
My Sweet Lover Billionaire Playboy (English Novel)

For 18+ & 21+ Ilario Sanders Charismatic 24-year-old man is the President Director of Golden Pearl. Ilario is a Playboy. But his life changed when he met Chiara, a beautiful girl from Italy and Indonesia, aged 16. Chiara already has a boyfriend named Ignazio Sanders. A handsome 24-year-old man who turns out to be Ilario's Twin Brother. Chiara and Ilario's meeting brought disaster to Chiara, because Ignazio didn't like Chiara to talk to any man, let alone the man seemed captivated by Chiara's beauty. Ignazio brutally fucks Chiara, which kills Chiara. Ilario who knows Ignazio's bad temper, quickly saves Chiara. Ilario also punished Ignazio sadistically, whipping Ignazio's body. Austin, the father of the twins, knew about this condition, and it was immediately taken over, so that Ilario would not kill Ignazio for Chiara's sake. Austin is also responsible for Chiara's fate. All the wounds on Chiara's body were treated, then Chiara was sent to Sydney to continue high school. Austin also asked Ilario to accompany Chiara while in Sydney, because Austin knew Ilario was touched by his love for Chiara. Since then Ilario and Chiara have been in love. Unfortunately their love journey experienced many obstacles from Ignazio and Madalena. Madalena is the mother of the twin sisters. All these obstacles are ruin for Chiara. What happened next?

Mira_Sahid · Urban
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5 Chs

Fear When Awaken

While outside the ICU, Austin came accompanied by Vikrar and 4 aides. Marko saw this immediately greeted.

"Grand Master."

"How's the girl doing?" asked Austin calmly but worriedly. How not to worry, before this incident, 2 years ago, Ignazio killed Mirza. Luckily Austin was able to reconcile the Mirza family to forgive Ignazio.

Marko sighed, finding it hard to convey Chiara's condition. Fear of Austin killing Ignazio.


"So and so, Master, Miss Chiara is still not awake, because the injuries she received were quite severe. Both nipples are torn. His cock was bleeding quite seriously."

"Good grief." said Austin gasped to hear this, his heart immediately felt sad, "Where's Ilario?" He didn't look at Ilario at the moment.

"Still accompanying Miss Chiara in the ICU."

"How long has he been there?"

"From after punishing Mr Ignazio, until now. The young master doesn't want to leave Miss Chiara at all. He also chased us away, when We persuaded him to rest for a while."

Austin frowned. Why Ilario like this? Although he feels responsible for the mistreatment Chiara has endured, it's not as much as Marko said. Is what Ignazio said true, if Ilario has a crush on Chiara? But is it possible? Ilario wouldn't fall in love with a 16 year old girl.

"Sir," Marko rebuked Austin, "Have you asked Mr. Ignazio who are Miss Chiara's parents?"

"No need. Let me heal and heal the girl first. Let's not get hurt because his parents found out back street dating with Ignazio Guru at his school."

"Then what about the school, sir? Will definitely look for him since he didn't go to school?"

"Vikrar will take care of that later." Austin ended the conversation, "Now take me to visit Chiara." then walked to the ICU door.

Marko quickly followed, and opened the door, and let Austin and Vikrar in. Vikrar then put the ICU visitor uniform on Austin's body, and rushed to wear the same uniform to his body, just accompanying Austin to the place where Chiara was still lying in a coma.

Austin's steps stopped, he saw Ilario so sadly accompanying Chiara. His ears heard Ilario's moans. 'Strange,' Austin whispered. Indeed, because of Ilario, Chiara got this accident, but this was the first time Austin saw Ilario crying over Chiara's condition. This was the first time Austin saw Ilario holding Chiara's hand, pressed it to his cheek, occasionally kissing the top of Chiara's hand, even kissing Chiara's forehead affectionately.

Austin slowly approached Ilario, he didn't rebuke Ilario, just watched Chiara. He want to see what Chiara looks like. He saw that Chiara's face was plain as it was, indicating that Chiara's heart was clear. Then he saw Chiara's beautiful face could make any man touched and excited.

Then look at Chiara's profile like Javer's. 'Unfortunately this girl,' whispered Austin's heart, 'became my son's savage lover when he was jealous. And if this girl is Javer's daughter, I can be hostile to Javer.'

Austin gently touched Ilario's shoulder, rubbed gently.

Ilario gasped, turning to his side, surprised to see Austin. He quickly put Chiara's hand on the bed, stood up, and kissed the top of Austin's right hand. Austin patted Ilario on the shoulder.

"He must be safe." Austin cheered on Ilario.

"All this because of Rio, Papa."

"No, son. Your savage brother when jealousy hits her. I don't know where it came from. Papa doesn't have that trait. Neither will your mother."

"Actually Ignazio wanted to beat Rio, but since he was afraid of Rio, he took it out on Chiara."

"That's enough." Austin smiled, "We'll treat and heal this girl, and return her to her family."

"Give it back to his family?"


"Will Ignazio be able to grab him again? Rio is afraid that this girl will get hurt again."

"So it's good for you?" Austin looked at Ilario with eyes probing his son's heart, "Rio, this girl is still a 16 year old teenager. Still have the responsibility to finish high school, then go to college."

