
My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique

reborn in a new world with a lottery system that can give many anime abilities, but I have to collect people's rage... this is going to be troublesome

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

heavenly immortal

300 years later, Sora stepped out of close door cultivation as storm clouds slowly gathered above him. that pill he took was enough for him to break through the early heavenly immortal, as tribulation clouds gathered Sora left the pocket space and went far away from any nearby planets.

the power behind his heavenly immortal tribulation was equal to a late high god and was growing stronger by the second. at heavenly immortal tribulation was lightning tribulation. it could last up to years, and there have been records of this tribulation lasting up to 500 years.

Lightning fell from the sky, but Sora just eat the lightning. the tribulation enraged by his action raining lightning down upon Sora. but using the dragon god cultivation art, and the Preta Path, Sora was absorbing all of the lightning. this went on for 200 years until the heavens had enough and shot one last lightning at Sora. this one was golden in color, and Sora absorbed it.

upon absorbing it, Sora felt his energy reaching a new level. at the heavenly, a person's energy was real, at this stage experts can create weapons that were real, they can create anything, and given give said thing abilities if they had a technique for it.

since Sora was now in the heavenly immortal realm, He began going through a new transformation. the hole from the original spirit form seemed to become rare, Sora seemed to become more holy like. as if he was an angel.

he gained 1 free spin from the system and a few abilities from some of his cultivation arts. the small list was...

Solar Energy Cultivation Art. your physique has reached a new level, a punch from you can is not capable of destroying a whole space-time. no need for Dao or use of energy. your physique body alone can shatter reality, go against logic and reach levels of power that should be impossible. you are not any weaker with the Dao and without it.

Sage Of Six Paths cultivation Art. Izanagi. Izanagi is a genjutsu performed with the Sage eyes. With a normal genjutsu, a user will apply an illusion to a target's senses, causing the target to experience things that are not real. With Izanagi, the user applies an illusion to reality itself, giving the user control over what is and is not real for as long as Izanagi is active.

Divine Combat Angel cultivation art. Transcendent. The self-movement technique is known as the peak of martial arts, this technique allows one to break that and go past the peak. this isn't the peak of martial arts; this is just the next stage past 100%. this technique allows you to peak the limits of everything and reach a higher level. this can boost the power a technique gives you by 5,000 times. you have already mastered it and added it to most of your techniques, this doesn't add to transformations. but if the transformation is thanks to a technique, then this ability can be used to improve that transformation power

Also Gained the Combat Angel Form, a form one takes for battle. when in this form, one gets no drawbacks from any technique used, as one would have transcended such limitation of the body holding it back. this form has been fused with the war god form, the power the super Saiyans transformation gives has been increased by 1,000 times

The King Of hero's Cultivation art. the weapons that could be crated have improved, from now on, the treasury will form weapons up to 10,000 times stronger than the host.

Haki. Haki Mode. will over reality. if the host's willpower is strong enough then the host Conqueror's Haki can affect reality itself, forcing under the host's rule.

Demon King Cultivation art. Indura Transformation. Upon sacrificing six of your seven hearts, you can transform, and gain a huge increase in power, but lose one original form and ability to reason. the most this form brings is 1 million times.

8 Gates. you can now open all gates up to the 7th grade. giving the host a 500 times boost is power, but thanks to the host's instant mastery capability, the power brought to the host is 1,000 times greater

The Original Spirit Cultivation art. Gain the ability to create 2 new plates Dread Plate, and Spooky Plate

{Name: Sora

Lifespan: 1,203,203/ infinite

Bloodline: War God Bloodline

Cultivation: early heavenly immortal

Base form power. 100 early emperor Dao (times 5,000 times with fate power)

Peak Combat power: 4,147,200,000 late true god Dao (times 1 million when equipped with a plate, times 5,000 with fate power...)

Sundip Combat Power + Haki Mode: 16.6 early god-king (times 1 million when equipped with a plate, times 5,000 with fate power...)

with dragon fusion (broken): 2,750,000 early god-king. (Times 1 million when equipped with a plate, times 5,000 with fate power...)}

Sora smiled slightly, seeing his current power. he calmly turned around to look at the 15 God-kings which seemed to have been there this whole time.

