

George got woken up at the buttcrack of dawn, the source of this was his stomach that was grumbling and the slimy feeling coming from his buttocks.

It was at this moment that George remembered the events of the previous day. He streachted out his small arm to verify his suspicions and he eyes blinked in disbelief. _How is this possible? I really did get reincarnated or is it rebirth or maybe isekai whatever it is I'm greatful for this new life_ George thought happily. Most people had regrets in their lives, maybe some opportunities that they missed or a loved that they lost, everyone has regrets and a majority of them could only dream of a new start.

George was such a person, and now that a golden apple has fallen into his lap, he'd be a fool if he didn't eat it.

George looked at the wooden ceiling with immense bliss. George tried lifting up his body so he can survey the room but was meet with disappointment when he couldn't. _Damn weak body! Listen to my orders! Ahhhh!_ George shouted in his head as he tried multiple times to lift his body. Minutes later, with the help of his arms, George finally sat himself up. As a result he sat up against the rails, he felt extremely tired as his arms trembled.

Even though the room was dimly lit, George could see a few interesting things in the room. For starters, he saw that he was in a small baby crib. Not fare from his crib, George saw that, there were two other cribs in the room. _Looks like I'm gonna have siblings. I've always wanted siblings but the only problem is that I'm adopted, judging by yesterday's events this could be the case. In the future, if I can find that giant eagle then maybe I can find my birth parents unless they are dead._

*Sigh* thinking about this, George could only sigh, _I'm without parants in two worlds now_

George continued to scout the room. He saw on the wall, the source of light, a light-yellow color with only a small radius. The furniture in the room had a unique design, the metarials seemed to come from nature like the wooden table, wardrobe/closet and other furniture. Most of these design were simple and basic, George couldn't see any technological devices on them from his era of time.

Thinking of the work ahead of him, George could only sigh, _*sigh* seems like I'm gonna need to plagiaris- *cough* I mean borrow a few inventions from my previous home planet. Thinking of the future, I should probably make plans from now on. Before that thought, I think I need to understand my surroundings first. I also saw magic yesterday, this part is what I'm most excited about, I also have got to learn the rules and society in the place...._

Lost in his thoughts George didn't realized that a figure of a women had woken up from the bed not to far from him, the figure walked towards the three baby cribs and looked at the "odd" baby that was sitting up straight and remained motionless. George who was deep in thoughts, suddenly felt like he was being watched so he turned around.

_sh*t, when did she get here, and why is she just staring at me, is she a voyeurist? _ George thought. In front of him was elf woman who looked to be in her middle age.

"ou-ay a erid-way aby-way ne-nay"

The lady opened here mouth and started speaking, the words she spoke were words George wasn't familiar with. _Is she speaking is some pig Latin or is it the elvish language... Wait does that mean I'm gonna have to learn a new language from scratch. Why can't I just be me like those main characters who just automatically understands the language_ George lamented on his luck.

The lady leaned in and picked up the George before turning him around and looking at the extra dump in his trunk. The elf lady carried baby George towards a nearby table and placed him there before she stripped him. _Aren't you gonna ask for consent first?_ George sighed in disapproval.

*Wah! * *Wah!* *Wah!*

Just as the lady finished cleaning up George, sounds of a baby crying from the back echoed in the room and not long after, another cry followed suit, the other two babies where crying.

The lady turned her attention to the other two cribs, from there she took out two other elves that George couldn't discern the age of. The mature elf lady began to sing a soft melody and crying in the room slowly quiet down. When George heard the singing, his mind started feeling at ease as his body relaxed. _She's using Magic!_ George thought in shock. He watched from the side as the lady attentively "shush" the kids before lying them besides him, the babies stopped crying and just played around with some toys given to them. The lady then began to remove their diapers, it was at this moment that George realized that the diapers were made of a large and soft piece of fur.

