
Kawasaki vs Tokyo IV

Upon seeing Tatsuki and Shun standing infront of Tsubasa looking all domineering, his teammates came rushing towards him, thinking that Tsubasa was getting bullied by the players of Kawasaki.

Although it was quite the opposite, his teammates relied on their visual senses and assumed that Tsubasa was getting bullied.

"You think he's all alone." Shuto Nagano spoke coldly while placing his hand atop Tsubasa's shoulder.

"Yeah just because your team is in the lead. You think you can bully us." Shouten Kobayashi, their goalkeeper too stepped forward.

"Huh we're bullying him?" Shun mumbled in disbelief.

Tsubasa who was already in a pretty bad mood because of the loss they were suffering, didn't deny his teammates accusations. And instead, he went with the flow.

Letting out a subtle smile, he acted as if he was the victim and supported his teammates claims, "Yeah, just because I was alone, you think I'm easy to bully?"
