
My Sweet Poor Wife

"Zhao Ce traveled through time to the Ming Dynasty and became a notorious poor scholar. He realized that he borrowed money to marry a wife but spent all the money and ended up buying a pitiful little cripple to be his wife. This little cripple had heterochromia and was treated like a monster. Zhao Ce thought to himself: 'What kind of human suffering is this?' However, when he took a closer look at the little cripple, who was thin and small with big blinking eyes...she was a bit cute. With their poverty-stricken home, Zhao Ce, a farmer's son, had to roll up his sleeves and study while also finding ways to become prosperous with his little wife." ..................................................................................................... Release Schedule: Chapters will be posted Monday through Thursday (Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu) Thank you and enjoy the read! Also consider reading the extra chapters on my Patreon, patreon.com/KnittedTurtle This story is only available on RoyalRoad, Scribblehub, and Webnovel. If you find it anywhere else, please reach out to me. Thank you.

knittedturtle · History
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75 Chs

Married a golden bowl

Zhao Youcai and Zhao Wenhua looked at each other.

"Even if you made a mistake, it's not all your fault?" Zhao Ce felt somewhat relieved that they listened to him. But Zhao Ce's words left them puzzled.

Zhao Ce remembered the incident where he paid five taels of silver to a courtesan, and he couldn't bring himself to speak of it. After all, this matter was closely related to the courtesan.

If Zhao Youcai found out that he had taken the silver to the brothel, he would probably snap his legs.

Zhao Ce recalled that day when he attended a gathering with his classmates. He had a few drinks and wanted to use the restroom. But he was mistakenly directed to the room of a drunk courtesan in the Drunken Fragrance Tower.

He saw the goddess he had been thinking about day and night and was so moved that he wanted to recite a poem and confess his feelings. However, his ink was limited, and he only managed to blurt out "lotus-like face, willow-like eyebrows" before he was interrupted.

The courtesan was frightened and screamed, and the people outside rushed in. Coincidentally, his friends were at the forefront and they apprehended him on the spot, accusing him of being morally corrupt and intruding into a woman's chamber.

This matter was reported to their teacher, who was furious and threatened to expel him. It was a day off yesterday, and he was supposed to go to the academy today. But Zhao Ce thought of the incident where his teacher threatened to expel him, so he didn't go and make things worse for himself.

Zhao Ce briefly explained the situation to Zhao Youcai, skipping over his infatuation with the courtesan. After all, what did the original stupid Zhao Ce have to do with him? He had the money to spend on the courtesan's smelly feet, but he might as well buy some new clothes for his cousins at home.

Zhao Youcai frowned after hearing it. "Your teacher... didn't even ask you about the reason for the misunderstanding and wanted to expel you?" Zhao Youcai couldn't say anything more. After all, they were all scholars, and Zhao Ce's teacher was his superior. How could a student speak ill of his teacher? But this matter was so ridiculous no matter how they thought about it.

Zhao Ce was also helpless. Those classmates didn't like him being alone and accused him of wanting to eat swan meat. It was obviously a deliberate setup, ruining the reputation of a scholar. Otherwise, the original Zhao Ce wouldn't have died of anger and let himself cross over.

Zhao Wenhua listened to Zhao Ce's explanation and fell silent for a while before saying, "Since it's a misunderstanding, take Zhao Ce to the academy tomorrow and apologize to the teacher properly. Maybe there's still a chance to turn things around. Otherwise, he won't be able to participate in the elementary scholar examination next year."

Zhao Youcai nodded and said, "Okay. I'll prepare the formal attire today, and we'll leave early tomorrow morning."

"I didn't go to school today; I don't know if the teacher will blame me." Zhao Ce listened to their conversation without objection, taking it all in.

When they were talking, Li Shi brought a bowl of water to Zhao Ce. He took it with both hands and said, "Thank you, Aunt Li." Li Shi felt relieved that he was so polite today and spoke gently. But when she heard Zhao Yochai say that he was going to prepare formal attire, she felt a little unhappy.

