
My Supreme Magus System

When a ordinary teenager Alex is unexpectedly transported to the magical realm of Eldoria, he begins as a powerless outsider. However, his fate takes a remarkable turn when he gains access to a cheat-like System, granting him extraordinary abilities. As he learns to wield magic and sword, forms unlikely alliances, and faces both allies and adversaries. Lets follow the journey of Alex's as it unfolds—a tale of growth, building relations, and the pursuit of survival and dominance in a world brimming with magic and danger. _______________________________________________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/sTxPZdmnk3 Wiki: https://my-supreme-magus-system.fandom.com [A/N: The image is not mine, all credit goes to the original creator. Please message me or comment if you want me to take down the image.]

PP_Qwarts · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Sherry's Pursuit [1]

Alex reported the completion of his quest at the Adventurer's Guild and then proceeded to the third floor to sell all the monster carcasses and cores.

He decided to keep 16 F-rank monster cores along with the 5 E-rank monster cores for himself.

The total amount he received after selling all the loot amounted to about 60,000 relis. The Dimwinged's wings fetched only 400 relis, but the claws, fangs, and fur of the Monster Wolf added up to 2500 relis.

Alex couldn't believe the amount of money he now had in his account. The previous Alex was not from a well-off family, and to enter the academy, he had to sell almost all his possessions.

Now, Alex was finally capable enough to buy that GoNav map. However, he still had his needs and other necessities to fulfill.

The guild official was astonished to see a solo F-rank adventurer selling materials from an E-rank monster, especially five of them at once, including one that was twice the normal size.

'I should treat myself today. Let's buy a nice meal at a good restaurant and stay at an expensive hotel.'

Alex didn't hold back as he splurged on food and amenities, spending 10,000 in one night.

After a scrumptious and hearty dinner, he was stuffed. After booking a room at an upscale-looking hotel, Alex took a nice shower first.

During the shower, the guard's earlier words lingered in his mind. From his inherited memories, Alex had an inkling that moral values were very fickle here.

The previous Alex lived in a nice and peaceful town until it was destroyed by a monster stampede, and he became an orphan when he was sent to an orphanage.

The orphanage he lived in had some bad memories. It was still lively, compared to the world outside the walls.

That night, Alex didn't get a good sleep until late, as one thought lingered in his mind: 'Maybe one day I have to take the life of a human being, not just some monster.'

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Early the next morning, Alex woke up, got ready, and checked out of the hotel, ready to venture into the wilderness again.

With two clear objectives in mind, he set out: first, to work on increasing the mastery of his spells to D rank, and second, to hunt for E-rank monsters. Both tasks were only possible in the wilderness.

Alex, with a clear goal in mind, sprinted immediately as he exited the city gates, heading straight for the red zone.

Having grown significantly recently, his stamina had increased, and he covered the 10 kilometers to reach the periphery of the red zone in just under half an hour.

"HaaaH, that was intense." Alex panted when he finally made it and then chugged down a stamina potion he purchased at the guild.

'This tastes like some fizzy energy drink.'

It was a cheap, low-quality potion, but still cheaper and better-tasting than a healing potion of the same quality. The potion didn't instantly refill his stamina, but it was effective.

'Wolves hunt in packs, and taking on a pack is faster, but I shouldn't just test my luck with it. I think this smaller territorial monster should be a good catch, and I should start with this.'

Alex thought as he looked at the description of a specific E-rank monster found in this region.

According to the book, Black Hedgehogs liked to live alone and made their nests in small openings or burrows underground.

With his enhanced senses, he easily spotted a nest at the opening of a small stone structure.

In front of the opening, he could see the Black Hedgehog, easily recognizable due to its discerning characteristics.

'This just looks like a mutated hedgehog from Earth. And what is with this size!'

The Black Hedgehog was all black, resembling a small dog in size.

The Hedgehog immediately attacked Alex, aiming at him with its sharp, pointed black spikes. Unfortunately for it, this attack had no impact on Alex.

"I was already prepared for this, you little rascal." Alex laughed as he taunted the small creature.

The Black Hedgehog couldn't understand the human, but it felt the mocking tone and unfazed state. In rage, it charged again at Alex in retaliation.

Alex, already aware of their attacks, had <Dark Barrier> casted beforehand. It protected him and at the same time helped him increase its mastery.

Black Hedgehogs were notorious for their sharp spike attacks. The thorn-like spikes could easily puncture holes in the body if someone took a direct hit.

The spines, about 12-15 cm in length and approximately 2 cm in diameter, could stick to the opponent's skin, leaving behind the spikes when the monster retreated.

The Black Hedgehog realized its attacks were in vain as it was repelled by the barrier surrounding the hateful human.

"<Dark Lightning>" A single shot was all it took for the Black Hedgehog to die instantly. While weak and comparable to F-rank monsters, their sharp spikes made them a nuisance.


[The Host has killed an E rank Monster] 

[+100 XP and +5 SP]


Alex continued deeper into the wilderness and encountered a few more Black Hedgehogs.

The same process repeated, and Alex had to do nothing as soon as a Black Hedgehog noticed his presence; it would charge right at him, meeting its demise.

'They are the easiest so far out of all the ones I encountered.'

This way, Alex killed three more of them without actively looking for them.


[The Host has killed an E rank Monster] X3

[+300 XP and +15 SP]


These little monsters were incredibly fearless. Whenever they spotted a threat, which they were adept at finding, they charged at it without thinking.

Due to the thorny spines on their bodies, they were usually feared by nearby monsters, causing most predators to avoid them. Their territorial nature could be linked to their fearless charge at Alex.

With <Dark Barrier> always protecting him, Alex, aware of their nature, found hunting them to be child's play.

Unknowingly, Alex ventured too deep into the red zone, muttering to himself, "I seem to have gotten too far away from the city. I should head back now."

While turning back and navigating his position on the map, he suddenly heard loud noises coming from his side.

Unable to discern the source, he curiously turned towards that direction to investigate.

He had not walked a few meters when the unknown sound started to increase, as it was coming in his direction.

'It sounds like a car engine?!'

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Sometime before Alex left the city gates, a girl with pink eyes and hair, her face resembling that of a doll, and her hair tied in two ponytails, was seen on one of the streets near the city exit.

It was Sherry, who had left the academy earlier than Alex the day before. She walked down the street when an object in her pocket suddenly started to buzz.

'Hmm, what is it this time?'

She took out a compass, which was pointing towards the gates. It was the same compass that had led her to Alex before.

"Don't tell me it found someone again, or will it be just like last time? And it's pointing outside." Her words and tone became lower as she pondered something.

With clenched hands and shaking her head, she motivated herself, "No, Sherry, you can do it. Maybe this time we will really find that person. Remember, we are doing this for Mom and Dad!"

Her eyes teared up as she thought of her parents, but she mustered the courage to move in that direction.

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Thanks for being a part of this journey with me. Can't wait to hear from you!

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