
My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique

reborn in a new world with a lottery system that can give many anime abilities, but I have to collect people's rage... this is going to be troublesome

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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faith power

Sora being a person who can live in both the current, went through every book within the library years before he even thought of reading those books within the mayor's mansion. But the information within these books was small and little, nothing speaking about the true powerhouses,

while Sora was in deep thought he suddenly felt strange and powerful energy entering his body, he felt the faith every everyone within the Yu clan, and their wishes. in confusion, he left the library. he ran into Yu Rou

"The ancestor asked me to come to ask you if you are capable of absorbing the faith power." She said gentling,

"what's faith power?" Sora asked in confusion, Yu Rou was stunned for a second before remembering that Sora was not of this realm.

Faith power was the power collected from a people who worship someone, gods of course collected faith power to help improve their power and cultivation. It said that if enough people come together and believe in something with all their hearts, it shall happen. reality itself will be wrapped just form their belief

gods are the only ones capable of absorbing Faith's power, once absorbed the power will greatly strengthen one. the more people that worshipped someone, the more faith power one would have, and the easier and smoother one path of cultivation shall be. they will even have another energy that they can draw upon.

"I see, I'm able to absorb it... you see to know a lot of this stuff," Sora said softly, not even those books within the library had a hint of faith power.

"y-yes, we used to give out faith power to the ancestor to slow down her death, but she had us give it to you. she has always taught me about the world as she wished for me to take over the clan once she was gone." She said in a low voice, Sora nodded slightly. Sora went on to ask a few questions before falling into deep thought

to collect faith power, Sora had to have someone first offer a sacrifice using a special technique to make a connection with him. The Yu clan skipped this step as they become his followers and Sora accepted them. the next step was a faith collection technique, sometimes it's a formation, and sometimes someone warps reality and has the faith just be collected. the Yu clan ancestor used a special technique to send faith to Sora. of course, those special people which Sora gives his titles would also be able to gain some of this faith power

Sora rubbed his chin as looked into the pocket space which held the spartan warriors, that pocket space was already infinite in size and all of the spartan warriors were loyal to him. they had spread out within the pocket space, there were well over quadrillions of them.

Sora wrapped reality there and had them all start giving him faith power, the time flow within there was still the same. there were already hundreds of immortal emperors at the peak, and some at half-step god realm. as Sora's strength improved, so does the space-time strength within that world.

Sora in seconds, Sora suddenly got faith power which was thousands of years' worth of prayers from a countless number of beings. Sora smiled slightly as he tried to answer some of the prayers from those with high enough faith, his both

{Name: Sora

Lifespan: 1,202,362/ infinite

Bloodline: War God Bloodline

Cultivation: peak level 3 earth immortal

Base form power. 3.2 septillion greater than Dao (host now has fate power, when using fate power, the host power will boost depending on how much he has, current boost. 0.1 times)

Peak Combat power: 35,460,000 half step high god Dao (times 1 million when equipped with a plate)

Sundip Combat Power + Haki Mode: 141,840,000 mid-high god Dao (times 1 million when equipped with a plate. dragon balls have been damaged, unable to fuse with dragons till they are healed. when fixed, the host will have...

283.68 late-high god Dao. times 1 million when equipped with a plate)

Comprehended Dao: All mastered

Cultivation technique: [Solar Energy Cultivation Art], [Monkey King Cultivation Art], [Sage Of Six Paths cultivation Art], [Wrathful Mind Cultivation Art], {Divine Combat Angel cultivation art], {Celestial being cultivation art}, {Dragon God Cultivation Art}, {The King Of hero's Cultivation art},[Haki]. [The Raising Sun Cultivation art], [Dragon Clan Cultivation art], [Demon King Cultivation art], [legendary Monkey King Cultivation Art], [The Original Spirit Cultivation art]