He had already spent five taels of silver and now he had to pay for the formal attire. But studying was important, and they couldn't let Zhao Ce miss out on it.

Li Shi had to say, "We have some sugar at home. Bring it tomorrow." "Buy a piece of pork in town and bring a hundred wen with you." Zhao Youcai was about to agree when Zhao Ce interrupted him, saying, "Uncle, there's no need for you to prepare. I'll take care of the gifts for the apology to the teacher."

Zhao Youcai was a bit worried, but Zhao Ce reassured him, promising that the gifts he would present would definitely please their teacher. Zhao Youcai then thought of the white sugar that Zhao Ce's wife had made and felt relieved.

After the matter was settled, Zhao Ce went straight to ask Aunt Li Shi for some blocks of charcoal. Aunt Li Shi saw that Zhao Ce was sincere and didn't say anything. She had Zhao Ce wait in the main hall while they went to the back to pick out some good charcoal.

The ash from their fireplace was piled up in the corner of the woodshed. Zhao Youcai and his wife rummaged through the ashes, picking out pieces of charcoal. Li Shi sighed softly beside him. "What are we going to do with Zhao Ce?" she asked. "If he were a bit more sensible, our family could take care of him to some extent." "But he's the kind of person who..." Li Shi thought of Zhao Ce's behavior before and felt a heavy heart.

His fields had all been sold, and when they tried to stop him, he said that his things were none of their business. He hadn't even passed the exam for the rank of elementary scholar, and now they had only one shabby house left.

Their family was not wealthy, so if Zhao Ce couldn't achieve good results in his studies, they couldn't keep supporting him indefinitely. Zhao Youcai was putting charcoal in a basket as he spoke nonchalantly, "The fortune-teller said that our nephew is a star that has descended to Earth." "Now that he's married, he's also more sensible." "Things will definitely get better in the future." "When he goes to high school, you'll be the aunt of a big official, won't you have some face then?"

Li Shi snorted and said, "I hope it turns out that way, but I hope he won't mess up again in a few days."

Zhao Youcai chuckled and looked around. He leaned in and whispered to his wife, "The wife that Zhao Ce married is quite capable." Li Shi was curious and asked him to elaborate. Zhao Youcai briefly explained about the white sugar.

Li Shi was surprised and exclaimed, "Did he marry a golden bowl?" Zhao Youcai proudly replied, "Of course!" "Our Zhao Ce is not stupid. The daughter-in-law he married for five taels of silver must be worth more than that!" "So our Zhao Ce will definitely have a bright future." Li Shi laughed and scolded him, "You're so poor." "Tomorrow he must apologize properly to the teacher." The two of them quickly picked up a basket of charcoal and gave it to Zhao Ce, who was waiting outside.

After saying goodbye to the family, Zhao Ce walked away with the basket of charcoal. Zhao Wenhua saw that Zhao Ce was carrying a basket of charcoal but didn't mind at all. He still walked confidently. Thinking back to how he used to walk, shaking his head and swaying, he thought that the present Zhao Ce was really pleasing to the eye.

Zhao Youcai brought Zhao Wenhua back to the house and saw that the small bag that Zhao Ce had brought was still in its original place. Zhao Youcai laughed and scolded him, "This child..." Zhao Wenhua curiously picked it up and opened it. Then he exclaimed, "Dad, this is what you were talking about earlier, the white sugar that Zhao Ce's wife made!" Zhao Youcai nodded. "Yes, have you seen it in the city before?" Zhao Wenhua shook his head. "I've only heard of it, but I've never seen it." "No wonder you said it's so profitable. It really is a good thing."

Zhao Wenhua felt a bit tempted when he saw it. If Zhao Ce could supply it to their restaurant, that would be great.

Zhao Youcai seemed to have guessed what he was thinking and said directly, "I can't decide this, it has to be discussed with your cousin." Zhao Wenhua smiled and said, "There's no rush." "Let's take care of the school first." Zhao Youcai nodded and asked Li Shi to prepare a bigger red envelope. They would take it with them tomorrow to the academy.