
My System is to Kill

In a virtual reality game called "Tranquility Online," a young boy named Niles finds himself in a mysterious and unsettling situation. He's chosen as a Player Killer, a newly introduced class in the game. Armed with a medieval-looking knife, he embarks on a journey to understand his role and the reasons behind it. As Niles explores the game's eerie and blood-soaked cemetery setting, he grapples with questions about his own motivations and the ethics of killing other players. The game's creators promise monetary rewards for player kills, which both tempt and trouble Niles. Niles encounters Nova, a ruthless and experienced Player Killer, and becomes involved in a deadly confrontation with other players. In a desperate bid to survive, Niles taps into unexpected powers but ultimately falls victim to Nova's ruthlessness. The story explores the blurred lines between reality and virtual reality, as Niles wrestles with the moral implications of his actions in the game. With each kill, he earns rewards and climbs the leaderboard but also risks losing his humanity. As Niles contemplates his choices, he must decide whether to continue down a dark path or seek a different way to navigate the virtual world of "Tranquility Online."

SayofChains88 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

A PK Life For Me


A dense forest map laid spread out before him. The grassy plains were littered with small craters and scorch marks, the trees torn down and uprooted, leaving many dead bodies lying about everywhere. His feet sank into the damp soil as he trudged onward, scanning the surrounding environment as he continued looking for any sign of life. 

He was worried about the healer he had just met the other day and hoped she was fine at fine after such an event as what happened today. As he rounded the last bend in the path in front of him, he was relieved to see the familiar sight of the temple and the village beyond. The village was still eerily silent as he walked toward it.

As he approached the entrance of the temple, temple, he heard someone yelling, causing him to jump slightly as his senses told him to alert himself to danger. His eyes darted toward a young girl laying on the ground crying hysterically, clutching the edge of her chest as the man who had been shouting at him was staring down at her, holding a dagger in his hand.

"Hush, child…" the man said softly as he stepped toward Niles.

"Stay back!" Niles yelled as he gripped tightly onto his knife and aimed it directly at the man's heart.

** [Alert: Combat Mode Activated]**

*Reminder: You're a player killer, not an NPC killer.*

Niles paused with a loud sigh as he looked at the young girl lying on the ground. If the NPC hadn't come, he feared he would've gotten killed by the man who was currently pointing a dagger at his face.

"I'm sorry… I was just startled, that's all…" He apologized.

The young girl sniffled as she wiped her tear-stained face as she looked at Niles before she stared at the man next to him, before asking.

** [Dialogue Options]**

1. [Inquire about the man]

2. [Ask about the village]

3. [Offer assistance]

Niles noticed there were no users on this map, only NPCs, so he ignored the window. This is weird, he thought as he remembered the people on the other maps they encountered in the dungeon. There were NPCs that would show up to kill them, yet none appeared here.

"Who are you? Why do you have a weapon?" She questioned.

** [Select Response]**

1. [Introduce himself]

2. [Explain his role as a player] [

3. [Share concern for her safety]

This is so odd... where are all these NPCs going? Niles wondered as he pondered the question. Niles chose option 3.

 "I'm here to help. Are you hurt? Is there anything I can do?" He asked.

The young girl looked up at Niles with wide, teary eyes, her trust in him growing. She shook her head, indicating that she wasn't physically injured, but her trembling form told a different story.

The man, who had been holding the dagger, looked at Niles with suspicion. "Who are you, and what business do you have here?"

Niles glanced at the man and replied, "I'm Niles. I'm here to ensure the safety of the people in this village. What happened here? Why is everyone gone?"

The man's gaze softened slightly, and he gestured towards the young girl. "My name is Elias. We were attacked by a group of rogue assassins. They came out of nowhere, overwhelming us. Most of the villagers fled, and the rest... well, you can see for yourself."

**[Quest Update: Rescue the Villagers]**

*Objective: Locate and ensure the safety of the remaining villagers.*

With a determined look, Niles turned to Elias. "We need to find the others and get them to safety. Can you lead the way?"

** [Quest Denied: Your objective is player killer.]**

Niles frowned, the message flashing before him in the HUD. He glanced back at Elias, concern etched on his face. "I'm sorry, Elias. It seems there's been a misunderstanding. My primary objective is to ensure the safety of the villagers. Let's find the others and get them to safety."

** [Quest Denied: Your objective is player killer.]**

The NPC went away, realizing Niles could not help them. Niles watched as the NPC, evidently understanding the limitations imposed by his role as a player killer, turned away and disappeared into the village. The tension in the air began to subside, but Niles remained on guard.

