
Knock Knock..!!

That's James, 'my gay friend slash my boss I worked under him for 3years now, as an assistant makeup artist, and my working experience with him so far is the greatest time I ever had, I discovered a whole new world and a new person in me and also because of him," I met him" the guy of my dream "even though in some thought I think our relationship is pretty useless but anyway can't help it, we both live in two different worlds

As I arrived inside the big studio where they held the big premier, a bold guy who calls himself a director came up to me holding a script and soda bottle with an annoying tone he said "Hey can you go and check on jack rayon, he is in his dressing room and tells him by 10min he has to appear on the stage and make sure that his dress and makeup look natural ok, thank you,

Aghh, I seriously hate that guy he always orders me around like a servant anyway thanks to him I got a chance to see my love,

Knock, knock

Mr, Rayan it's Alex I got a message from the director can you please open the door, its been almost 5min now and I didn't hear any sound, I guess he is not inside but I think it's better to check once, I slowly opened the door and went inside it was empty, I couldn't see anyone except for a bunch of costumes and props, but suddenly out of nowhere; someone dragged me from behind and slammed me to the wall, and kneeled down in front me!