
My Sword Reject the Ninja Path[COMPLETE]

This is the story of a soul that as result of an error is gifted a second chance at life the only problem is that he won't know when,where and who he'll be and can have only one limited gift. And so he find himself in the world of naruto......but he can't use ninjutsu. Let's find out how he will survive. Hi there everybody i am a newbie writer ,so i choose to make a fanfic as they are easier, and i'm writing this only for fun hope you like it. Disclaimer: Until the chunin exam arc will follow the canon, with some small change, it is just that the MC will be more daring the stronger he get. The cover is found on Google and all credits goes to Prometheus@WingsofWax i think

Odyin · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 78 - Start of Operation Snake Beater Final Phase

After Ren finished his talk with Tsunade, he woke up the guards around Tsunade, who didn't notice anything thanks to the Bakudō #10 Hakufuku (White Crawl), and went back home.

Once there, he saw that everyone was chatting and having breakfast and at that moment, Mebuki notice her son presence and says "Good morning Ren where have you been?", while Sakura who was talking with Karin, turns, stand up and went for a hug then she says "You're finally back Ren-nii, will you stay this time or go away once again?".

And Ren after hugging back his sister first greeted everyone then he replies to the enquiries "First I went to do my classic morning workout, as for your questions yeah I will stay around for a while, now please let me sit I'm famishing".

Then as he was eating he ask to Sakura "By the way what is your plan for the day?" and her replies "Later I have to meet up with Naruto and Kakashi-sensei, to receive our mission, what about you?".

And after wolfing down some rice he says "I will first go check on Hayate-sensei, the twins and Yakumo, then I'll go and report my return to the Hokage".

After breakfast Ren said Goodbye to his parent, and with Karin, Jugo and Peri, they went toward Gekko Hayate's house, on their way Ren also meet with Shikamaru and Temari, and after some pleasantries, and teasing, moved on and reached the Gekko's Home.

When he knocked on the door the one who opened was a small 3 year old child with purple hair and bright brow eyes who looking at Ren he screamed "Ah! Ren-niisan you are back?"

Then Ren took him in his arm and said "Mika-chan, how did you get so big so fast, How are you? Is your father home?" and Mikatsuki replies "Father is on a mission only mother is at home, and I'm great, mother just taught me how to mold Chakra..."

And then from inside the house Yugao voice came "Mika who is it?....Oh Ren-kun you are back...Come in" and so Ren spent some time talking with Yugao while Karin was playing with Mika and Peri and Jugo was watching everything like a hawk.

Looking at his friend Ren thought "No matter how much the Nature Energy increase his murderous instinct, in front of animals and children he will always be a protector and reign himself"

From Yugao Ren learned that the twins went out on a mission with Hayate-sensei, so Ren choose to go directly to the Kurama Mansion, to meet with Yakumo or know where she was.

But once there her mother Uruko said that she was away for training, so Ren decide to go to the Hokage office to "officially" report his return, he came just in time to see Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi running fast out of the building.

'And Gaara must have been captured...should I send Haku to help them?...yeah better safe then sorry...I will also tell Zabuza to start Operation Turtle Jar' So he turns to Karin and whisper in her ear "Can you prepare the Tegatai Kizuna (Secure Bond) Style Seal, I think its time for Operation Turtle Jar"

And Karin "With, no problem it was more difficult to create then to do, in fact it is thanks to the Uzumaki Library that I was able to do it so soon, create a seal that just bind some of the Bijuu's Chakra, so that the Host can have the advantage of a Jinchuriki without having to seal the whole beast, but it need the consent of both parties, this way the Bijuu can send Chakra to his host even while begin outside of his body, if he is killed he can reform itself inside the host, and if he is sealed in another place, can use the bond to free itself by transferring his whole Chakra to the host, and the host gain all the advantage of a Jinchuriki, but instead of a reluctant caged beast he will have a partner,and he wont risk begin killed by the extraction of that chakra as the original chakra in the host is so small that doesn't change the chakra volume much, I must admit it was a genius idea dear"

And Ren kiss her and say "And you are the genius that made it possible" then he summoned two Jigokucho, and send one to Zabuza and one to Haku with the new directives, to Zabuza to search and make contact with Isobu and talk about the new type of seal, and Haku to go to Suna and support Sakura, Naruto and Kakashi.

Then Ren once again went inside the Hokage office and meet with Tsunade who was dealing with the paperwork about Suna mess and said "Former Genin Haruno Ren, is back from his training journey Hokage-sama and now I'm ready to return to duty"

And Tsunade "Glad to have you back, more ninja are always needed, and who are those two behind you?" and Ren starts the introduction "The man is Jugo a friend I made during my travel, he doesn't have a place to call home so I offered mine, I can guarantee that he is a trustworthy individual, while she is Uzumaki Karin, my girlfriend and from the Uzumaki clan, they both want to join the village"

As he was doing introduction, Ren felt a Jigokucho appear behind him, with a scroll from Dosu, meaning that he found Orochimaru Hideout in Kusa, so Ren gave Tsunade a hidden signal.

Tsunade noticed and after talking for a few moment she said "As you are Sakura's brother, I will trust you judgement and so for now I will welcome both of you, but we still have to test all of you, so I will send you to a test mission, your client will be me, now I have some info of some suspicious movement from a bandit group in Kusa, I want you to go there investigate it and deal with it, are your order clear?"

And Ren, Karin and Jugo "Yes!" but just as they were about to go out and start their mission Tsunade said "Wait! I can't let you go on you own, a trusted ANBU will go with you"

Hearing that Ren thought 'Wait...what? That wasn't in the plan how can she be sure that this ANBU can be trusted?' then Tsunade call "Kasagai (Magpie), come out!" and from one of the hidden place came out a woman 1,65 tall with long brow hair, wearing a magpie porcelain mask, and the classic ANBU outfit, appeared next to Tsunade who had a mischievous smile and thought 'You aren't the only one that can surprise people'

Then she say to Kasagai "For this mission you will join them and both help and evaluate their abilities, you will once again use your real identity for this mission, objection?"

And Kasagai replied "No, Hokage-sama" in a voice that was very familiar for Ren, the she removed her mask and showed her face, and said with a smile"Long time no see Ren, have you been well?" and Ren "Yes, nice to see you again, Yakumo..."

Pick Up of the Day

Are you the All Spark, because you have given me a new meaning of life.(Transformers)


Have a Nice Day Cya

Odyincreators' thoughts