
My Supreme Magus System

When a ordinary teenager Alex is unexpectedly transported to the magical realm of Eldoria, he begins as a powerless outsider. However, his fate takes a remarkable turn when he gains access to a cheat-like System, granting him extraordinary abilities. As he learns to wield magic and sword, forms unlikely alliances, and faces both allies and adversaries. Lets follow the journey of Alex's as it unfolds—a tale of growth, building relations, and the pursuit of survival and dominance in a world brimming with magic and danger. _______________________________________________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/sTxPZdmnk3 Wiki: https://my-supreme-magus-system.fandom.com [A/N: The image is not mine, all credit goes to the original creator. Please message me or comment if you want me to take down the image.]

PP_Qwarts · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

System Level: 2

Alex found himself standing in front of the imposing gates of the academy. Surprisingly, there were no security guards or watchmen in sight.

Still, the academy maintained its reputation for safety and security, largely thanks to its principal, a renowned S-ranked adventurer, and a capable staff.

No one in their right mind would attempt to break in or cause trouble in a place inhabited by formidable individuals, especially with the fabled S-ranker overseeing everything.

This situation worked in Alex's favor as he had exceeded the academy's curfew time. Sneaking back into his dorm room seemed like a viable option to avoid demerit points.

Stealthily, he made his way toward his dormitory. Located far from the main academy buildings and lacking a warden, his dorm was his solitary sanctuary.

However, as he approached his room, he was met with an unexpected voice whispering in his ear, "You're quite late, mister."

The tone carried annoyance and anger, making it clear that the speaker was in no mood for leniency.

Startled at first, Alex recognized the voice and turned to face the owner of the scolding words. It could only be Aurora.

'She seems more than a bit upset.' Alex noted.

"Aurora, there you are. I've been looking for you." Alex began, attempting to steer the conversation away from his tardiness. "A lot happened today, and I can't wait to tell you about all the encounters I had outside."

However, Aurora's glare remained fixed on him, conveying a clear message: "Don't think you can escape this easily."

Undeterred, Alex maintained a forced smile and continued, "I'm sorry I'm so late. I was supposed to return earlier, but a series of unexpected events unfolded. I promise to explain everything in detail."

"Hmph! You'd better provide me with every detail." Aurora huffed, making her way toward their dormitory.

Alex followed closely, ready to recount his eventful day to his less-than-pleased companion.

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"Wow! You certainly had quite the adventure for your first time. I'm genuinely impressed by how you handled that Monster Wolf. But then again, I wouldn't have expected anything less from you," Aurora remarked, her chest swelling with pride as if it were her own accomplishment.

Alex merely smiled, acknowledging that it was her teachings that had helped him survive the day.

"That spell you used was just a basic Tier-1 spell. Would you be interested in learning more spells?" Aurora inquired.

"Yes, definitely. But let's save that for another time. I'm quite exhausted at the moment, and the system just came back online."

Aurora's curiosity was piqued. "What happened to the system?"

"It finished updating, and I received some messages. Anyway, how was your day? Anything eventful after I left?"

"My day was just as dull and uneventful as always before I met you. But now that you mention it, there was a woman who came snooping around here but left soon after."

'Especially since I don't know anyone here who would come looking for me?' 

"Huh, someone came looking for me?" He voiced his thoughts.

Aurora shrugged. "I don't think she came specifically for you. She just seemed to be looking around and left after inspecting the area nearby."

'It seems like it wasn't related to me. She was probably just here to check things out.' Alex concluded, relieved.

He didn't dwell on it any further, choosing to chat with Aurora and make up for leaving her alone all day. Afterward, he took a relaxing bath to unwind.

Now, it was finally time for him to delve into the system and check the pending messages.

[The system has levelled up!]

[The host has unlocked System Shop]


[Supreme Magus System]

[System Level: 2]

[Status] [Inventory] [Quests] [Shop] 


Alex noticed a new addition to the system menu: the "System Shop" tab.

Familiar with the concept from the countless web novels he had read in his previous life, he was eager to explore this new feature. Clicking on the shop tab, a new interface quickly filled his view.


[System Shop]

[Shop Experience: 0/100]

[Shop Coins: 0]



Just as he had received information about the system and its features, Alex now learned about the workings of the system shop.

The system shop introduced a new currency called "Shop Coins" (SC), which could be used exclusively within the shop to make purchases.

Earning these Shop Coins was straightforward: by selling magic cores of monsters or mana stones to the system.

The value of each core varied based on its rank and could fluctuate depending on the amount of mana contained within it.

Alex realized that his experience with the system shop would grow as he engaged in buying, selling, and using its services.

Once he achieved a certain level of experience fulfillment, the items and offerings available in the shop would undergo updates and changes.

Curious to see what the system shop had to offer, Alex decided to explore the "Buy" option to peruse its selection of items and services.


[System Shop]

[Shop Coins: 0]

[Magic] [Skills] 


At the moment, Alex observed that there were only two tabs available in the system shop: "Magic" and "Skills."

The "Skills" tab was self-explanatory, as it had proven highly beneficial to him during the day in tasks such as gathering plants and hunting monsters.

However, the "Magic" tab appeared somewhat enigmatic, and its offerings weren't immediately discernible without exploring its contents further.



 -Awaken Random Magic Affinity: 100 SP

 -Improve Magic Affinity: ?

 -Increase Mana Capacity: 10 SP

 -Increase Magic Power: 15 SP

 -Increase Mana Regeneration: 20 SP


As Alex delved deeper into the contents of the "Magic" tab within the system shop, he couldn't contain his astonishment. His heart raced, and he struggled to calm his excitement as he beheld the possibilities before him.

'I can acquire more magic affinities and even improve them... but there's more to it than that.' 

Aurora noticed his elation and couldn't resist joining in. "Why are you grinning like a fool? Tell me what you've found; don't keep me in the dark."

Alex eagerly shared the revelation with her, explaining how the system shop allowed him to awaken a random magic affinity and, even more thrillingly, improve it. He also mentioned the options to increase his mana capacity and magic power.

"You can do what?" Aurora's shock was palpable, as if her entire understanding of reality had been shattered.

She possessed more knowledge than Alex did, and she comprehended the gravity of what he was describing.

'If his system can grant him magic affinities and allow him to continuously improve them, what kind of monster will he become?' Aurora couldn't help but tremble, her mind racing with the implications of Alex's newfound abilities.