
My systems are fighting again.

A 30+ year old ruthless business woman is accidentally killed and forced to reincarnate in a primitive world when 2 systems overheats her brain while fighting for the right to be her system. Now tied to the host, the systems have to find a way for the host to complete both systems quests simultaneously, not an easy task for a karmic system and a moneymaker system. Sometimes I wonder if I’d have been better off dead, the ruthless business woman sometimes wonder while knocking down uncivilized tribes and drinking fine wine. Meanwhile the systems argue if they should increase bad karmic value of host or sue the tribe for compensation for mental damages.

Chamsel · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 1 | Unedited

Not surprisingly what woke me up this time was hunger. And fighting, but mostly hunger. This body hadn't eaten for quite a while.

"I'm starving" I mutter under my breath, I was however still heard by the two women still fighting. As my surroundings quieted down I open my eyes and once again saw the two, one of them, the older one, reached out to pull me off of the ground. "Yes, you are but you won't die, permanently anyway".

"Permanently?!!!" I squack surprised to see a grimace of embarrassment flash over her face. Wondering why she would suddenly be reminding me of a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar, I was about to ask her to explain why she formulated her words that way, when a voice full of pride, arrogance and undeniable joy, sounded from beside me "She killed you a few times". Not sure if I heard her correctly I managede to utter a astrounded "What?!"

"She . K.I.L.L.E.D. You, dead, done, finito… only in your case death is a temporary thing, basically you heal, the more damage your body takes, the quicker the speed up of the 'healing' will be".

Still not getting it, I turn to my still very embarrassed killer and ask "what?", as if I knew only that one word.

My killer, seemingly considering whether I was an idiot, explained it very carefully this time, much unlike the younger girl who had just sprouted whatever she could think off.

" Hello I'm your redemption system, I'm here to clear you of your bad karma, it was supposed to have been done in your last life, but since you died before the system could finish installing, we'll just have to make do with this second life. What she was trying to explain earlier was that … well we are the reason you died. Because there was two of us and we didn't want to share your brain… in short, you died like a overheated computer.

That's the closest thing that i can compare it to anyway.

Due to the fact that we we're the reason however, according to the law of system, paragraf 8; Unlawful killing of host is to be considered illegal and may result in permanent residence and getting tied to said hosts soul. Basically we killed you for no reason and as a punishment we'll be permanently tied to you, we no longer have the option to leave and find another host. And not only that but finding another world and body for you is also our duty. After that you are of course forced to follow the rules set in place by the systems, me and her, beforehand. So in simple terms you have 2 systems, I'm the lazy loveable landlord system and that's … the ultimate mall system. We'll be in your care from now on." She finished and bowed.

I likely had a somewhat constipated expression on my face, I knew, it was my 'i'm taking in too much information, and I'm drowning' face.

I however cling to the seemingly most important information "she said you killed me more then once" I respond.

Suddenly the more mature woman looked throughly embarrassed again as she started to explain "well, yes… the first time in the other world, by accident. The second time a psychical altercation with miss ultimate mall system, and of course to experiment.

You will however be happy to know that you are now immortal, you can't die or age (past your peak anyway, humans peak at 25 so you still have some growing to do though). Also if you do 'die' or get hurt, you'll heal. According to the experiments I did it seems that for everytime you get hurt, the healing process will speed up.

The worse the injury, the more the healing process quickens.. soon enough, it'll seem like you don't get hurt at all, since your body will heal to fast for you to see or feel any of the injuries.

Assuming you continue to get hurt of course".

Somehow I didn't find that very reassuring.

"You killed me as an experiment?", that part was pretty hard to let go of.

Once again she looks a bit awkward but before she can try to apologize, a soft giggle is heard from the side.

We both turn to look at the red-headed loli.

She has thrown a hand over her mouth, attempting to muffle her giggles, but seemingly unable to, she gives up and laughs long and hard before wiping a tear off the edge of her eye, and saying "You should see yourself right now…so funny".

We just stare at her.

"NOT FUNNY, I'M DEAD!" I shout, finally letting it sink in that my life as I knew it was over.

My career which I've spent my life building is gone, *Poof* just like that. I might be alive but my lifes work is gone, along with all of my hard earned money.

"Well…. If it helps any my goal all along, was helping you become the richest woman alive". The loli mumbles under her breath.

In responce i burst out in a somewhat deranged laugh. "Well that shouldn't be hard now, should it, just give me a salt and a iron mine and i'll be the richest motherfucker on this god-forsaken planet!" I growl, before laying down on the ground again, "now excuse me, I'm busy, I'm about to starve to death, wake me when you've found a solution, to this mess you've made".