

There was no way he was going to sit there on his rear and let his familiars fight for him as he stood on the top of the dragon's head, wielding the Ethereal Spear and thrusting it through the clouds and towards the figure. 


Through the sky it went, missing Constantine by not a close margin, though the ghostly, light-blue spear reappeared straight into Jett's grip. 

'Nice! It has a rebound effect!' He thought. 

"How do you like this, you shining bastard?!" Jett shouted through the sky, "My System is pretty kickass, isn't it?!" 

It seemed his provocations were met with a response that should've been expected as the radiant fighter flashed through the sky, evading both the dragon's breath and Virale's arrows as he appeared right in front of Jett. 


As he used his spear as a last-second block in front of himself, he was aided by the decorated hero of mythos he summoned, who used his spear to also block the flashing kick from Constantine. 

"Nice save, Achilles!" Jett called out. 

"Of course!" Achilles responded. 

Though he intended to keep the fight up on the vanguard, naturally, it was Achilles that met Constantine in open combat, using his unbreakable spear to continuously clash against the radiant figure. 

While the warrior of Greek origin–as questionable as that very concept was to Jett, saying as he existed in an alternate world–presented an indomitable presence on the battlefield, able to block and even deflect outright some of Constantine' attacks, it wasn't pure physical might. 

It was skill; supreme technique that was forged from unquestionably grueling effort. 

'He's the real deal–Achilles is awesome!' He realized, witnessing the clash. 

Nonetheless, the clash upon the dragon's back was something of a challenge on its own for all involved as the proclaimed "Ruler of Mountains" bent and curved his serpentine body amidst the clouds, causing Achilles and Constantine both to struggle with proper footing. 


Virale shouted a chant from a foreign tongue, unleashing an arrow engulfed in soft, verdant light that bounced off of an impossible angle in the air in an attempt to pierce Constantine from behind amidst his clash against Achilles. 

"Nice try!" Constantine shouted. 

–Of course, it would never be so easy to catch the overleveled reincarnator off-guard as he spun around, knocking Achilles back and blasting the arrow away with wind. 

Constantine didn't wield any weapons of his own, only shrouding his hands and feet in a bright aura that seemed to infuse his limbs with great power. 

Though the radiant warrior managed to blitz through the impressive defense of Achilles multiple times with shining blows that left a fiery impact, Achilles remained standing, on his feet and with an undisturbed look on his face. 

'How?!' –This thought crossed both the minds of Constantine and Jett in unison. 

It was then that Jett realized what the true strength of Achilles was beyond his warforged skills: the warrior of legend was, simply put, impervious; or at the very least, he was incredibly tough beyond normal means. 

"Hell yeah! You're way too strong, Achilles!" Jett complimented in excitement. 

"I appreciate your praise, Master. However, right now calls for action rather than words," Achilles smiled. 

There was no doubt about that as Constantine was unrelenting, forcing a collision of blows once more. 

Amidst the hectic clash as he jumped in, storing his Ethereal Spear and instead equipping Nature's Wrath, he fought alongside Achilles while Virale provided them support, all in an attempt to override the insane speed at which Constantine was able to counter their attacks. 

"Push…though!" Jett forced out. 

Achilles rapidly thrust and spun his spear with extreme skill, "--It's not so easy! If this guy was in the Trojan war, it would've gone a whole lot differently!" 

He swung his sword and Achilles pierced forward with his spear, yet the smiling, golden-haired man overrode such assaults with his precision and speed. 

"Better than before, but still–useless!" Constantine shouted. 

"Oh, yeah?!" Jett responded. 

–Just then, as the wielder of the summoning-based system prepared to conjure his stored familiars, a unique sensation overtook him. 

'Huh?' He thought. 

There was a weightlessness that filled his stomach with butterflies, feeling nothing beneath his feet and little control over his own functions. In fact, it wasn't any different for those around him; in that split-second, they all held the same expression of bewilderment. 

[Temporary Summon: Over] 

'Oh crap…! I forgot about that!' He realized. 

The colossal dragon the fight occurred on disappeared into nothing but a cloud of smoke as the temporary summon had reached its end, resulting in a fall from the clouds themselves. 

"Was this planned?!" Achilles yelled out. 

"Doubt it!" Virale shouted. 

Jett huffed, raising his hand as he manifested the abyssal forces of his unique skill, "--Store, Void Inventory!"

At least for the moment, he relinquished his two, new familiars into [Void Inventory], leaving him the only one falling as, of course, such problems were not inherent to Constantine, who flew like a dazzling star. 

"What now, Jett Levine?!" Constantine screamed through the open skies, "Option after option, failed attempt after failed attempt–you've tried again and again, yet this is where it gets you?! Falling through the sky?!" 

While flailing through the air, he got his bearings, flipping around so his back was to the far below ground and he faced upwards, seeing the shining warrior above him as if mocking his inability to fly. 

"--Do you ever stop talking?!" Jett yelled. 

[Lesser Bolt!] 

Shooting through the clouds, he aimed the thin strands of lightning towards the radiant figure, though failed to land any hit as Constantine curved around them, descending rapidly to confront him. 

"Tch!" He clicked his tongue. 

[Wind Burst!] 

Before Constantine could crash into him, he met him halfway at the last second as he flipped his body, aiming his feet towards the ground and propelling himself upward with a howl of wind supplementing him. 

Both [Nature's Wrath] and [Frostfang] were wielded in both of his hands as he met Constantine face-to-face in that moment, attempting to cut the skin of the golden-haired, youthful reincarnator, but failing. 


"You can't hurt me–huh?!" Constantine reacted.

–The attention of the malicious figure was taken as a sensation of bitter cold sourced itself on his right arm, which was where the ice-forged dagger attempted to cut him. 

An icy cold manifested through a layer of mystical frost that stretched from the point of contact on Constantine' arm, attempting to completely subdue his limb with the biting cold. 

"Tsk! That won't work, ya bastard," Constantine growled. 

It wasn't apparent what it was exactly that the figure did in Jett's eyes, but a heat was emitted from Constantine' limb that completely melted the frost, prompting the arrogant, yet powerful youth to slam his foot down against Jett's stomach. 

"Pyuh–!" Jett spit out. 

The impact resonated through his internal organs, permitting not a single breath from returning to his lungs. 

"--Fall!" Constantine shouted. 

A cloud-parting shock wave howled outward from the kick, causing Jett to rapidly descend from the skies now. Even though it was clear to him Constantine was both holding back and even fatigued by the previous shock to his soul, the aftershock of the kick to his stomach felt to him as if his body was screaming at him in pain. 

'I'm going to die at this rate…! If not even a "UR" ability can do it…I need something more! Like that one time…against the orc…I need an "LR"--that's my ticket to victory!' He thought. 

However, it was easier said than done when knowing full-well that even temporarily manifesting an [LR]--a "Legendary Rare] summon result–was something only possible through ungodly luck. 

Either way, for the time being, there was another, more immediate issue at hand: not becoming red paste on the ground. 

'Land…I need to land!' He thought. 

Next chapter