
My System Academy

Eluard Kai found himself transmigrated to a magical world. A steward came over and declared that he was now the academy master of the school in front of him before disappearing to nothingness. "That damn steward said I am now the owner of this place then left me all alone! What the hell am I supposed to teach them anyway?!” He feared that some prodigious arrogant young master would come over and enroll when he himself didn’t know what he was supposed to do. "But this is a deserted academy, right? No one should come over here, right?" Unfortunately, his nightmare came about. "Academy Master, I am here to enroll in the Heavenly Magic Academy. Please allow my request in behalf of my lackluster talent." Eluard Kai almost blacked out until he heard a prompt in his head. [ A student requests to enter the Heavenly Magic Academy. ] [ Accept the request? ] --- Check out my other story, I'm Not An NPC!

Mister_Writer · Fantasy
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124 Chs

Clash of Blue, Red, and Black

Elder Harald knelt, gasping for breath. Everything that had happened so far felt surreal.

The destructive dark beams were followed by surging waves of defensive bright lights. It occurred too quickly for them to react on time. 

"Wha-… what just happened?"

"I-I am unsure, Elder…", Xerga lay on the ground in a worse condition, "Th-that elder from the League must have stopped… the aggressor…"

"Is that so… the League, huh?"

Elder Harald was surprised, "Where they sent here… or just a coincidence…?"

"I… forgot, Elder. I think we should ask later.", Xerga replied.

"Alright, search for everyone and gather around. We'll wait for Garron to come back.", Elder Harald ordered. He raised his head and noticed dust rising above a cliff far away, "Is that…"

"Damn old bastard. Didn't think that an archmage was this strong!", a low demonic voice complained. Within the dust stood the bulky silhouette of Mahiista, gripping his trembling hands.