
My Tactical System

In a world that's split between factions and monsters, Blue finds himself trying to survive and rise through the ranks. With a universal system everyone has, will he reach his goals or die trying?

Mister_Reebie · Action
Not enough ratings
1 Chs


The chirping of birds woke the tired boy, his eyes slowly opening. The rays of sunlight blinded his vision for a moment.

"Where the hell am I?" He muttered.

Nature surrounded him. All he could see were trees, flowers, birds flying by, and plenty of more trees. He stumbled to his feet, leaning against a tree for support.

"Seriously, where am I?" He asked again, merely talking to himself. No one was around to answer his stupid questions.

Walking through the woods was his only option, so he did just that. It was quite nice, but slowly his mind was being plagued by questions. Where was he? What happened? How did he get here? What was his name-

His name.

Falling to his face, he felt his body weaken already. His stomach felt like it was carrying the entire ocean, his eyelids felt heavy. God, why couldn't he remember anything? Before he knew it, water exited from his mouth harshly. Coughing right after he wiped his mouth ..

What was he wearing? He looked at his arms, long tight sleeves with patterns of various greens. When he blinked, he saw a line of text, accompanied by black underline.


Combat Fatigues: [No Armor] [Woodland Variant]


What the hell was this? Was he in a game or something!? He would look to his feet, realizing he was wearing a pair of black boots. Even his hands he wore gloves. He doesn't remember anything like this.

"Help!" He called out. Hoping that there was anyone out there to help him. He didn't want to be alone, he wanted to get out of here. "Help me! Someone!" He begged.

Panic plagued his mind. This wasn't good at all, this was the opposite of good. This was a nightmare. He started running. It's the only thing he could do. Run, run, and run.

That was, until his breathing became heavy. Stopping dead in his tracks, he hunched over and took a moment to breathe. Running shouldn't be this hard, he thought.


His head spun forward, his back pinned against a tree. He sloppily raised his fist, his fighting stance terrible as he tried to show he was dangerous.

"Halt." A more stern voice called from somewhere. "Not an enemy, friend." It said to him.

"Show yourself!" He barked. Why should he trust a complete stranger? In fact, why should he trust someone who wouldn't show their damn face? "I'll kill you!" He warned.

"No, you can't." The voice said again. Before he knew it, the muzzle of a rifle pointed to him. Coming around from a tree a man that was 6'5 approached him as he raised the weapon. "Not an enemy, friend." He repeated.

"Stay back! I'll hurt you!"

The man and his dull olive eyes only looked in disappointment. "No, you won't. Follow me, Blue." He ordered, quickly turning and walking.

It took him a moment to choose, either follow the stranger or keep wandering around aimlessly. He chose the former. ".. Why call me 'Blue'?" He asked as he followed.

"Armband." He referred to the blue tape around his arm.

"Oh .. What's your name?" He asked again.

"Totsuv." He answered.

He heard a PING from his left ear. The same type of text appeared on Totsuv, reading ..



Title: The Hunter

Status: Ally

Stats: Hidden
