
Messed up situation,

everything is over,I just made my life more worse then before, as I arrived to the bus top and sat there feeling depressed & hopeless,

"Are you ok Miss? A gentle looking man, sat beside me and asked about my story, i wasn't able to control myself, and i simply blasted everything out and told him the whole story of what just happened,and he listened every bit of it ,

He seems like a very good person and was very generous, that he offered to help me get into JTBC entertainment , not only that "even he is working there as the head of makeup department, from tomorrow I am going to start working there too,

" it was my first day working officially in that company ,so I arrived early as possible, with lots of joy and wishing nothing bad can happen today,

" I wrote my name in the log book and got into an elevator, my office is in the 16th floor,

"on the 8h floor a tall handsome man got on, at first sight' he looked a bit familiar then I realized, it's the same man who i mistook as a thief and got myself into trouble yesterday,

I pretended like i don't know him and kept looking down but as more people are getting loaded inside" he kept coming closer and closer to me, so close! that his body was pressing against me & I can feel & hear his breathing, he kept staring at me &,

I kept trying to avoid his eye contact by looking here and there,

Holly shit! Why this always happens to me, I murmured to myself, and continued looking down,

suddenly he put his arms around me and brushed my dark brown hairs and took off his mask and slowly leaned on to me, at that moment , I felt everything around me just stopped , it scared me to death ,I was feeling so goddamn nervous that even my whole body started to shiver, and slowly he started to whisper into my ears"