
The Various Sects

In the restaurant at the entrance of the Patrol Department. Su Yang, Sun Tianpeng, and Ye Jiang sat around a table.

As Su Yang had speculated, Ye Jiang and Sun Tianpeng's relationship was actually not bad, but... They had been enemies since they were young.

One has strong martial arts but lacks agility. The other has excellent agility but lacks martial arts. Under the bickering, no one was convinced by the other.

But their relationship… It was really not bad.

In the past few days, every time Ye Jiang came back, he would drag the two of them to drink and eat. At the same time, they would talk about the grievances of the people in the cities under his management.

After a while, they became familiar with each other.

Although Sun Tianpeng was frivolous, he was a good person. His frivolous attitude was basically directed at Ye Jiang or those who made him unhappy. It was normal for him to interact with others.