
Chapter 1: Into A New World

Mei Bai woke up singing a song.

"Nananananamana, he's gonna start a fight..." She was holding a baseball bat and got in position.

She heard the screams of adoring fans chanting her name and felt the breeze on the field flow onto her face, refreshing her. She heard the announcers voice. "And the pitcher is now warming up his pitch. He's a good pitcher but Mei Bai is notoriously a ruthless player. Especially considering their history. Let's see what they have to offer."

The pitcher looked suspiciously like her ex-boyfriend with his blond hair, blue eyes, and a dumb smile on his face. He was uselessly confident. Mei Bai squinted her eyes and then waited for him to pitch the ball.

He did this exaggerated motion of rotating his arm then threw it at her.

Time traveled in slow motion and she swung her bat. She felt the ball make contact with it and the vibrations went up to her arm. She had put all of her strength into that swing and expected great things from the outcome.

There was the crack from the bat. The ball soared in the air. And...it hit the suspicious pitcher right in the face.

She slammed the bat to the ground and started dancing with joy. And continued her song.

"I got my rock moves," she sang and happily jumped side to side with her hands in the air.

"And I don't need you," she pointed to the man grumbling in pain covering his bleeding face.

"And guess what? I'm having more fun. And now we're done," she attempted a cartwheel but her poor arms gave up halfway and she landed on her neck. That's when she actually woke up.

Aw shucks it was just a dream. She laughed to herself. If only I didn't die I could do that in real life. She took the blankets off her body and slipped her feet into the slippers next to her bed. Wait a second... I died??? How am I still here???

She shifted her body to check for injuries and felt nothing unusual about it. She reached up to her head and found out that her hair had actually grown down to her waist. She gasped. There was only one explanation for this:

*cue ridiculous made up conclusion*

She had been in a coma for 3 years. At that time her ex-boyfriend had married the person he cheated on her with. Her family must've been devastated and after determining she would probably never wake up, took her out of the hospital, and transferred her to a home. The slippers beside her bed must've been their last hope hoping she would wake up as they knew she had a habit of having them right next to her bed. Oh, how pitiful her family is. Her poor mom and dad. She'd surprise them with this miracle.

*end of ridiculous conclusion*

She rushed out the door with her slippers making a slapping sound against the hardwood floor. "Mom. Dad. I'm awake. Your daughter is awake." She didn't yell as she saw that it looked to be early morning. She passed by a mirror and noticed that her skin seemed to have become much better without blemishes and that her nos-- She stopped in her tracks and reversed to where the mirror was located.

She was looking at a girl with delicate features and had radiant, smooth skin. She had a cute nose and big double eyelid eyes. Her face was palm-sized and her lips full. She looked even more like a doll with her silky hair. In other words, without the cliche mirror description scene, she was beautiful. It was also quite clear it wasn't her face.

So of course she had the natural reaction to looking at a face that wasn't her own.

She screamed.

Inside another room, someone awoke.