"Greeting grand elders," Sora said as he clasps his hands to pay his respect, the God-Kings all nodded slightly in return, but a few of them thought Sora was being too arrogant. he showed have got to his knees before their true bodies

"You spend most of your time cultivating, with a mindset like yours, your future is bright." the god-king who had appeared to see Sora's talent said with a smile, he was a golden man with a huge beard, his eyes were like stars, if one looked too deeply into them, they would lose themselves into them.

"I have someone I have to regroup with, I also have to head to the yellow dragon temple to see the son of heaven," Sora said with a smile, stunning all of them. their hearts stopped beating as they looked at Sora. they guessed his background was huge... but this.

"I see... is the one you want to regroup with a member of the temple?" An elder asked with a smile, Sora thought for a moment before shrugging

"No, he is related to someone... as for who, it could bring trouble upon this temple if you knew," Sora said calmly, the god-kings were shocked at his words, they were gods. they of course could see the truth through lies, and Sora was telling the truth. at this moment, they were 100% sure that Sora had a huge background,

"If that's so, we are willing to take you to the yellow dragon temple." the half step elder god said seriously, Sora thought for a moment before shaking his head

"Naw, there is a lot of oppositeness awaiting me. since I appeared here, I believe there is a huge treasure somewhere within this region. I shall set off to find it, then set off to return. I of course am thankful for your support in these past hundreds of years. I will repay the sect the moment I have a chance to." Sora said calmly,

"... may I ask, why are you so sure that there is a treasure here?" the blood-red elder asked

"It has something to do with beings above the god-king realm," Sora said calmly, everyone nodded in understanding, but the blood-red-haired man made sure to keep an eye on Sora's every last movement. if there was a treasure, he will get to it first.

he was not afraid of an elder god moving against him, it was clear the elder god was not going to step in for every small thing that happen to Sora. so long as he didn't kill or put Sora's life in danger, then the elder god behind him will know nothing.

they spoke for some time, yet no one brought up taking Sora in as their disciple. they soon left, and Sora teleported back to his pocket space. he was not worried about breaking through to mid heavenly immortal, the gap between an early and mid-heavenly immortal was a million times. that likes thousands of years or at least a few hours of getting his ass kicked in berserker mode to breakthrough.

Sora treasury is now capable of making weapons at mid-god-king, just thing of the level of power the puppets within can show while in a formation. Sora was not even afraid of the elders within the temple, with waves of people at his call, only elder gods could stop Sora.

"Lord." the Yu clan ancestor said seeing Sora appearing, she looked countless times better than she looked when she looked as if she was seconds away from death. her injuries were not healed, but she was capable of regaining some of her youth. she had regained the beauty of a person of the angel race, she was perfect in every sense of the word

"Eat this," Sora said as he gave her a magical bean, the Yu clan ancestor looked at the bean before eating it when she sensed the huge amount of life force within the bean. as soon as she eats the pill, she began to glow with a holy aura at the god-king. she regained her strength just like that, 16 wings spread out from behind her back, she was now an early god-king,

"t-thank you." She said gratefully, Sora smiled slightly, as he pulled out a few holy items. sword, shield, and clothing which she put on, increasing her strength even more. with her newfound power, she went on to strengthen and refine the current members of the angel race bloodline. and Yu Rou was the most, she spoiled her the most, and Yu Rou's talent went up to 13,

"let's go see the reason behind the power which backed your disappearance. after which, we should go look around this world," Sora said with a smile, she nodded as she had all of the Yu clan members get ready to leave, and a year later they all set off.

"... is something wrong?" Sora asked seeing Yu Rou looking at him, Yu Rou shook her head, she was not looking at Sora but was looking at the Hola floating behind Sora.

"The ancestor had told me that Halo is formed from extremely pure bloodlines of the angel race... I was just confused as your not form..." Yu Rou's voice slowly went quiet, Sora nodded slightly at her words as if it was true.

