretty maid behind Madam Gui frowned and said dissatisfiedly, "This Xu Wu's behavior is too domineering."

Her body suddenly became cold.

Mrs. Gui was staring at her, and asked coldly: "Would you like to ask the old man behind him who has cultivated five realms of physical fitness, and ask Xu Wu why he dared to be so domineering?"

The servant girl lowered her head and trembled slightly, not daring to speak.

Mrs. Gui looked at Chen Jiu who was like a dead dog, and ordered: "Take him down and heal him well."

Several maids hurried forward.

No one cares about Lao Cao.

The old man got up slowly, and entered the pavilion with his forehead dripping with blood.

Chen Jiu returned to the pavilion three days later, his face still pale and his body vain.

Mrs. Gui told him to sit in front of the pavilion every day and say hello to everyone, so that he should temper his temper.

Someone is watching him all the time, and at least he starts from the four realms.

Chen Jiu sat expressionlessly in front of the pavilion for a whole day, and when he fell asleep that night, he punched his pulse.

In the morning of the second day, Chen Jiu sat in front of the pavilion with an expressionless face, but his complexion improved a bit.

When nothing happened, he started to practice boxing, and he fought very seriously, punching hard.

Mrs. Gui ordered a servant girl to deliver medicine to him. It was a young girl who looked young, at most sixteen. Every time the girl delivered medicine to him, she was quite shy.

Chen Jiuman was really surprised that he could still do this in this hook.

He also drank this medicine, thinking it was to nourish his body.

The guests in the Goulan gradually got used to being greeted at the door, and sometimes they would reward Chen Jiu with a few coins when they were in a good mood.

Xu things are the most prosperous, he will grab a handful of silver, throw it on the ground, look at Chen Jiu and smile: "The little dog quickly asks that old dog to come and pick it up together."

Chen Jiu was expressionless and looked at him quietly.

Then he would be punched by the old man, spitting blood and flying across dozens of meters.

It's just that Xu Wu didn't dare to kill him, after all, the power of Qiuyue Goulan was quite large.

He only laughed a few more words, then turned and entered the Goulan Boathouse.

Chen Jiu fell to the ground, suppressed his fist, looked up at the sky, and said calmly.

"not the right time yet."

When the time is right, he will destroy the old man together!


Lao Cao was bored in the pavilion every day, and he didn't want to go out anymore. Sometimes he would look through the window and see Chen Jiu sitting outside the pavilion saying hello to people.

Every time he saw it, he would shake his head, with a miserable face, and lower his head to take a sip of wine.

His damned old bones actually caused Chen Jiu to be imprisoned in this barn together with him.

How unfortunate!

Chen Jiu said hello again.

The old man's hand holding the wine bottle was tightly clenched, and the veins on it were bulging. It was the first time for a kind old man to look so ferocious, and he only questioned himself.

"Why not die?!"


The maid who delivered the medicine to Chen Jiu was named Qiu Xing. She had a plain name, but she looked quite youthful and beautiful. She had not been here for a long time and was serving Mrs. Gui.

Every day when she delivered medicine to Chen Jiu, she would stop for a period of time, whether it was watching Chen Jiu boxing or watching Chen Jiu say hello to others.

Chen Jiu suddenly asked once: "Why are you here?"

Qiu Xing was slightly taken aback, lowered her head, and only said softly, "The family is poor."

Chen Jiu didn't speak any more, and punched seriously.

He hasn't smiled since sitting in front of the pavilion.

Every time Xu Wu came, he would press down his body and punch the old man forcefully.

Just a little blood.

After getting up, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth as if nothing had happened, and continued to sit in front of the pavilion.

Every time at this time, Qiu Xing would send more herbs than usual.

Chen Jiu took it and would say thank you softly.

Qiu Xing would bow her head shyly, say no thanks, then stand aside and quietly watch Chen Jiu practice boxing for a while longer than usual.

One day in the heavy rain, after Qiu Xing delivered the medicine, she didn't watch Chen Jiu practice boxing, turned around and ran away in panic in the heavy rain, the oil-paper umbrella was beaten to the point of collapse.

The sky was extremely gloomy that day, and there seemed to be thunder.

Chen Jiu went to ask Mrs. Gui.

Mrs. Gui only said leisurely, "Her family is poor."

Chen Jiu smiled miserably.

Here is Goulan after all, what about women has long been determined.