
My system can take others MC Cheat

I have bad grammar

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs


"so what do we do now? I believe they are still bugs on this planet." Ling Han said calmly as he looked at the necklace around Elise.

He tried to remove the necklace, but it would not come off Elise.

"... let's blow up the planet. Without current strength, we should be able to blow up the planet if we work together," Elise said as she changed her body shape to try and remove the necklace, but it would still not leave her.

"you have a point. Let's go." Ling Han said as he flew up into the sky, followed by Elise. in seconds, they arrived on top of the planet, as they looked down at the planet.

Elise and Ling Han held each other hands before lifting their other hands above their head. Dark red energy came off Ling Han while bright white energy came off Elise,

this energy gathered above them as it formed a black and white ball above them.

"... the mood will not be able to withstand this any longer. We also have to fly far away or be caught up in the explosion." Elise said softly

"oh yeah, I completely forgot about that." Ling Han said lazily. Elise rolled her eyes before they both threw down the ball of energy above them.

Elise quickly turned and flew off. Her back shook slightly before she grew wings behind her. Her speed increased as she reappeared far away.

"what? that fool," Elise said, seeing Ling Han didn't follow and was lazily sleeping on the moon with closed eyes.

"What is he thinking?" Elise said as the planet exploded, a powerful shock wave spread out quickly, swallowing the moon and turning it into ashes.

"you should probably put up your defense right now." Ling Han said calmly as he appeared out of nowhere next to Elise

"what the? the space mark, you put it on me." Elise said as she looked at her shoulder to see a seal on it.

(the mark Minato use from the world of Naruto. MC and Elise could use any technique, the only limitation is the strength behind the technique)

Ling Han smiled as he fused the susanoo with his lightning armor which covered Elise. The shock wave arrived in seconds, hitting them and ceasing the susanoo to shake crack slightly.

"alright. let's go." Ling Han said as he grabbed Elise and shot forward, quickly arriving before where the planet had exploded and began to absorb the energy there.

"there not much negative energy here. we don't really have a fire-type cultivation art, or else we could give just absorb the energy from the explosion." Elise said softly

"... do you know of the fusion dance from dragon ball?" Ling Han asked suddenly

"that's random. why, you ask?" Elise asked with a slight frown

"We can kill stuff easier and more quicker. Plus, you don't have the energy to stay in space, and I don't have the air to remain in space. the best thing is for us to become one." Ling Han said calmly

"... but how will that work in the cultivation world? if we both have a breakthrough while we are fused, what will happen when we are come apart?" Elise asked in confusion

"I would think the energy needed for us even to break through when used will increase by more than 10 times. And if we don't have a breakthrough, or cultivation would increase by more than 1 time when we come apart. I also think some energy will be wasted." Ling Han said with a shrug

"Whatever, let's do it." Elise said with slight hesitation, before they both took a few steps away from each other and began to do the fusion dance.

They slowly got together as their fingers connected. A golden light surrendered the two as they fused into one before a shock wave came off them.

Slowly, a person who looked like a fusion between Ling Han and Elise appeared floating in the air. It had long dark red hair, dark red clothing, which was neither males nor female.

Extreme looks, both handsome and yet beautiful as a person can imagine.

"... I see. so what should we call out self? This is troublesome. I can't fuse my name... I will go with the Yhwach." He said with crossed arms

"but am I a boy or female... it seems like I'm a Shemale, interesting, it looks like we are both into girls," Yhwach said with a smile as he sensed his body

"so... let's go it." He said as he disappeared, suddenly planets began to explode where ever he flew by. He continued to fly as he killed none stop.

Every minute, a solar system would be whipped out from this workd. and before long, it was 30 minutes

In dragon ball, the fusion had a time limit of only 30 seconds. but since they both had comprehended the Dao infinite, they would last for as long as possible

So hours soon came, turned to days, weeks, months, and years.

they gained over 5 trillion points in one year of just killing none stop.

Yhwach who was flying to the next solar system, when he suddenly stopped and looked far away towards a flying ship making its way towards him.

"Finally, something worth my interest," Yhwach said with a cocky smile, as it crossed its hands and waited for the boat to get close

it didn't take the ship long to arrive before them if moved at speed much faster than light. it arrived before them in less than a second.

a large monster made out of a rock with blood-red eyes stood at the edge of the ship with crossed arms. it looked at the Yhwach with slight confusion before nodding slightly

"you have a fusion technique, you known as Ling Han and Elise. I'm rocky, i'm a rock that gained consciousness, my name is Rocky." The rock man said with narrowed eyes

"killing you will allow my race to quickly pass the trial. so my apologies as I kick both of your asses. plus I will gain a special technique." Rocky said as it clapped its hands,

it jumped off the ship as its size suddenly increased to the size of a planet. rocky rolled into a planet,

"a rock trying to fight the nightly me. haha, you have some.." Yhwach said with a mocking laugh, but suddenly froze when he felt the gravity hitting on him from all side

"The Dao of Earth and be used like this? interesting." Yhwach said as he resisted the gravity, but it was getting stronger and stronger. slowly he began to roll up into a small ball,

"ok, enough of this. All Mightly Push." Yhwach yelled as a shock wave suddenly came off him, sending the planet flying off him.

