
My Sweet Battle Maids

After saving an old man from a monster attack, the old man blesses the protagonist with a fortune beyond belief. That fortune is a massive massion with eight maids at his command that will serve him. The protagonist is grateful for this fortune, but before he can become their master he has to prove himself to the maids. How must he prove himself? By defeating all eight maids. Only then will they recognize him as their master. The eight maids may look cute but they are insanely powerful, only having one previous master in their history of being maids...the old man. The protagonist seems to want to take on this challenge as he's never backed away from a challenge before in his lifetime. This will be the start of a new chapter in his life.

ShiningZero · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

The Battle Maidens (1)

"Somebody help us!" A woman screamed as she had her back against the wall of a building, straying away from the horde of monsters that approached her.

An old man walking with his cane looked at the monster and noticed an ergokinetic sword strike the monster and kill it. He looked around and noticed me in the air then land on the ground, on both feet.

"It's Asin Lasslow! The Hero of the Infinite Frontier! Our savior has come!" Another woman said in relief.

"Asin!" A man called out to me.

I unsheathed my blade and my aura spiralled around my body powerfully. "I'll have this done in seconds."

"Seconds? There's at least hundreds of them! How will you manage that?!" Another young man asked.

"Like this.." I said then used a burst of speed to move faster than their eyes could track.

"The Zero Step Technique. His speed is immense.." The old man said.

I began to strike the monsters and one by one they went down. I stopped and a rush of wind blew and everyone covered their faces. The wind stopped and I looked back at them. The old man looked at me and a woman screamed. One of the monsters went appeared in front of the old man and attempted to kill him!

"Void Feather!" I bellowed and shot a dark energy projectile at the monster, striking it right in its head and it fell on the ground shrieking then died.

The old man looked at me and everyone was in awe. He watched me sheath my weapon and walk to him.

"Are you alright, sir?" I asked.

"I am because of you, son." The old man smiled and pat my arm.

"It was nothing sir. Just doing my heroic duties." I said then began to walk off, but he grabbed my arm. I looked back at him.

"For saving us I have to give you a reward. Such a hero like you can not fight all of these battles alone. You might've saved our Infinite Frontier, but I can sense the enemies you'll face will be a lot tougher plus I can tell that you are a wanderer." The old man spoke.

"Is this the part where I gain a super cool weapon because the one I have is already pretty cool." I questioned.

The old man chuckled and shook his head, letting me go. "The reward is a home and eight beautiful women to take care of you while you venture the vast lands of Avalen."

"So a home and maids? I mean that's pretty cool." I shrugged.

"Not just any home and maids. A large mansion and eight Battle Maids." The man answered.

I looked at the man and crossed my arms. "Go on."

"You see...I used to be the previous master of the Battle Maidens, but I've grown too old to properly care for them and keep them safe. I've been looking for a young and strong lad who will not only keep the women safe but also protect the mansion as it has secrets inside that can't be found out." The old man said then walked ahead.

"I see." I said as I followed him.

"Allow me to take you there now." The old man said then tapped his cane on the ground then we warped away.

We appeared in front of a massive mansion in a matter of seconds. The mansion was in a rather open area and just about reached to the sky from a perspective. I looked at the old man then looked back at the mansion.

"Allow me to call the maidens." He said then tapped his cane against the ground and eight pillars of energy appeared in front of us. "These eight are the Battle Maids. Alright ladies, remember when I told you I would find someone fit to care for you, a worthy Master? Here he is. Asin Lasslow. Hero of the Infinite Frontier."

"Asin? I have never heard of that name before. It doesn't sound local." One of the maids said.

"Well the Infinite Frontier isn't within our country but it is an important landmark to separates Avalen from the other countries and continents. However, I don't blame you all for not knowing him. You have been tending to the mansion." The old man spoke.

"But Master Grats, what will be of you?" Another asked.

