
My System And I : Parallel World

It began in the year 2022 February 4 exactly 6 days to her birthday. In the country Nigeria. What happens when a sudden tear of space opens up in the universe? Well, what occurred could be described as hell on earth. A wormhole appeared and instead of pulling everything into it instead creatures that could only be imagined landed in Nigeria. What soon followed for the onlookers could only be described as a massacre. Xi Wang an ordinary young lady who seems to be in her 20s by coincidence killed one of the creatures which earned her a system. But what happens when she suddenly looses consciousness while still trying to understand her system only to find herself in the future 10 years from the present?. Not only was she ten years into the future but also stuck in a VR game playing the role of a character design that was never made for the game. What happens when someone who was a Beta-tester picked her not deliberately and merges with her as a character to play the game?. Read and find out how three minds in one body co-operate to survive and achieve their goals.

Beautiful_Mind · Fantasy
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The Beginning: A Bad Premonition

Life has given her so many surprises and lots of unexpected occurrences which by the way she wasn't ready for and will never be. All her life she has lived among the shadows of her family and close friends but never had a shadow that she could call hers.

She was born in a country known as Nigeria a country that she couldn't be proud of. Ever wondered why you were birthed in your country or home? Why you can't seem to understand what your life is all about?

Ever asked yourself why your life doesn't have a purpose? When your colleagues are out there working and struggling but you're indoors or just there unable to make even a penny no matter how long or hard you work and struggle? Well, the answer is simple.

We all have a different purpose in life. Still, that didn't stop her from wandering.

At a time when she was a kid with dreams about possibilities and impossibilities but had no way of making those dreams a reality either possible or impossible.

Her very first dream was to become a talented doctor who not only can diagnose a patient within seconds but also has the solution during those seconds. A dream she developed after watching a surgeon's operation on television.

Apart from the fact that she wanted to be a talented doctor, she also wanted to be someone her patients and co-workers could talk to freely without fear or insecurity. But the reality couldn't be any crueler afterall it was all just a dream.

At the age of 16, after writing the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) passing with flying colors. Following this after she wrote the Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination which she also passed with a score of 220. That was the beginning of her journey at the university.

After all of the exams, she was given Biochemistry as a course to study. During her first year, so many incidents occurred that when remembered bring along shame, pain, regrets, and embarrassment that only she could understand.

Months became year and years became more years but she was never relieved from her pain and embarrassment. By now she was in her last year of university which instead of making her happy makes her sad. She could still remember the words her departmental dean said to her.

°Xiwang, I have been trying to reach you on your mobile unfortunately it hasn't been going through. Anyways, I have something to inform you about° Her dean said not taking her eyes away from the book she was reviewing.

°Good morning ma, there hasn't been electricity in my house for the past few days and that is why you couldn't get in touch with me° Xiwang intertwined her fingers a habit she does when she has a bad feeling. °Anyways, Please what is it you would like to inform me about?°

Adjusting her glasses Mrs. Biola raised her head looking directly into the eyes of Xiwang °I would say this once so, listen carefully° bringing her head back down to the pages of the book she began to speak like she was reading from the book.

°Xiwang, you are hereby advised to withdraw from the school due to how low your cumulative grade point has been throughout 4years. Which implies how poorly you're doing in your course of study. I hereby pronounce Xiwang as a non-bonafide student of our school. The school will therefore be refunding your school fee which has been paid due to our late notice. We sincerely wish you all the best in your future endeavors°

Xiwang stood unmoving trying to process what the words her dean had said properly. Her thoughts were jumbled unable to think clearly, her eyes fogged up with tears but she couldn't bring herself to cry. Although she never liked the course only she knew how hard she struggled just so the money her parents were spending wouldn't be a waste.

Even though Xiwang never liked her course of study, she tried her hardest just to keep maintaining her grades to the average but it seems that it wasn't enough. How was she meant to inform her parents about disappointing them?

How would she face her older sisters who have been her greatest support and were bragging to their friends about how she was the first in her family to go to the university? How would she face herself without throwing away her very first achievement?

Upon getting home, Xiwang's parents had been notified by the school and unsurprisingly, the reaction she expected from her parents was exactly what they portrayed.

The only person who when giving her that look hurt her the most was her father, the man who struggled even with his health to support her with all he had was disappointed in her. The look of disappointment in her father's eyes while he stared at her deep within her soul was heart-wrenching to look at.

While all of these were happening, Xi wang decided to pursue another dream of hers, "Writing" Xiwang tried all she could to be consistent in writing but due to the environment and house she was living in, she couldn't write according to her desire.

On that faithful day, Xiwang was sent on an errand although she was about to update a chapter for her novel but had no choice but to give up on that idea. Halfway through her journey was when she suddenly had a bad Premonition her right eye began to twitch uncontrollably to the extent of her not noticing.

Something strange began to take place, at first it wasn't noticeable but someone like Xiwang who has a sensitive nose began to notice the tantalizing aroma in the air. Like a swimmer who just breathed in the air after a long time of being underwater Xiwang began to suck in the air greedily.

Before she could begin to observe what the air was doing to the body, suddenly she heard a crack. Her first thought was maybe the rain was about to fall but to her surprise after shifting her gaze to the sky, what she saw made her stop.

Once the crack opened, a black tornado of some sort began to swirl in the sky, at first everyone's natural reaction was to stop and observe what was happening.

The next moment everyone could see silhouettes of people emerging from the black tornado, the silhouettes were equipped with various types of weapons and armors that didn't seem to fit this Modern world.

Xiwang was in tears the moment her eyes landed on them, to her ut seemed like one of her novels came to life right before her eyes and not in a movie form either.

What could be described as the icing on the cake were the creatures that landed on earth, they were falling like meteors. Her gaze spelled fascination.

Mesmerized by what she was seeing and before her imagination could run any wilder She was suddenly pounced on by one of the creatures.

°I never once believed in my Premonition but now it seems to be the only thing that could keep me safe°

My Entry For Webnovel Spirity Award 2022

Author is back again with another novel you might all be wondering about. Rest assured I am back fully prepared for all of my works.

I hope you're going to end up picking up my book and giving it a trial.

Your comments, Powerstones, and most especially your Reviews are the motivation for my creation.

Thank you for diving into this Parallel Universe.

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