
My Supreme Magus System

When a ordinary teenager Alex is unexpectedly transported to the magical realm of Eldoria, he begins as a powerless outsider. However, his fate takes a remarkable turn when he gains access to a cheat-like System, granting him extraordinary abilities. As he learns to wield magic and sword, forms unlikely alliances, and faces both allies and adversaries. Lets follow the journey of Alex's as it unfolds—a tale of growth, building relations, and the pursuit of survival and dominance in a world brimming with magic and danger. _______________________________________________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/sTxPZdmnk3 Wiki: https://my-supreme-magus-system.fandom.com [A/N: The image is not mine, all credit goes to the original creator. Please message me or comment if you want me to take down the image.]

PP_Qwarts · Fantasy
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71 Chs

System Update

After successfully killing his first monster, Alex scanned his surroundings but couldn't spot a single creature in the vicinity.

Feeling somewhat dejected, he could only venture deeper into the area in search of more monsters.

Even after searching for over an hour, Alex couldn't find a single creature.

However, his efforts weren't entirely in vain. He had managed to collect a significant amount of rare and expensive herbs and flowers, all of which he stored in the system's storage space.

Finally, Alex spotted two Horned Rabbits in the distance. He approached them as stealthily as possible.

Taking aim at the rabbit on the right, he cast the magic spell, <Dark Bullet>.

Alex had diligently trained this spell during his free time and had achieved D-rank mastery over it just the previous night. This mastery gave him the confidence to venture alone into the wilderness.

As expected, the Horned Rabbit was swiftly dispatched with a single shot. The other one, situated to Alex's left, panicked upon witnessing its companion's instant demise and attempted to flee.

"You're not going anywhere today!"

Alex had foreseen this and lunged towards the escaping rabbit, determined to catch it and put it down as well.

The first shot missed its mark, but the second one grazed the rabbit's head, causing it to falter and succumb shortly after.

Once again, the familiar notification appeared, signifying his accomplishment.


[The Host has killed a F rank Monster] X2

[+100 XP and +2 SP]


Alex gathered the two Horned Rabbit carcasses and stored them in the system's storage, marking the successful completion of his first two Adventurer's Guild quests.

He recognized the value of these creatures, not only as proof of his hunts but also for the resources they provided.

Their fur could be used for crafting high-quality garments, known for their softness, and their horns had potential applications in crafting various tools due to their durability and sharpness.

Surveying the grassland environment, Alex concluded that it served as the natural habitat for Horned Rabbits and other small creatures. He decided to hunt a few more monsters to fulfill his system quest.

The grass in this area was unusually tall, reaching nearly 20 centimeters in height.

According to the monster encyclopedia, an F-rank monster called the Green Viper inhabited such environments, known for its high toxicity and ability to blend seamlessly into the surroundings, ambushing unsuspecting adventurers.

Proceeding with caution, Alex advanced slowly through the grasslands, his senses heightened by enchantments. Suddenly, he heard slithering noises from his left.

Without hesitation, he swung his sword in the direction of the sound. After a few swings, a notification appeared, signaling the death of a monster.

Breathing heavily, Alex turned to examine the area and found a meter-long, green-colored snake, riddled with wounds and cuts.

The snake's ability to blend into the environment had earned it a reputation for poisoning inexperienced adventurers.

Alex swiftly concealed himself behind a sizable rock and effortlessly killed another unsuspecting Horned Rabbit, which remained blissfully unaware of its impending demise.

A notification promptly flashed before him, signifying the completion of his system quest.


[The Host has killed a F rank Monster]

[+50 XP and +1 SP]


The advantage of hunting Horned Rabbits lay in their fast and agile hopping, making stealthy, single-shot kills the easiest and most effective approach.


[The host has successfully completed a Quest]

[Main Quest: Hunt F rank Monsters]

[Monsters Killed: 5/5]

[+300 XP and +5 SP]


Having completed his initial quest, Alex chose to continue hunting more monsters. Doubling his mana pool earlier and still having stamina left, he pressed on.

Alex encountered several Green Vipers and Horned Rabbits, managing to kill several of them despite the rabbits' agility and the vipers' slippery nature.

However, his path also led him to a Kobold. This half-meter-tall humanoid creature had the head of a dog and wielded a wooden club. The Kobold, attracted by the scent of blood, fearlessly attacked Alex upon spotting him.

Startled by the sudden assault, Alex managed to dodge the creature's attack and retaliated by swinging his sword, sending the Kobold flying into a large tree. A final shot of <Dark Bullet> ended the kobold's life.

After hours of hunting and battling, Alex grew weary.

As evening approached, he decided to take a break, allowing himself time to rest and recharge his mana and stamina before heading back to the city.

Finding shelter under a massive tree, Alex retrieved a sandwich and some water that he had prepared beforehand. He began munching on his meal, relishing the opportunity to replenish his energy.

Following the completion of the system quest, Alex continued to hunt, taking down an additional 7 monsters. This brought his total tally for the day to 12 successful kills.


[The Host has killed a F rank Monster] X7

[+350 XP and +7 SP]




[Host: Alex Blanc]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 16]

[Rank: F+]

[Magic Affinity: Dark(SS)]

[MP: 40/150]

[HP: 187/200]

[Experience: 1050/1000]

[System Points: 20]


As Alex observed his system panel, a completely new notification appeared before him.

[The system is ready for an update. The system will be in standby mode during the update.]

[Update Time: 6 hours]

[Does the host want to update the system?]


Alex pondered the situation for a moment, thinking aloud, "System update? Could it be because I've filled up the experience column?"