"I will be retiring from being a Master. I have grown too old to properly take care of you all and protect you. You all treated me like a father as I have treated you like my daughters...but Father Time has spoken and it is my time to move on to the next life." Grats said and turned around then pat my arm. "Take good care of them..."

I watched him walk off then warp away. I directed my attention back to the maids and placed my hand on the handle of my sword. "He's told me the requirements of being your master. I have to defeat all eight of you correct?"

"That is correct." The first maid said and raised her dress slightly then bowed down. The other maidens warped away then the maid in front of me opened her eyes and a cat walked up next to her. "My name is Florence...and I will be your first opponent."

"Florence, well what is your power?" I asked.

"My power is Animal Mastery, but I am also skilled in combat of my own. This is my partner, Haji. He has his Inner Beast Mode unlocked because of Master Grats. We are ready when you are, Mister Asin Lasslow." Florence said.

I looked at her and smirked. "Let's see what you're made of. I don't want either you or Haji to hold back at all."

"Are you sure?" Florence asked.

"Yeah. Show me your full power." I said.

"Fine. Haji! Full power!" Florence commanded.

Haji ran forward and let out a roar and his body shined white then his figure began to grow larger and larger. He transformed into a large sabertooth tiger and roared. I smirked and lightning crackled around my body.

"Because of our bond...my personal power is Aura Combat!" Florence bellowed and her aura surged around her body powerfully. "Let's see just how strong he really is Haji!"

Haji roared and ran forward then slashed his claws at me. His claws hit the ground and Florence looked surprised to see me in the sky.

"S-So fast..!" Florence stammered. She shook her head. "Haji! Blow him away!"

I landed on Haji's paw and began to scale up his arm. I unsheathed my sword and used a burst of speed to move faster than Haji could track. He roared as one of his weak spots were struck. I appeared in the air then summoned six energy swords behind me and sent them flying at his weak spots. Florence grunted and groaned as she felt the same pain Haji felt. She held her shoulder and panted.

I landed on the ground and noticed Haji's eyes shine then he roared, slightly shaking the ground. He ran to me and slashed his claws at me. I blocked it and grunted. I used my aura to boost my strength then pushed him back and knocked him off balance then ran straight ahead to Florence. Florence looked surprised and braced herself. I sliced at her, but she used her aura to form a barrier to deflect my attack.

"Heh, certainly you would've seen this happening? You're controlling Haji and if you go down, you both go down!" I bellowed and slid backwards then vanished.

Afterimages began to appear around her and Florence looked around herself. She grunted as I began to rapidly strike her barrier from all directions. Her barrier began to crack and she tried to reinforce the barrier but it shattered then I appeared in front of her then kicked her into the air. I sheathed my sword and a flurry of slashes hit her. I turned around and a powerful explosion struck her. She flew out of the smoke and landed on the ground.

"He's so fast and strong..." One of the other maids said as she watched.

"Yeah but that's only because Florence has a major flaw in her abilities. It's a great power, but her aura slowly grows weaker the more you power up you said beast and the more damage you take. That attack completely shut her plans down." Another said.

I looked at Haji and noticed he reverted to his normal form then passed out as well. I looked at the window and exhaled. "One down and seven to go."

"He defeated her so easily. Every guy that Master Grats brought up to this point has never gotten past Florence. Even with her flaw, at full power she shouldn't be defeatable let alone have her sustain any form of damage. This Asin guy...he's stronger than I could ever hope to imagine." The other maid spoke.

"He's coming...get to your positions. We now know that we can't hold back at all. If this mansion gets damaged we can always fix it. We will truly see if he's worthy to be our Master." The second maid said.

"Ingrid.." Another maid said.

"I'll be fine. With these enhancements Master Grats gave me...I will not lose." Ingrid said and watched the other maids head for their stations.

I walked into the mansion and looked at Ingrid. "Round number two for me."

"I am Ingrid, Culinary Master and the sharpest woman amongst the eight. Now let's see what you're made of.." Ingrid said and bowed at me.

"Let's get this started." I said and prepared myself for battle.