Niles tensed as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He quickly turned, ready for any threat, only to find a group of players standing behind him. Relief washed over him, knowing he wasn't alone in this situation.

He took a moment to catch his breath before responding. "Yeah, I'm fine. We need to find the villagers and get them to safety. This place is dangerous."

The group of players exchanged determined glances, ready to assist. Among them, Niles noticed a player named [GodSlayer], and it made him jump slightly. The name carried a reputation, and he knew this player was someone to reckon with.

"Shouldn't you be training?" GodSlayer laughed. 

Niles felt a twinge of embarrassment. [GodSlayer] was right. In a situation like this, every moment counted, and he couldn't afford to be idle. He tightened his grip on his dagger, determined to make up for lost time.

"This isn't the time for jokes," Niles retorted, his voice dripping with disdain. "I'll handle this my way."

[GodSlayer] smirked, a flash of challenge in their eyes. "Suit yourself. Just don't slow me down. Swirling Shiver!!"

[MP -20] 

With a swift motion, Niles lunged forward, dagger in hand, aiming for [GodSlayer]. But [GodSlayer] was prepared. With a swift, practiced motion, they drew their massive Buster Sword and parried Niles' attack, sending a shockwave of force through the air.

[Niles: Level 10 | HP: 100| MP: 100

[GodSlayer]: Level 15 | HP:1200 | MP: 800.] 


As the battle raged on, it became evident that [GodSlayer] held the upper hand. Niles fought valiantly, but it was clear he was outmatched. With a powerful swing of the Buster Sword, [GodSlayer] knocked Niles to the ground, leaving him gasping for breath.

[Niles: HP remaining 30/100]

"I am head of this beta operation for you beta killers, so you better start taking this seriously!" He cackled. 

Niles felt a surge of humiliation wash over him. He gritted his teeth, determined not to let [GodSlayer]'s taunts get to him. He knew he had to find another way to make a difference in this situation, even if it meant taking a different approach.

As [GodSlayer] moved on, Niles picked himself up, his resolve stronger than ever. He scanned the area, searching for any sign of the villagers or a defensible location as per the updated objective, but knew he would be denied. 

"Here, let me bring up a chart that you were supposed to obtain in your email," GodSlayer explained. 

[(1) New Email.] 

[Player Killer System]

Player Killers (PKs) are a unique faction within the game, distinguished by their ability to engage in combat with other players without restrictions.

PKs have their own set of objectives, which may involve eliminating other players, completing special missions, or achieving specific milestones related to player combat.

PKs are marked by a distinct visual identifier, such as a specific insignia or color scheme, making them easily recognizable by other players.

Engaging in combat with a PK triggers a special combat mode, allowing both parties to fight without any penalties or restrictions. This mode is deactivated once the combat encounter ends.

PKs accumulate a separate set of experience points (PKXP) for player kills, which can be used to unlock unique abilities, skills, and items specific to the player killer faction.

PKs may form alliances or rivalries with other PKs, creating a dynamic social aspect within their faction. These alliances may lead to joint missions or coordinated attacks against common targets.

Reputation is crucial for PKs, influencing their standing within the player killer community and affecting their ability to access exclusive content or resources.

Player killers must be vigilant, as engaging in combat with other player killers within certain designated zones may lead to faction penalties, depending on the game's ruleset.

PKs may receive bounties for successfully eliminating high-profile targets, creating additional incentives for combat proficiency and strategic planning.] 

"I didn't receive this email!" Niles shouted. 

"It could easily be a bug, so make sure to check with the beta team," GodSlayer informed. 

"How come you get cool quests?" The hooded player killer asked. 

"I am a normal player, idiot," He scoffed. 

Niles felt a surge of frustration. It seemed like every encounter with [GodSlayer] only fueled his irritation. He glanced at the chart, absorbing the information about Player Killers and their unique faction.

"Fine, I'll check with the beta team," Niles muttered, his tone curt.

The hooded player killer leaned in, curiosity gleaming in their eyes. "You're telling me you're just a regular player? With all this?" They gestured to [GodSlayer]'s impressive gear and abilities.

[GodSlayer] smirked, a hint of pride in his voice. "It's all about knowing how to navigate the game, kid. You'll get there eventually... if you survive that long."

Niles couldn't deny that [GodSlayer] had a point. There was a certain art to mastering the game, and it seemed like [GodSlayer] had it down to a science.