Martial Arts: [The great fire Ball techniques], [the Lightning Cutter], [Water Dragon], [Weighted Boulder], [Rasenshuriken]. [thought projection], [Dragon Fist], [monkey king energy wave], [Gental fist}, {Warp}, {Celestial Mode}, {Dragon God roar}, {Dragon God Wing Attack}, {Dragon God Iron Fost}, {Kings Treasury}, [Six Paths Techniques], [Bright Star], [the Star that swallows all], [full counter], [Materialization], [ Revenge Counter]. [Trick Star], [Omega Blaster], [10,000 armies], [extreme speed], [protect], [judgement]

Items: [Monkey King Staff], [War God Armor], [Magical Beams] [Zanno},

Rage Points: 999 octillion}

Sora had broken through to peak level 3 earth immortal from all the injuries he had suffered, the original spirit blooded was fused with his war god bloodline, giving it wore power. Sora at the moment had 3 plates, which made him 300,000 times stronger. he could make up to 9 of them, so when all of them are made, they would all make Sora 900,000 times stronger than before, not to mention not in his legendary super Saiyan modes, he would be able to equal a plate to make himself 1 million times stronger

Sora looked at Yu Rou and had her enter the library and began giving him a rough outline of the 4th realm.

the 4h realm shockingly was much larger than the 3 realms, the 3 realms can be considered just a piece that was cut off. the reason for this was because of all of those calamities the 3 realms have been going through, the 3 realms sure grew stronger with each calamity, but this world grew even more, there was also the fact the 4th realm before even being shut off from the 3 realms, it was considered the biggest and strongest realm.

currently, the 4th realm had so many dimensions, small worlds, different places of existence, and so on that the number was just too much to count. there were infinite numbers upon infinite numbers of worlds, each world having its own god reach drew faith power from it.

this world was not any small to the planes of gods outside, but it just had more worlds with more recourses within the gods were not that rare, there was a god for everything, and had titles, the titles like the god of something were only used by the strongest of gods,

there was also a list of the most talented beings within the 4th realm, sitting on the stop was someone called the son of creation, the son of the god of creation himself, the most talented person to ever exist in this world. even the son of heavens was nothing before him, along with the son of origin and many other powerful experts with powerful backgrounds and physiques.

Yu Rou also told her why her ancestor picked this spot to flee to. it was because she sensed something good awaited her here, so she waited for millions of years before Sora suddenly popped up. at first, she thought she would not live long enough to see it, or she might sense it wrong since when her cultivation dropped, she could no longer sense it. but she could not relocate the clan so she just stayed here.

Sora fell into deep thought on what he should do next, and it was needless to say he wanted to explain his land and collect more faith power. with a thought, he entered his most powerful state, Yu Rou's eyes almost popped seeing Sora enter legendary Super Saiyan Limit Breaker: War God

Unlike in the past when Sora's head would be red, Sora's hair was completely white. this was thanks to the Origin One Bloodline which had fused with him. there was also the fact of the self-movement form, which made his hair completely white now. Sora also had a golden thing floating behind him, with 3 plates floating around it.

Yu Rou felt like she was standing before the origin of all things, She just froze there as she looked at Sora, Sora held his hands out as sun rings appeared on each of his fingers, allowing him to enter the sun drip state, his skin turned a pale white as he entered the Haki Mode, unlike before when it was golden.

"new changes... how do I look? the golden armor seems to be fused with the golden halos behind me. not a good fit." Sora said as he turned his wat god armor into a white armor, but it still didn't fit right, so he turned the armor into a different form of clothing before stopping on a white suit with some gold.

"... how do I look?" Sora asked as he looked at her with his sage eyes, Yu Rou nodded slightly as she looked at how Sora a peak level 3 earth immortal was floating before him. there was a lot of thought in picking how he looked with his transformation, >>>

Sora smiled as seeing her node, with a thought he began wrapping reality, he started by reshaping the city into something which suited him and began spreading out to affect every nearby city within the range of his divine sense. shockingly his limits were only the whole planet and the nearby ones

one should know within the 3 realms; he knew his divine fill a hole even if he were to enter his peak state, yet here, just a few planets, sure these planets were huge, and could be considered a lower realm of itself if you overlook the fact, it was not growing in size., Sora filled infinite numbers of lower realms with his divine sense. but this all had to do with the fact the suppression from this world was just that huge

anyways, faith power from all over the planet soon came flowing in towards Sora, Sora was everywhere on this planet, so he got to see many kinds of stuff. like hidden treasures, and some underground caves which gave off a weird aura.

within the range of his divine sense, Sora was pretty much all-knowing, he could see everything from the river of time, so he got to find much stuff which was useful to him. since he was everywhere within the range of his divine sense, Sora could, of course, have clones appear anywhere within it as well, so he had clones go and collect these stuff.

