
My Supreme Magus System

When a ordinary teenager Alex is unexpectedly transported to the magical realm of Eldoria, he begins as a powerless outsider. However, his fate takes a remarkable turn when he gains access to a cheat-like System, granting him extraordinary abilities. As he learns to wield magic and sword, forms unlikely alliances, and faces both allies and adversaries. Lets follow the journey of Alex's as it unfolds—a tale of growth, building relations, and the pursuit of survival and dominance in a world brimming with magic and danger. _______________________________________________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/sTxPZdmnk3 Wiki: https://my-supreme-magus-system.fandom.com [A/N: The image is not mine, all credit goes to the original creator. Please message me or comment if you want me to take down the image.]

PP_Qwarts · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Sherry's Motives [2]

Tears welled up in Sherry's eyes, but she managed to keep them from falling.

Alex's expression softened as she revealed the personal and heartfelt reason behind her persistent interest in him.

"If it's not too much, may I ask exactly what has happened for me to think about it?"

Sherry raised her head, her teary gaze meeting Alex's. In her eyes, he saw a mixture of determination, hope, and a hint of sadness.

"Three years ago, my parents went missing. They were both archaeologists and researchers of ancient relics. One day, they embarked on a dangerous journey, and I never saw them again. This expedition of theirs was supposed to be their magnum opus, but instead, it became a haunting enigma. They vanished without a trace, leaving me all alone."

The air around them seemed to thicken with the weight of her words, and the cafe's usual ambient noise faded into the background.

"It was not their first time going on such unexpected trips, still, they used to contact me regularly. But only after they left for a few days, I couldn't contact them, and just like that, I had the last contact with them when they said they were leaving for the site. I believed that the place they were about to visit had bad network reach, but just like that, a month went by. I was starting to panic as they always contacted me in a week or so, and just like that, exactly three years will pass next month since they left me."

The vulnerability in Sherry's voice resonated with Alex, stirring a sense of empathy.

He had his own share of losses and struggles, not with someone close, but he had experienced the loss of a few friends he made in the hospital when bedridden in his previous world.

Alex took a moment to absorb the revelation, realizing that Sherry's search wasn't about her own curiosity but to unravel the mystery of her family's disappearance.

'And here I was worrying thinking that she might have wanted to do experiments on me, but she just wants to find her missing parents. I can't leave her like this after knowing all this. I should at least try to help.'

"I'm truly sorry to hear about your parents, Miss. I can't imagine what you've been through." Alex said, genuine empathy in his voice.

"If my abilities can help you find answers or closure, I'm willing to assist you if it is within my reach."

Listening to this, small tears started to fall from Sherry's eyes as she grabbed Alex's hands with hers, "Thank you, t-thank you so much for listening and offering your support. I-I will do anything...whatever you want, I will give it if you please help me with this."

"I don't want much from you, just please keep my affinity a secret. I don't want anyone to find out about this."

Sherry nodded her head several times, still tightly cupping Alex's hand in hers.

"Miss, could you please leave my hand? You have been holding it too tightly."

All her strength vanished as she returned to her old self when she realized what she did. She then fidgeted with her fingers, a common nervous habit of hers. 

"It's just...when I finally found someone I was looking for all along, I couldn't help but get all excited. I-I'm also not used to talking about personal things, especially with someone I've just met. So, um, if my actions just now seemed abrupt to you, please forgive me."

Alex reassured her with a friendly tone, "No need to apologize. We all have our unique ways of dealing with things. Can you please tell me more about what exactly is my role in helping you find your parents?"

"I want Mister Alex's help in..."

They continued to talk a bit more, delving into some casual topics to lighten the mood.

As they continued their conversation, the air became lighter, and Sherry, though still reserved, began to open up gradually.

"Well then, I guess it concludes our meeting here. And if you want, you can approach me in the academy. You already know where to find me, right?"

Sherry hesitated before speaking, "Umm...please call me Sherry and not miss. We are both first years in the same academy. Can I also..."

'Yes, now that I think about it, why do I even call her miss? Anyways...'

"Then, Sherry, you also call me by my name, Alex."

"Mm...Alex" Sherry softly muttered.

It was getting late, and both of them had no more business in the city, so they together left for the academy, this time taking a cab instead of a bus.

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Back at the academy, Aurora was having a not-so-great time and was extremely bored.

'He didn't come back last night. I wonder when he will come today? Should I go and wait for him.'

She had now made more than hundreds of rounds going back and forth at the entrance.

Every time she saw someone entering, her expression would brighten up, but upon realizing it wasn't the one she was looking for, she again had that apathetic, not-wanting-to-do-anything expression on her face.

With a slumped posture, she was turning back when, "It's only evening, and from his words and enthusiasm for magic and adventuring, he will be late, I guess. I should just go back and wa..."

Suddenly, two students entered the academy, a pair of a boy and a girl. The doll-like girl was petite and had pink hair tied in twin pigtails. The boy was lean and tall, with handsome and sharp facial features, black hair, and grey eyes.


The appearance of the unexpected pair together shocked Aurora. Alex had finally arrived, and that was all that mattered to her, so she flew towards him.

"Alexxx, you are finally back. I missed you so much!" Aurora immediately clung to him, totally unnoticed by the person next to him, Sherry.

Alex, limited to a smile, Sherry was beside him, and looking at Aurora's teasing, yet questioning gaze, he silently mouthed to her, "Don't be overdramatic; we will talk later."

"I am too tired and am in need of a nice rest. I guess we separate from here as my dorm is that way." Alex pointed towards the direction of his dorm.

"Hmm, see ya, Bye Alex." Sherry said as she moved towards another direction.

"Bye, and remember to keep quiet about what happened."

"Umhmm" turning back, she nodded.

Aurora observed all that and was now dying to know what happened in the less than two days when Alex left the academy.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

Returning to his room, Alex wasted no time, promptly collapsing onto his bed. "Ahhh, finally, I can relax."

He was both mentally and physically drained after everything he had been through – from being baited to almost succumbing to a Grim Hound. Only the timely intervention of Sherry, who witnessed him using Dark Magic, saved him.

The subsequent confrontation with her and reporting the incident to the Adventurer's Guild took a significant toll on him.

"You look exhausted and drained of energy. Rest for a while, and we can talk later."

Although Aurora was eager to learn about the events of the past two days, her concern for him took precedence.

Alex, aware of her curiosity, appreciated her consideration and lay down to rest. As he closed his eyes, Aurora hovered nearby, occasionally observing his peaceful sleeping form.

After a few hours of restorative sleep, Alex felt rejuvenated and began recounting the recent events to Aurora. Myriad expressions played across her face as she listened, ranging from shock to anger and pure disbelief.

"...That girl wants your help in opening the entrance to a hidden place?"

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