
My System Is The Strongest Summon

Jordan was just an average teenager working odd jobs to make ends meet and support his family. He was racially discriminated against because his mother was a foreigner. Jordan had just turned 18 this year and was looking forward to the once-in-a-lifetime ceremony which he considered the event that would turn his life around and help him to carve out a comfortable living for himself and his family, putting a stop to the racial taunts he and his family received. Unfortunately, life doesn't always go as planned. Jordan is now determined more than ever to grow stronger. And his new aspirations? Survive and Conquer! Hello to all readers, this is my first time writing a story/novel and so I hope that you guys will give it a try and let me know your thoughts. Feedback is always appreciated!

Mysterio2250 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

First Contact

Jordan ate the last of the fruits he had in his possession and began a light jog toward the lights in the distance. His endurance, strength, and dexterity had improved quite a bit since his journey first began.

Jordan felt that once he maintained his pace he could make it there in a few hours with no breaks in between. After about 3 hours Jordan finally made it in front of a massive stone wall that rose as high as the eye could see and many different lights that lit up the night sky from beyond the wall. He leaned against the wall and rested for a while, taking a quick power nap to regain his energy.

Jordan got up about an hour later Jordan got up and began making his way around the massive wall. It took about 6 hours of travel at a moderate walking pace before Jordan saw an entrance guarded by two men in cloth clothing.

They wore a striped blue & white button-up shirt with golden buttons, black pants with a red stripe running along the seam, shiny black boots, and a black cap with a red strip at the base. The emblem on the cap said "Bahamean People's Police Force".

Jordan was puzzled because he realized that he didn't recognize the writing used but somehow was still able to understand and read it. Jordan suddenly heard the familiar ding of the system. As he read the notification the ends of his mouth twitched.

[New Ability Acquired]

[Linguistic (Passive)- No language is beyond the comprehension of the host.]

'If I keep acquiring skills at this rate, I'll soon be omnipotent and omniscient' Jordan inwardly lampooned himself. Jordan also took note that each of the guards had a strangely shaped object holstered to their waists and batons in their hands.

Jordan slowly approached them and raised his hands as he voiced out "Hello, may I ask what village is this?"

"Village?" the bulky, dark brown, bald guard to the right asked in a husky voice. "What's your name? Where are you just coming from?" the thinner male guard to the left asked. They both subconsciously placed their hands on the handle of the object that they had holstered at their sides.

Jordan had assumed that it was a weapon and now felt that his guess had been confirmed. He raised his arms higher and spoke "I don't remember, I only remember waking up in a forest and struggling through a long and harrowing journey, crossing a violently rushing river and wondering about until I finally made it here." This was the excuse he had thought of along his journey for if he was to ever encounter another person.

Both guards eyed Jordan suspiciously before the bulky one pulled a silver whistle from his left breast pocket and blew into it. Shortly after Jordan heard an alarm blare and saw a metal monstrosity roaring in the distance. It arrived on the scene mere minutes later and the jaws of the creature opened up and four men stepped out.

Three were dressed similarly to the two male guards Jordan had been interacting with and one of them was wearing long khaki pants and a button-up khaki shirt with regular buttons, he had two shiny silver stars on each of his shoulders and he wore a similar cap but the emblem was silver in color as opposed to the gold the other guards were wearing. The tip of his cap also bore a silver regal design.

The man in khaki had a rounded belly and spoke to the other guards with an air of authority. Jordan could immediately tell that he was in charge. Two of the three officers that came with him had a two-stripe chevron on their right shoulder and the third wore a three-stripe chevron and a crown on his right shoulder.

Jordan immediately realized that these symbols identified ranks on this guard force. The guard in khaki approached Jordan making him subconsciously shrink back.

"Sir, I'll need you to produce your documents of identification." the man said.

"Documents of identification?" Jordan repeated in obvious confusion.

The fat man noticing his confusion then took a step back and whispered something to the guard with the three stripes and crown before returning his attention to Jordan.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Chief Inspector Burgeon of the Bahamean People's Police Force. These three that came with me are Sargent Feratot, Corporal Stubbs, and Corporal Sentwan" he pointed out and introduced the three persons that arrived with him.

Sagent Feratot was thin with a muscular build, Corporal Stubbs had high cheekbones, wearing gold-rimmed glasses with a thin physique and he gave the impression of a scholar. Corporal Sentwan was also of a thin physique with very ordinary characteristics.

There was nothing notable about him at all. The Chief Inspector continued speaking "I apologize in advance sir but I'll need you to come with us to the station for us to conduct some inquiries."

Jordan thought for a second and decided that although he may look ignorant there would be no harm in asking. "Excuse me, sir, might I ask what is a police force, and what is a station? Also, I would like to know what form of beast this is and how you managed to tame it?" Jordan asked consecutively while pointing at the metal beast used by the guards before, for transportation.

He had already asked the system internally during his interaction with the Chief Inspector however, to his disappointment the system stated that it was unaware and from the thousands of universes it was familiar with, it had never seen this village or any variation to it. So it remained to be seen what universe he was presently located in.

Jordan could only sigh and try to gather the information himself. Chief Inspector Burgeon and the other guards looked at Jordan funnily and he slowly explained "This is not a beast, it is a motor vehicle that is manufactured by humans. The Police Force is the organization responsible for enforcing the laws that govern the land. And lastly, the Police Station is the building from which we operate and carry out our duties."

Chief Inspector Burgeon paused. "Follow me and we can clarify any other ambiguities that you may have at the station." He directly said to stop any other questions that Jordan may have had.