"This?" the old ancestor appeared before Sora and almost had a heart attack, just what was she seeing before her, earth immortal with power reaching the likes of mid god? if someone were to tell her something like this in the past, she would have slapped them dead without a second thought.

forget the son of the god of creation, Sora was the most talented person she had ever heard of. this was not just talented, Sora was a freak, a monster. Sora's eyes almost rolled back, and she almost fainted when Sora's halo suddenly turned green as an aura of life filled the room.

she felt better which each breath she took, but that was not what shocked her, Sora's power suddenly shot up by 1 million times. what was this? Sora had late high god-level strength, good lord, she might have a heart attack. the was unheard off

suddenly rare items which were all at the god rank appeared out of nowhere, Sora collected all of these from all over the world. Sora's halo slowly returned back to normal as he felt the sun drip state, along with the Haki mode. Sora remained in his peak state,

"Alright, everything this plate have is now mine. I cannot make many improvements here, let's go join these god temples you told me of. but give me a few years first." Sora said with a smile, Yu Rou nodded as she left seeing Sora and her ancestor wanted to speak. but the ancestor didn't know what to say, she was speechless from the shock she just got. she expert Sora to be strong seeing the lifeblood limits... but this was too much

"About this world, I'm in. is out of reach from a god right?" Sora asked calmly, by world Sora, meant a different time and space, there were many worlds within the 4th realm, and the one he was on was just a small piece of it. the planet he was on was not even a drop of water compared to how huge this world was, and this was just one of the smaller worlds within the 4th realm. the ancestor shook her head as she explained

"This world is under the storm god temple, but it's so far from the core of this world they don't even know this planet exists," She said to which Sora nodded slightly, the storm god temple, was within another pocket of space within this world, a world where the temple master ruled like a god

"War will begin soon since I came here. I should start collecting faith power as soon as possible, he is only a low high god, it will be simple enough to control him. give me 200 hundred years and you will be able to return to your peak," Sora said with a smile, stunning the old ancestor, she nodded slightly before leaving

Sora floated in the air, he tried to touch the ground but his feet would not touch the ground. it's like his body disdained touching it, Sora shrugged as he crossed his legs. he began using all the faith power to form his remaining 6 plates, he of course made clones to help in creating these plates. which spend things up greatly. as for how many clones he made to spend this up, over a trillion

It took just 80 years to make the 6 plates, allowing his power to increase by 3 times. with the plates, he now had being, Insert, Meadow, Earth, Stone, Iron, Splash, Icicle, Sky, and Zap plates.

the sky plate gave Sora power over wind and sky, while the Zap plate gave Sora power over lightning and electricity. if Sora could equip all of them at once, that world truly be overpowered, of course in letter stages he would be able to do so. allowing Sora to stack the millions, getting up to 17 million times stronger.

with all that done, Sora set off to head toward the storm god temple. Sora had a few people from the Yu clan follow him, such as the ancestor and Yu Rou, and a few immortal emperors. Sora waved his hands as a portal opened up above the city, the portal was extremely large.

everyone watched as from the portal a large ship slowly came out of it. the ship was larger than this whole city when it moved, reality itself bend as if quickly moving out of its way as if it didn't want to slow it down. the city was golden in color, it gave off a holly air which the members of the Yu clan found confinable.