DEG..Ilario was hit by his father's talk. For some reason, when he met Chiara, his heart and mind were captivated by Chiara's aura. That's why he quickly realized that there was a certain danger that Chiara could get because of him.

"But." Austin spoke again, "If you want, Papa can give it to you. Just let her finish high school, then go to college. Only then will Papa marry you to her."

"After all, it was Papa." Ilario spontaneously rejected Austin's words.

"Then you want now Papa to marry you to her?"

JLEB..Ilario swallowed his saliva. His father can read his heart and mind who wants Chiara to be his wife.


"Then Ignazio?"

"He's looking for someone else." Austin smiled, "Don't worry, if you're moved, Papa can make Ignazio let go of this girl for you to hug with love."

JLEB..Ilario swallowed his saliva again.


"Let her finish school and college first." Ilario sighed, "And Rio accompanied her who finished School and College. Let her be comfortable with Rio."

Austin smiled hearing this. 'Ignazio is right,' he chuckled, 'Ilario is in love with Chiara. But that's okay. I saw Chiara a good girl, and from a respectable family. Especially if it turns out that this girl has a relationship with my best friend Javer, it's very good again. Papa and Uncle Diego's wish to make the Primary Family and the Castelo Family one family through the marriage of their two grandchildren came true.

But I have to investigate first what Chiara's relationship with Javer is, because Javer has no children from Ninetta.

Austin was about to talk to Ilario, but he saw Ilario move to sit back down facing Chiara, and Ilario's hand lightly patted Chiara's cheek. Austin turned his gaze to Chiara. He saw Chiara's eyes began to move about opening.

'Hopefully this girl wakes up,' he sighed hoping Chiara would wake up seeing Chiara's eyes move. 'I can slowly trace who this girl is, from this girl, and also from my hands out there. But I have to be very careful, so that Madalena and Ignazio don't know this. I'm afraid Ignazio will whine at Madalena to ask me to return this girl to Ignazio. While I want this girl for Ilario.'

"Chiara," Ilario was still lightly patting Chiara's cheek, while calling Chiara, "Chiara..wake up dear."

'Dear?' asked Austin's heart, 'Hehehe,' He smiled amusedly, 'My son is really touched by this heart, so my son calls darling to this girl.'

"I'm grateful." said Ilario because Chiara's eyes were open, "Hey..Chiara..Look at me." he guided Chiara to look at him.

Chiara's eyes slowly saw Ilario. Chiara gasped in surprise, got up spontaneously, but..

"Ahhh!" she screamed in pain.

"Good grief!" Ilario quickly supported Chiara's body, and slowly laid Chiara on the bed, "Don't move yet." he coaxed softly, "You're still hurt."

Chiara didn't speak, watching Ilario. Why this man again? Why are you with him? He then looked around. Seeing that Austin was by Ilario's side.

Ilario took Chiara's hand, gripped it gently.

"You're in the hospital." Ilario explained knowing Chiara didn't recognize where she was, "You passed out in Ignazio's room, after Ignazio molested you."

DEG..Chiara remembered that sadistic event again. Chiara became frightened, again waking herself up. Ilario quickly restrained him.

"Let go of me." Chiara whined, "Later Kak Zio will see this." He became frantic with fear.

"Hey," Ilario gripped the sides of Chiara's upper arms, "You calm down, okay?" Chiara stared at him gently, trying to calm the frightened Chiara.

"How calm." Chiara panicked, "I don't want him to be jealous, because..because..."

"Because he's going to hurt you?" interrupted Ilario.

Hearing this Chiara's body shook with fear. His lips pursed slowly full of glee.

Ilario gently hugged Chiara, muffled the vibrations of Chiara's body, flowed comfortably for Chiara. Chiara's cry broke out in Ilario's chest. Ilario gently stroked Chiara's arm.

"Calm down, honey, calm down. I won't let Him or anyone hurt you. You're safe with me." Ilario kissed the top of Chiara's head for a moment, bringing peace and comfort to Chiara. A moment later, tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes. Ilario felt Chiara's pain and fear at this moment.

Austin sighed, sad to see Chiara filled with pain and fear. She slowly comes out of the room with Vikrar.

"You find a nice room for Chiara in Sydney." Austin gives Vikrar instructions, while they're out of the ICU. "Also look for some teachers from Indonesia who are competent with the teaching and learning system at the high school where Chiara goes to school. After he was allowed outpatient, I sent him there to finish high school by studying online."

"Yes Big Master."

"Prepare all personal needs and pocket money for Chiara while in Sydney. Send an Assistant and Aides to guard him there. I want him to be comfortable while there."

"Yes Big Master."

"All these things my wife and Ignazio should not know."

"Very well, Mr. Excuse me, Sir, what about Miss Chiara's parents?"

"You made an appointment to Leone Assistant Javer Castelo for me to meet Javer personally. I have a feeling that Chiara is related to Javer, and only Javer can talk to Chiara's family in Indonesia to allow Chiara to have all the things I told you about."

"Excuse me sir, do you have to do all this?"

"Yes, to be worthy of being married to Ilario, my son, my pride. Ilario wants this girl to be his wife, so I must support him."

"Then what about Mr Ignazio? After recovering, will he be in prison, or does the Master have other plans for him?"

"In prison first." Austin said with a sigh, "Then you prepare for a trip wat him to Afghanistan."