
green light red light

"Elise, do you know where the black tower is at?" Ling Han asked as he walked up to Elise and Yong Chang.

"... what black tower? It's always on you. It's the strongest thing you had. How do you lose it?" Elise asked with a frown

"... he also doesn't have the sky poison pearl." Yong Chang said as she sensed Ling Han wasn't connected to the sky poison pearl.

"you do you lose two of the most important things?" Elise asked speechlessly. Ling Han just shrugged as he rubbed his nose,

"I don't know. I most have been drunk. I can't remember what I did for the last 10 years. after I turned 30, everything seems to have gone blank." Ling Han said with a slight frown

"... you're right, me too," Elise said with a frown as she tried to remember

"weird, I can't remember." Yong Chang said as she held her head in pain, as she felt a sharp headache.

"system, pull up a recording starting from the 30th birthday." Ling Han said as a screen popped up in front of him.

*ERROR, MEMORIES CAN'T BE ACCESSED. ERROR MEMORIES CAN'T BE FOUND...* Error popped up on the screen, making Ling Han frown

"let me go back in time to see." Ling Han said lazily as he used the time ring to travel back in time.

The next moment, he appeared and calmly sat down.

"... weird, where is the black tower?" Ling Han said in confusion as he noticed the black tower wasn't with him.

"What just went to the past? What did you see there?" Elise said with a frown

"?? oh yeah, I just came from the past... why did I go there again? I can't even remember what I saw..." Ling Han said with a frown as he rubbed his hard grown beard

"... when did my beard get so big? was I gone for that long?" Ling Han asked in confusion as he rubbed his chin

"it was like that before you left... let me try," Elise said with a frown as she disappeared, going back ten years. but she too appeared the next moment unable to remember a thing

"alright. this makes my anxiety which new heights." Ling Han said calmly as an apple appeared in his hands, which he began eating

"did we fuck with someone we should have? What if we cursed to never remember? How did our cultivation not increase for the last 10 years?" Elise said as he walked around

"my cultivation improved... I seem to have absorbed others of my parts from across the realm." Yong Chang said, sensing she was more complete than 10 years ago

She had reconnected with more branches of the tree of life and had gotten stronger.

"... that's right, I took you out on a date. you took that pill, I was out for days... and that's as far as I can remember." Ling Han said softly

all of them began running their head to remember, while on Earth 4,321

Earth 1,234 Ling Han breathed heavily as she looked at the now-dead Earth 4,321 Ling Han.

"fuck, ." She said as she fell to the ground to tried to stand. she stabbed his arm into his chest and began to absorb this timeline Ling Han

Earth 1,234 Brunhild looked at Her before sighing.

"now that you have this timeline, Ling Han spirit farm, and stuff. We need to leave quickly. Although I don't know why the TVA hasn't come yet, we shouldn't stay any longer here." He said, seriously making Earth 1234 Ling Han sigh

"Pangu is such a copycat. No creativity whatsoever." She said softly, but she suddenly froze as the sounds of someone clapping their hands sounded behind them.

"and you will be the last Ling Han to be added to the time." A man with a weird-looking mask said as he slowly removed his mask.

Earth 1234 Limg Han turned around and saw the face began the mask was Ling Han.

"let me introduce myself. I'm Ling Han. as for the timeline I'm from, I got the cheat from Emperor's Domination on my first try. as it stands, I'm the strongest Ling Han across all timelines." He said with a smile

"what do you want with me?" Earth 1234 Ling Han said in shock

"I'm the leader of the Ling Han organization. Our goal is simple, to collect the best Ling Hans across the infinite timeline. and fight against the main timeline Ling Han." He said calmly as he put his mask on

"I fought against him. other than that time ring, what so special about him?" She asked calmly

"he has something we other alternate Limg Han don't have, that fucking tree of life and death. Across the infinite timelines, only 1 Tree of life exists. He is pretty much unkillable so long as he and she are together." He said as She nodded slightly

"But we have a weapon that could kill her and the tree of life and death. do you want to join?" He asked calmly

Earth 1234 Ling Han thought for a moment before hitting her thumb. A drop of blood shot into the sky as she made a blood oath.

Limg Han nodded as the through a time ring towards Earth 1234 Ling Han

"time rings are not that hard to get. Let's go. You should meet the other you." Ling Han said with a smile as a portal opened up behind him

"wait, how is it that the TVA hasn't arrived here?" Earth 1233 Brunhild asked

"I have spies everywhere," He said calmly as he entered the portal, as they followed after him.

back to Ling Han

Limg Ham stood on a planet as he looked at footprints on the ground.

"these are my footprints. I will travel back in time and write a few things down. after I return, you will read it." Ling Han said as Elise nodded

"no need for all of that. The stuff you will write down will also disappear." A portal suddenly opened up in front of Ling Han, as another Ling Han wearing a suit calming walked through.

"I'm agent Ling Han from the TVA. No need to be on guard. I'm here to ask for your help." TVA Ling Han said calmly as he looked at Ling Han

"you need help with?" Ling Han asked with a slight frown, he didn't get a system friend request, so this guy didn't have a spirit farm.

"for the past... For 50 or so hundreds of years, I have been fighting against a masked Ling Han. he ran while I tried to capture him. Over the years, he formed a team of Ling Hans. a team to capture not just kill you, but to take down TVA." He said seriously as he looked at Ling Han

"a team?" Ling Han frowned, deepened hearing his words.

"yes, the masked one is the strongest Ling Han I have ever come across. His comprehension of Reality has reached a scary level. Matching the levels of those of True Gods," He said as Ling Han frown deep grew

"in the end, your greatest enemy is yourself. And your enemy has systems like the Crazy Leveling system, the strongest system, and stuff. The way it is, you will get your ass kicked." TVA Ling Han said calmly

"how many members do they have?" Ling Han asked with a frown

"just 4. but they have the best of the best of the cheat the system coulf give. They have absorbed thousands of other Ling Han, took their treasures and stuff." He said as Ling Han nodded

"then it's me vs. 4... what do I gain teaming up against you?" Ling Han asked calmly

"you will be free to travel and absorb your other self-access the timeline. and I will not hunt you down." He said calmly

"and why should I fear you?" Ling Han asked, but before he coulf finish, TVA Ling Han had appeared behind him

"I mastered the Dao of time and space, I'm also an elder God. and I'm one of the few Ling Han with the Skill The End. you going against me will be a pointless fight. even if you ram into your spirit farm." He said calmly

"Alright, we are a team." Ling Han said calmly as he and Elise disappeared, entering a new timeline

Within a pocket, space which was cut off from the outside world. The masked woman with white sat within a room, resting her head on her head while she watched a crystal ball of Ling Han

"Big sister, you said you will play with me." a little white-haired girl said as she walked into the room. If Ling Han were here, he would have sensed that this kid had the black tower, along with the sky poison pearl.

The masked woman which quickly shot the crystal ball off as she stood up.

"of course, what do you want to play?" She said in a soft tone as she removed her mask. Showing an appearance that looked like an older version of the little girl.

If one didn't look closely, they would confuse her with the tree of life and death.

"don't know... no one ever taught me a game, as they would just forget I was there." the little girl said softly

"don't say that. I will never forget you like they did... how about I teach you a game, it was taught to me by someone I looked up to." She said with a smile

"really? where are they now?" the little girl asked softly

"she passed away. I came where to kill the person who took her away from me... but forget all of that. This was the first game she taught me. It is called Red light green light." She said with a smile as she went on to teach her the game.