"Normal names have Halos above their head, mine floats behind me," Sora said with a smile as he had her come over to him. Yu Rou came over and Sora placed his hand over his head, Yu Rou's clothing shook as she felt her body growing light.

She looked at her hands, before touching her head to touch the small halo which had appeared above her, it was incomplete and weak, but it was there. with this, Yu Rou's talent had reached 16 as Sora had awaken not just your potential, but given her a drop of his combat angel bloodline

"Now, you're a future elder god," Sora said with a smile, Yu Rou's eyes widened as she looked at Sora, not sure if what she was hearing was the truth. the Yu clan ancestor's eyes were also wide, she could do something similar to what Sora did. but it was through reality-warping, it was not as good as the grade skill Sora used.

Yu Rou quickly thank Sora, but Sora waved it off and told her to go cultivate, moment later they appeared within another space-time. looking around, Sora saw a huge floating-place with was temple belonging to members of the demon race, Sora looked at that temple, before letting the Yu clan ancestor do as she wished.

the Yu clan ancestor bowed slightly, before disappearing, killing intent filled the air. She slammed onto the barrier of the temple, shattering. she shot towards the temple as god-kings shot out to stop her, but the demon experts were shocking seeing it was her.

No words needed to be said as they already knew why she was here, demonic Qi and Holy Qi cast. the reality was used, truth turn into false, and false into truth. injures disappeared with their clashes, and one trying to block their attacks only needed up having them rewriting your defenses out of existence

they were all authors with the ability to take control of the story, yet they couldn't affect each other, to kill a god-king was almost impossible. if you kill them then that was just an illusion. unless they themselves acknowledge they are dead, then every attempt to kill them would always be just an illusion.

Yu clan ancestors had the upper head, with her strength she could fight a mid-god-king this was thanks to the items Sora gave, the armor gave her a huge resistance towards everything, making the effect of reality wrapping on her almost unnoticeable. it also greatly boosted her power and had a technique known as heavenly light, bright light that shun upon all the demons, burning them, and acting as a poison

the sword in her hands cut through reality. all defenses before this sword are rewritten out of existence, or the sword changes its form to ignore the defense. the shield gave her an unmatched defense, blocking all things, and reflecting it back at the attacker.

although gods can create something out of nothing, something the items she had could not be created by any god. these items were created from rare metals at the level of gods, and with powerful flames, a powerful smith made them. they would be countless times stronger than any weapon just brought into existence. it was rare to find a god-king with items which were matching their power, yet Yu clan ancestor had 3 of these items, and they were both stronger than her

a battle between gods could take millions to billions of years, Sora of course didn't have time for that Sora he took out a book. the others couldn't see the battle, and even if they could see it, they would not be able to comprehend what they were seeing.

"what's that?" Yu Rou asked softly seeing the holding book within Sora's hands

"it's called the book of blesses if I write a person's name in this book. that person will be filled with blessed with holy energy. for an angel, this is something good. but for a demon, this was poison." Sora said as a pen appeared in his hands, he began writing the names of the demon the Yu clan ancestor was fighting, and painful cities sounded as the demons cultivation went chaotic

"The best thing about this book is that it has no drawbacks, so long as one has energy, they can use it for as long as they want. this pen also strengthens the blessing," Sora said as he wrote her name down, Yu Rou's book shook as she felt her fate changing, and her bloodline strengthened once more and the Halo became more complete.

but the demons were fleeing, and billions of clones filled the world where they all tried to run for their life, if just one of these clones survived, then the Yu clan ancestor would have not killed them, but only injured them greatly.

Sora sighed as he took out the sword of destruction. with one swing, all reason was destroyed, and all of the clones disappeared, leaving the true body floating in the air slowly trying to heal, but this sword had destroyed their capability to heal, it destroyed all chances for them to do so.

This was not the same sword of destruction from the 3 realms, but a new one which was in the 4th realm. this sword destroyed all and everything, without reason, it ignored all reason, and it could also rewrite if needed to get passed some stuff it couldn't. it is known as the sword which embodies destruction. as it grew stronger the more it destroyed.