After the cleaning, the lady went out of the room before she returned with a bathtub that was big enough to fit two adult people. After bringing in hot water, the lady reached out her hand and a large body of water poured in the bathtub, after adjusting to the right temperature, the lady slowly placed the babies inside. Among the three kids, they were all boys. The other two although were still young, George was able to tell that they were actually twins; brown hair, blue eyes, chubby chicks (well they are babies after all) and lastly the small pointy ears.

In the bathtub, the two elves were able to sit on their own. The lady looked strangely at the baby who couldn't sit up right but luckily the water wasn't high enough to be a problem. The lady brought out bottle with milk in them and gave to the two elves, then she began washing George. After the bath, George was brought out and wrapped in a diaper and he was given a bottle as well.

To the ladies surprise, George needed more milk then the two boys combined. When the bottle of milk would finish, George would grit his teeth... no it should be gums and cry. Needless to say it worked.

Thirty minutes later, the babies were all placed in a larger crib with toys inside. The lady kept looking at George suspicious, so with a heavy heart, he mimicked the behavior and sounds of the other two and after a while the elf lady left, she came back a while later and sat on a chair not fare from them. _This is so annoying, when can I start learning magic, but before that I need to learn the language first *sigh*..._"

_Hey... let me go you simpleton... get your grubby hands off of me... Ahh that's disgustinh_George would ocationally scream in his head as the elves in the crib showed interest in him, they poked, bit, pulled and even rolled on him, needless to say they did what babies did best. The advantage they had over him was that they could crawl around while he couldn't. They would of course leave him alone from time to time but sooner or later they went to him again, this didn't stop until they passed out from exhausting.

George who was still awake, kicked his legs and struggled with his arms and tried to crawl, although he felt discomfort in his legs and arms, he persisted for a while. His body could barely handle the pressure and it consumed a lot of energy, he was quickly fatigued and fall asleep.

An unknown amount of time went by and before long George got woken up by the sound of crying. George got up and saw the others getting their "diapers" changed. The elf lady then gave them bottle of milk to drink and they quickly quite down. The lady glanced at the small baby who was observing her with a smile, she picked him up and also removed his "cargo" before placing him back in the crib.

George who was hungry, found it hard to drink the milk because of his sore arms. After struggling for a bit he finished the bottles of milk. With a burp, George placed down the last bottle.

These bottles weren't made of plastic but a sturdy crystal, that was quite lite and transparent.

When he was done, George saw the two elves "Playing" with their wooden toys, some of the toys were coverd in slim, most likely saliva. George was clad that they didn't bother him again.

Like a chameleon, George slowly crawled around the cribe. The two elves who saw this followed after him._Damn it, why are they following me_George cursed in his head. When they were about to catch up, he quickly changed direction. Looking at this scene one would think of the game of snakes, where the snake collect small points inside a small space. The only difference was that this snake wouldn't grown longer.

The lady not fare from them, noticed the movement in the cribe and got closer to have a look. She looked at the strange scene with a smile. After a while, George was the first to get tired and as a result, the others caught up to him. _Since when are kids this persistent? Are they even normal?_

The two elves surrounded George and looked at him strangly. One of the boys grabbed his arm and placed his hand in his mouth. _Canabalism!. Ay what is this streagth_ George screamed in his mind with a horrified looked, he struggled for a bit before he got his arm free.


Looking at the comedic scene infront of her, the lady giggle to herself. This alerted the babies to her existence. _!!This nanny, laugh at me will you! Then we'll see whose laughing at the end _ when George saw the woman he regarded as their caretaker laughing, he was livid for some reason.

*Wahhh* *wahhh* wahhh*

George opened his mouth and let out a loud cry, the cry caused the other besides him to also cry for some reason. The nannies' face froze for a minute before she started singing and a light enveloped the three babies. After a short while the babies stopped crying and George passed out for some reason, she quickly scooped up the other two and comforted them. After a while they calmed down and also fell asleep.

They lady placed them in their own cribs before looking at George with a worried look.