Rocky suddenly stopped, as he flew back towards Yhwach. Yhwach smiled as he punched forward, hitting the giant planet flying towards him. but his fist exploded, as the planet slammed into him send turning nothing more than a tiny blood spot on the face of the planet

"damn, it increased its density... no it's tightening its atoms, damn, the Dao of Earth is better than I thought," Yhwach said as he slowly reformed its body.

"The Dao of earth controls its matter. I wonder what water could do." Yhwach said as he placed his palm on the planet.

"Erase," Yhwach said softly. starting from the spot where he touched, everything began to disappear.


Suddenly a fist came out of the ground, sending Yhwach flying while rocky body shook as he removed that part of his body was erasing and spreading.

"... you know, the Dao of Earth has one huge weakness," Yhwach said calmly as he cracked his finger

"Everyone knows that it's space, but you seem to know nothing about the Dao of earth," Rocky said as he regrew new body parts

"who said I need to know? I'm going to defeat you to win." Yhwach said with crossed arms,

"you're talking about that pocket space where those clones of yours at?" Rocky said with a sneer as he reached out to grab Ling Han

"you have the power to increase and decrease the density of stuff. a bit over powered, and since you are a rock it's even more troublesome." Yhwach said with out a care to look at Rocky.

"cocky bastard," Rocky said, but its red eyes widened slightly when its arm went through Ling Han's body.

"you're teleporting parts of your body which I would touch instantly to a pocket space... you have a lot of interesting skills. but so watch." Rocky said as he pulled its arm back,

Yhwach's eyes suddenly narrowed as he looked at rocky. Space qi filled that fist, but fist suddenly flee forward toward Ling Han. almost instantly arriving before Yhwach

'I can't dodge this attack, this attack is undodgeable. anyone within 1 meter of this guy will be a target of that fist. punching forward is like punching right, left, up, and down at the same time.' Yhwach thought with crossed arms

the rock fist suddenly stop just as it was about to touch Yhwach's nose. Yhwach didn't even move a muscle, yet his rocky body slowly began to turn into sand

"how?" Rocky said in shock as he looked at his body which was turning to sand

"water counter earth. if earth makes things harden, and control matter. water most weaken, and stuff." Yhwach said with crossed arms

"But, this is too easy. come, I want to see what the heavenly realm has to offer." Yhwach said with an arrogant smile as Rocky body stopped turning to sand

"damn you... don't underestimate the power of the Earth." Rocky yelled as it raised its arms into the sky. Ling Han looked up and saw many planets which were light-years away flying towards them.

"What is this? a special skill? haha, trash." Yhwach said with a mocking smile, but it slowly disappeared when he saw Rocky flying towards one of those planets and fuse with them.

more and more planets flew over, as they fused into that planet.

"... haha, something worth wild." Yhwach laughed as he watched the large sun-size Rocky roar at the sky.

Rocky looked at the Yhwach before it's opened its mouth, a yet of water shot over almost instantly arrived before Yhwach.

The blast hit Yhwach right in the chest, making a large hole in his chest.

"..." Yhwach's eyes shrank as his body began to shake, suddenly he slip into two as Ling Han and Elise appeared.

'a technique that unfused us. he used the lava to distract us, while behind that lava was that special technique.' Ling Han thought with a slight frown, as he looked at the hole in his chest

"don't get useless on me now," Elise said seeing Ling Han face turning blue

"come on," Elise said with a smack of her teeth, Ling Han shrugged, as he crossed his legs while he flew back to let her fight

"I don't think I could defeat him... why did you let him fuse," Elise said with a sigh, but she suddenly frowned when she looked far away.

a large ship that held a frost giant was quickly approaching them. She frowned slightly, as she turned back towards Ling Han

Ling Han nodded slightly, as he made hundreds of clones that flew towards the Rocky. Elise quickly flew over as she grabbed Ling Han before he could lose consciousness

She quickly gave him mouth to mouth, allowing color to return to Ling Han. Ling Han quickly wrote a rune on his chest before he began to breathe heavily.

"your arrogant is the main reason we let him fuse." Ling Han said with a frown

"I'm not that arrogant... ok maybe I am. hurry up, and let's fuse." Elise said seeing how easily Ling Han clones were destroyed

Ling Han nodded as he quickly tried to do the fusion dance, but Elise suddenly flew over, kicking him flying just as a giant spear arrived

the spear stabbed Elise, sending her flying off into the deep space

"... we are clearly going to die." Ling Han said softly, as he looked at his arm which was freezing with ice.

"then run you dumb ass." Elise's voice which was slightly weak said from afar, while she ran off.

"did you notice that we broke through to supreme Sky immortal? if I could break through one more time, I will get another cheat. man up, and let's fight." Ling Han said as he made an endless amount of clones

"you right," Elise said as she point to fingers on her forehead, she suddenly disappeared as she appeared next to Ling Han's side.

just as they were about to do the fuse, the sun size Rocky clapped its hands sending a shock wave that destroyed all of Ling Han clones.

Ling Han and Elise were sent flying, Ling Han coughed a mouthful of blood, as his face turned pale.

"I think we should run." Ling Han said weakly

"no shit," Elise said as she grew dragon wings and flew off, with Ling Han quickly following.

"and I'm not running because I'm scared or anything. I'm running because I don't want you to die." Elise said with a snort

"Whatever." Ling Han said with a shrug