"Hurry up, don't make young master wait." The ancestor said seeing them just looking up, everyone snapped out of their shock but quickly noticed Sora was looking down at them from the ship. looking to the spot Sora was just at, he was still there. this being in more than one place at the same time was sometimes annoying, the ancestor was also on the ship, and she had never even made a move, it was as if she was there from the very beginning

they quickly used their angel wings to fly up, as soon as they got close to the ship, they self as if they entered a different space-time. they were hit with a huge amount of Godly Qi, they most of them began having a breakthrough. they wanted to stop it, but Sora allowed it. they all knew off as they began to break through their bottlenecks and so on.

while they were doing this, a small orb appeared in his hands which he threw towards the planet, the orb went on to fuse with the whole plant. Sora's eyes became bright as he felt the connection to the plate was stronger than ever, he was the plant, but at the same time, he was snot.

now when he leaves, he will be here, while at the same time not being here. that orb had the ability to act like a person after it fuses with something. it will be like the person it belonged to fused with a said thing, allowing the said person to be in more than one place even when out of range of their senses. this was a high god-level item, if sora wished, this whole plant would transform into him, it would have the same combat power as him since the orb was as strong as him, it would even grow as he grew.

the ancestor was of course studied seeing this, she was confused on how Sora had so many lifeblood items and ones with such special abilities. she never heard the Orb Of fusion could become a lifeblood item. this was going against the rules, even gods had to allow some rules, yet Sora was just breathing them.

flight before reaching the god realm, unmatched comprehension of every Dao, countless lifeblood items, and the ability to fight a high god while only being earth immortal.

Sora calmly looked at the Yu clan experts, they were talented. Sora choice to have them follow him because he knew they can all become gods and so on. and with his many items, Sora could easily house a whole army with ease, those within the immortal emperor realm get millions of times stronger with just a simple minor breakthrough, it was a huge jump in power, but that minor breakthrough could take countless years

as soon as they finished their tribulation and gave Sora their deepest thanks. this small breakthrough could have taken the billions of years, this small planet didn't have the resources to give birth to mid immortal emperors, they have reached this far on just pure talent.

Sora just nodded slightly, and with a thought, the ship disappeared as it appeared before a huge floating storm cloud which had an island on top. one could see huge sea monsters jumping out of the storm clouds from time to time,

no one saw how they moved, but the ship moved so fast that it instantly traveled to this pocket space, known as the storm god space. the whole world within this pocket space was filled with a unique storm Qi, powerful and godly energy. this pocket space was countless times longer than many universes, and it was considered one of the smaller pocket spaces within the 4th realm. there were of course countless plants in this world, with many unique races and weathers

As soon as the ship appeared, Sora noticed that there was already enters waiting for him hiding in the void around him. before the ship could even reach this space, they had already foreseen that they were coming.

"You can come out, the young master wishes to speak to the temper god." the old ancestor said calmly, he had recovered by a lot. and the holy Qi within this ship was also helping her recover, even without the ring, she was no longer going to die. her injures had stabilized,

Her voice was infused with the profound mysteries of reality, forcing the experts out of hiding, even in a weak state, she can still control reality, although not as good as at her peak, it was enough to overwhelm those with even equal level of strength.

a group of god realm experts was forced to come out of the void, they were all early to mid-lesser gods, and they could not even resist her as they were fused out. they all were unease as they looked at her, they slowly eyed everyone else on the ship and were stunned when their eyes landed on Sora who was hitting on a floating throne while drinking wine and looking calmly at them.

a middle-aged man with blue hair which looked like blood lightning suddenly appeared while looking at them all with a frown. this man was a storm, his very breath sounded like thunder if he were to appear in the first heaven. just the heartbeat from him would cause the whole world to disappear,

"I have come to conquer. you will not mind submitting to me, right?" Sora asked with a smile as he used the supreme illusion, the middle-aged man was stunned for a second before he smiled.

"you're such a talented and powerful expert, I would be a fool if I didn't follow someone such as you, who clearly has a huge bright future." He said with a smile, The ancestor's eyes twitched slightly seeing the powerful illusion Sora cast, even she barely noticed that illusion being cast. the god in front of them didn't even have a chance to notice it. even if he did, he would not care as he would believe he wanted to do nothing more than follow Sora

the illusion didn't just affect him, even those other gods were nodding as they submitted to Sora. like that, Sora conquered his first world.